Der Beitrag bietet eine ausführliche Darstellung der Entwicklung der Betonung von russischen Substantiven auf -a des Zaliznjak´schen beweglichen Betonungstyps f' (z. B. ruká) in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Es werden Daten aus verschiedenen Wörterbüchern und Betonungshandbüchern zusammengestellt und die Ergebnisse einer von dem Autor durchgeführten Untersuchung des modernen Sprachgebrauchs präsentiert. Es stellen sich zwei Hauptrichtungen in der Entwicklung der Betonung heraus: zum einen die Verbreitung einer festen Endbetonung in den Singularformen der Substantive, zum anderen die Verbreitung einer festen Stammbetonung in den Pluralformen. Einige andere - allerdings weniger ausgeprägte - Tendenzen werden auch vorgestellt.
In this paper, we prove that for a given positive continuous t-norm there is a fuzzy metric space in the sense of George and Veeramani, for which the given t-norm is the strongest one. For the opposite problem, we obtain that there is a fuzzy metric space for which there is no strongest t-norm. As an application of the main results, it is shown that there are infinite non-isometric fuzzy metrics on an infinite set.
PI4K IIα is a critical enzyme for the maintenance of Golgi and is also known to function in the synaptic vesicles. The product of its catalytical function, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), is an important lipid molecule because it is a hallmark of the Golgi and TGN, is directly recognized by many proteins and also serves as a precursor molecule for synthesis of higher phosphoinositides. Here, we report crystal structures of PI4K IIα
enzyme in the apo-state and inhibited by calcium. The apo-
structure reveals a surprising rigidity of the active site residues important for catalytic activity. The structure of calcium inhibited kinase reveals how calcium locks ATP in the active site.
We assign to each pair of positive integers $n$ and $k\ge 2$ a digraph $G(n,k)$ whose set of vertices is $H=\{0,1,\dots ,n-1\}$ and for which there is a directed edge from $a\in H$ to $b\in H$ if $a^k\equiv b\pmod n$. We investigate the structure of $G(n,k)$. In particular, upper bounds are given for the longest cycle in $G(n,k)$. We find subdigraphs of $G(n,k)$, called fundamental constituents of $G(n,k)$, for which all trees attached to cycle vertices are isomorphic.
The aim of the paper is to investigate the structure of disjoint iteration groups on the unit circle ${\mathbb{S}^1}$, that is, families ${\mathcal F}=\lbrace F^{v}\:{\mathbb{S}^1}\longrightarrow {\mathbb{S}^1}\; v\in V\rbrace $ of homeomorphisms such that
\[ F^{v_{1}}\circ F^{v_{2}}=F^{v_{1}+v_{2}},\quad v_1, v_2\in V, \] and each $F^{v}$ either is the identity mapping or has no fixed point ($(V, +)$ is an arbitrary $2$-divisible nontrivial (i.e., $\mathop {\mathrm card}V>1$) abelian group).
In this paper we study some special residuated lattices, namely, idempotent residuated chains. After giving some properties of Green's relation $\mathcal D$ on the monoid reduct of an idempotent residuated chain, we establish a structure theorem for idempotent residuated chains. As an application, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a band with an identity to be the monoid reduct of some idempotent residuated chain. Finally, based on the structure theorem for idempotent residuated chains, we obtain some characterizations of subdirectly irreducible, simple and strictly simple idempotent residuated chains.
Záměr. Cílem studie bylo testování dimensionality české verze Jeffersonské škály empatie pro poskytovatele léčebné péče (JSPE-HP) na podkladě údajů získaných od representativního souboru českých lékařů a testování vlivu věku, pohlaví, délky a typu praxe na jejich výpověď. Soubor a procedura. Soubor tvořilo 1305 respondentů vybraných náhodným kvótním výběrem, dle regionu, pohlaví, věku a způsobu výkonu profese. Výsledky. Struktura nástroje byla nejprve zkoumána EFA a nález následně testován na jiném souboru CFA. Byly identifikovány tři korelované faktory s marginálně akceptovatelnou mírou shody modelu a dat. EFA vyššího řádu se Schmid-Leimanovou ortogonalizací identifikovala obecný faktor „vysvětlující“ 73,3 % rozptylu a 26,7 % rozptylu připadajících na faktory prvního řádu. Cronbachův koeficient alfa byl 0,842 a nebyl zjištěn klinicky závažný efekt věku, pohlaví, typu praxe a profesionální orientace. Neočekávaným nálezem byla relativně nízká průměrná hodnota skóru empatie ve srovnání s americkými lékaři. Výsledky studie naznačují, že česká verze JSPE-HP je jednodimensionální stupnice, psychometricky srovnatelná s US verzí a použitelná pro odhad empatického chování českých lékařů. Omezení studie. Extrapolace nálezů je limitovaná charakteristikami souborů a skutečností, že autoreferenční data nemusí nutně odrážet skutečné chování respondentů., Objectives. The aim of this study was to examine the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPEHP) underlying dimensionality and the relation of empathy scores to age, gender, practice experience, and practice type using responses from a representative sample of Czech physicians. Subjects and setting. The JSPE-HP was administered to a sample of 1,305 respondents selected using the hierarchical random proportional stratified sampling technique representing Czech physicians from the viewpoint of region, practice type, gender, and age. Results. The structure of the instrument was examined using EFA and the findings were tested on different sample using CFA. Three intercorrelated primary factors were identified with a marginally acceptable fit. High-order EFA employing Schmid-Leiman orthgonalization identified a general factor explaining 73.3% of the common variance with 26.7% explained by the first-order factors beyond the general factor. Cronbach’s alpha for total scale was 0.842 and no clinically important effect of age, gender, practice type, and professional orientation on physicians’ empathy score was found. The substantially lower mean empathy score of Czech physicians in comparison to that reported for US physicians is worthy of consideration. The results of this study indicate that the Czech version of JSPE-HP is an unidimensional scale, psychometrically comparable to the US version, and a sound instrument for self-reported assessment of the empathetic behavior of Czech physicians. Study limitation. The extrapolation of findings may be limited as the sample was representative of Czech physicians only from the viewpoint of four variables: region, practice type, gender, and age. Also, a self-report measure of empathy may not be necessarily a reflection of actual behavior in medical practice., and Jiří Kožený, Lýdie Tišanská.
The structure of the unit group of the group algebra of the group $A_4$ over any finite field of characteristic 2 is established in terms of split extensions of cyclic groups.
We give some necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive $l$-permutation groups to be $2$-transitive. We also discuss primitive components and give necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive $l$-permutation groups to be normal-valued.