The object of the paper is to update the current concept of the chronology of the Neolithic (c. 5400–3300 BC) of the Czech Republic and northern Lower Austria by comparing the typo-chronological development of been perceived in Central Europe as “basic indicators” of archaeological cultures or pottery traditions, which are then further divided into chronological stages and phases. And yet, an analysis of the relation-ships of all three levels of these entities in the context of four types of models of radiocarbon dates indicates that changes in the original material culture do not necessarily occur on a time axis. While it is true that archaeological cultures have proven to be the robust materialisation of primarily chronological trends valid in larger geographic areas, at the level of general and more detailed pottery groups, development can be manifested in other ways (regionally, socially or in a way that is difficult to interpret). and Cílem práce je revidovat současnou koncepci chronologie neolitu v České republice a na severu Dolního Rakouska (ca 5400–3300 BC), a to na základě konfrontace typo-chronologického vývoje keramiky a modelace odpovídajících radiokarbonových dat. Ve střední Evropě jsou dosud keramika a její styl často vnímány jako základní indikátory archeologických kultur, které jsou dále členěny na chronologické stupně a fáze. Analýzou vztahů všech tří úrovní těchto entit v kontextu čtyř druhů modelů 14C dat však vychází najevo, že proměny původní hmotné kultury neprobíhají nutně jen na časové ose. Je pravdou, že archeologické kultury se ukazují být robustní materializací primárně chronologických trendů platných v širokém geografickém prostoru. Avšak v rovině obecných, a tím spíše detailních keramických stupňů a fází se vývoj může projevovat i jinak (regionálně, sociálně či způsobem, který je obtížné interpretovat).
Rozšíření dvoukomorových vertikálních pecí je v zaalpském prostoru spojováno především s hrnčířskou výrobou v době laténské. Názory na funkci ojedinělých objektů tohoto typu z předchozích období ovšem nejsou zcela jednotné. Vedle hrnčířství jsou spojovány především s tepelným zpracováním potravin. K řešení otázky jejich využití byla nepočetná kolekce uvedených pyrotechnologických zařízení z úseku Ha C – LT A zkoumána z hlediska jejich formálních a metrických charakteristik a ve vybraných případech byly teplotní podmínky jejich provozu studovány s využitím rentgenové difrakční práškové analýzy. Možnosti užití zařízení k výpalu keramiky byly testovány také experimentálně. Na základě výsledků lze konstatovat, že se povětšinou jednalo o zařízení odlišné konstrukce, než byly hrnčířské pece z doby laténské. Jejich parametry problematizují myšlenku využití k výpalu keramiky, což v některých případech potvrzují také výsledky přírodovědných analýz i experimentu. and The spread of two-chambered vertical kilns in the transalpine area is connected primarily with pottery production in the La Tène period. However, opinions on the function of the unique features of this type from earlier periods are not entirely uniform. Besides pottery, the devices are linked especially to the thermal processing of food. In order to resolve the question of their use, a small collection of the aforementioned pyrotechnological devices from the Ha C – LT A period was investigated from the perspective of its formal and metrical characteristics, and in selected cases the thermal conditions of their production and operation were studied using X-ray powder diffraction analysis. The possibilities of using the devices to fire pottery were also tested experimentally. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be stated that they were mostly devices of a construction that differed from La Tène pottery kilns. Their parameters alone make their use in the firing of pottery questionable, which in several cases was also confirmed by the results of natural science analyses and experiments.
Určení vztahu mezi hrnčířským vypalovacím zařízením a keramikou, která se nachází v jeho prostorovém kontextu, představuje klíčový krok pro poznání způsobu využívání daného typu zařízení a v dalších návaznostech též pro studium organizačních forem hrnčířského řemesla. Článek se zabývá možnostmi studia vztahu hrnčířských pecí z doby laténské a keramických souborů z jejich výplní. Definuje hypotetické vazby mezi keramikou a komplexem pece, počínaje nevyzvednutými vsádkami a konče soubory tvořenými běžným sídlištním odpadem, a vyvozuje archeologické důsledky daných vztahů. Pro interpretaci vazby mezi jednotlivými soubory a vypalovacími zařízeními se jeví jako vhodná zejména kvantitativní analýza jejich typologické a technologické skladby spolu s analýzou fragmentarizace dochovaného materiálu provedená v kontextu ostatních keramických souborů daného naleziště. Aplikace takových postupů je představena formou případových studií zaměřených na vybrané situace pocházející z oppida Staré Hradisko, k. ú. Malé Hradisko, okr. Prostějov, a z rovinného sídliště v Hostivicích, okr. Praha-západ. Získané výsledky jsou diskutovány v rámci dalších poznatků získaných v širším kontextu střední Evropy. and Identifying the relationship between pottery firing structures and ceramics that have been found in their spatial context is a key step in the pursuit of understanding the use of a particular type of pottery firing structure and consequently also in the study of the organisation of pottery production. The article focuses on the possibilities of the study of the relationship between La Tène pottery kilns and the ceramic assemblages found in the features representing the remains of these kilns. We define hypothetical relationships between ceramics and a kiln complex, starting with uncollected pottery loads and ending with assemblages representing common settlement refuse, and draw the consequences of these relationships for the character of the archaeological record. Quantitative analysis of formal and technological variability coupled with analysis of fragmentation in the context of other ceramic assemblages from the site is crucial for an interpretation of relationships between the assemblages and the kilns. This approach is demonstrated in two case studies. The first case is from the Staré Hradisko oppidum (Malé Hradisko, Prostějov district), the second from an open land settlement in Hostivice (Praha-západ district). The results are discussed in the framework of other knowledge gained in the wider context of Central Europe.
1_This article uses several examples to describe transformations of early medieval settlement structures-mostlyfrom pre-urban central agglomeration-to the communal town as it is reflected in archaeological finds. The attention was focused on three main questions: 1) What were the dynamics of the early medieval settlement? 2) Is thereany evidence for a communication network in the pre-urban period and after the town was founded? 3) What arethe changes in organisation of space and how does the pattern of a built-up area in this period appear? The sitesselected include-Prague, Chrudim and Hradec Králové in Bohemia, Brno in Moravia, Opava in the Czech partof the Upper Silesia, Wrocław in the Lower Silesia, Gdansk and Szczecin in the Polish part of Pomerania. Mostpre-urban centres experienced growth in the 12th century. The street network was still tentative although there was agreater tendency towards a stable street network. Polish towns which had well preserved timber structures experienceda development of complex homesteads from the 11th century at the latest. A system of rectangular lots emerged onlyin Prague and probably slightly later in Wroclaw. With regards to new elements in the architecture of timber dwellings,house foundations in the 13th century employed framed houses constructed using two main techniques: 1) posts setin the ground 2) posts set in foundation beams. The latter technique is exemplified by dwellings where a cellar ispresent underneath an overground floor. Stone houses were built in Prague as early as the 12th century., 2_ At other sites,construction of such dwellings dates back to the 13th century, in Gdansk even to the 14th century. This comparativestudy has revealed common patterns in the urbanisation of Central Europe during the transformations in the 12th and13th centuries, although the speed of diffusion of the various new trends differed between the various urban centres., Rudolf Procházka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
We surveyed ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in 10 stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), all monoculture stands 5–100 years old, in western Slovakia, Central Europe, over two successive periods, October 2013 – March 2014 and October 2014 – March 2015. The winter in each period was exceptionally mild. Ladybirds were collected from the lower branches of pine trees using beating trays and were present in 61% of the 1040 samples (one sample containing ladybirds from 20 branches, 1 m long each). In total 3965 individuals of 20 species were recorded. Non-conifer dwelling species associated with broadleaved trees or herbaceous plants prevailed (45% of species), followed by conifer specialists (40%) and generalists (15%). Although 13 species were found at least in one winter month, December, January or February, only four of them, Exochomus quadripustulatus, Coccinella septempunctata, Harmonia axyridis and Hippodamia variegata, were recorded continually during both winters. The number of species, the abundance of all ladybirds and the abundance of dominant species (E. quadripustulatus, C. septempunctata and H. axyridis) decreased from late autumn towards winter and remained lowest during this most adverse time of the year for ladybirds. Overwintering species assemblages of ladybirds changed over time and varied with age of pine stand. Our results suggest that Scots pine in Central Europe supports species rich assemblages of ladybirds from late autumn to early spring and, being widely distributed, it could be suited to winter surveying of ladybirds at large spatial scales to reveal behavioural and ecological responses of species to changing weather or different climates.
Comments on 11 species of cyanophilic lichens are presented. A new combination Peccania cernohorskyi is proposed, commented on and typified. Anema nodulosum, A. prodigulum, Lempholemma intricatum, Leptogium ferax, Porocyphus rehmicus and Zahlbrucknerella calcarea are reported from Slovakia for the first time, Leptogium biatorinum and L. magnussonii from Hungary, and Anema prodigulum, Heppia adglutinata, Leptogium biatorinum and Psorotichia taurica from the Czech Republic. Leptogium cretaceum is lectotypified.
The study summarizes the development of ecclesiastical organizations in the Czech lands before 1200, taking into account the wider European context. The author first draws attention to the difficulties associated with the number and character of the preserved sources. Then he problematizes the traditional notion of ecclesiastical dignitaries as mere servants of the duke, confronting the question of tithes and examining evidence of the activity of the archdeacons and archpriests. In conclusion, he focuses on the question of building the parish organization and subscribes to the notion that this was not a centrally controlled activity, but rather a local initiative, although supported by the bishop. and David Kalhous.
The article introduces the Czech broadside ballad as one of the genres of semi-popular production. It outlines its development, formal characteristics and specific features and, at the same time, points out its integration into the broader Central European cultural context. It mentions the interest of the Czech public at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century in this song genre and concerns more dosely with the collection of broadside ballads in the Museum of the Prostějov Region in Prostějov. It presents the extent of the collection, its physical State and the stage of scientific scrutiny. It specifies the chronological and genre aspects of the collection and mentions the minor curiosities. The aim of the article was not the content analysis of the individual prints, but rather the specification of their provenance. The enclosed provenance register lists the individual printers as well as printing families dedicated to the broadside production from the end of the eighteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. The concluding part of the article accentuates the importance of broadside prints and the need of their preservation for future generations.
Main aim of the study was to determine the temporal and spatial patterns of relations between monthly and annual average river flow (RF) and water temperature (WT) for 53 rivers in Poland. The research made use of monthly and annual WT and RF for 88 water gauges for the period 1971–2015. Correlations were established using the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the similarity of RF–WT relations was determined using the Ward’s hierarchical grouping. It was demonstrated that correlations between average annual RF and WT were negative (for >85% of water gauges) and statistically significant (p<0.05) only for 30% of water gauges. It was confirmed that the studied RF–WT relations underwent seasonal changes. Positive correlations were clearly predominant in the winter months, while from April to September these relations were negative and statistically significant. The RF–WT relations were also characterized by spatial differences and this had been confirmed by separation of seven groups of water gauge profiles distinguished with the help of the Ward's hierarchical grouping method. The strongest RF–WT relations were apparent in the case of mountainous rivers, for which snow melt supply and summer rainfall supply were predominant, and lakeland rivers, which had a considerable share of groundwater supply. These were classified as cold rivers, as opposed to the cool rivers in the lowland belt, for which the RF–WT relations were the weakest. The results obtained may contribute to the elaboration of an appropriate management strategy for river ecosystems, which are assigned important economic and environmental functions.