The present study was undertaken to identify potentially immunoreactive proteins of the muscle larvae (ML) and adult stage (Ad) of the nematode Trichinella spiralis Owen, 1835. To identify immunoreactive proteins that are specifically recognised by anti-Trichinella antibodies, ML and Ad crude extracts and their excretory-secretory (E-S) products were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblot with serum samples from pigs experimentally infected with T. spiralis. A total of 18 bands were selected for final identification by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. To further understand the functions of the proteins identified in this study, gene ontology terms were applied. Results showed that the specific antibodies against T. spiralis reacted with protein bands matching heat shock proteins, aminopeptidase, enolase, isocitrate dehydrogenase NADP-dependent, tropomyosin, P49 antigen, serine proteinase, secreted 5'-nucleotidase, antigen targeted by protective antibodies, 53 kDa E-S antigen, putative trypsin and paramyosin. Three proteins common for both adult stage and muscle larvae, including heat shock proteins, enolase and 5'-nucleotidase, might play important role during T. spiralis infection. These proteins are presumably presented to the host immune system and may induce humoral immune response. Thus, these proteins may be potential antigens for early diagnosis and the development of a vaccine against the parasite., Justyna Bien, Wladyslaw Cabaj, Bozena Moskwa., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Progeny of the flesh fly Sarcophaga bullata exposed to short day length show a maternal effect that prevents the expression of pupal diapause. Although ecological aspects of this effect are well studied, not enough is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying this maternal effect. In this study, two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed to detect differences of the abundance of certain proteins in the ovaries of this fly kept under long day and short day conditions for 2 days after eclosion. Eleven proteins that were abundant and showed significant changes were selected for mass spectrometric identification. Ovary proteins that increased in abundance under short-day conditions were similar to twinstar CG4254-PA, muscle protein 20-like protein, GA13413-PA, gene analogous to small peritrophins (Gasp CG10287-PA) and Ribosomal protein LP1 CG4087-PA. Ovary proteins that decreased in abundance under short-day conditions were similar to the ATP synthase beta subunit, fk506-binding protein and storage protein-binding protein. The 2-D proteome maps included 2 additional unknown proteins that were more abundant and 1 that was less abundant in the ovaries of 2-day old short-day females. Twinstar CG4254-PA, muscle protein 20-like protein and GA13413-PA harbour an actin-binding domain. That the 3 actin-binding proteins increase in abundance suggests that it is likely that an alteration in the actin cytoskeleton is involved in this maternal effect in the flesh fly., Aiqing Li ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Previously, our data indicated that both cAMP and MAP kinase signaling play important roles in microalgal physiology as well as in lipid or carotenoid biosynthesis. In order to understand downstream genes of these signaling pathways, we employed proteomics approach. Both signal pathways were first altered with specific signaling inhibitors or modulators. Treatment of specific inhibitors changed microalgal size and increased lipid contents. With the microalgal cells after treatments of specific signaling inhibitor or modulators, we performed the proteomics analysis to identify downstream genes responsible for these phenotypes. Interestingly, multiple photosynthesis genes were identified, particularly proteins associated with PSII. Our data suggested that MAP kinase and cAMP signaling affect the photosynthesis, thereby leading to microalgal lipid or carotenoid biosynthesis., C. Lee, J.-K. Rhee, D. G. Kim, Y.-E. Choi., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of our study was to investigate the role of protons in regulating energy distribution between the two photosystems in the thylakoid membranes. Low pH-induced changes were monitored in the presence of a proton blocker, N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). When thylakoid membranes were suspended in a low-pH reaction mixture and incubated with DCCD, then a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of photosystem II (PSII) was observed, while no change in the intensity of photosystem I (PSI) fluorescence occurred according to the measured fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K. Since low pH induced distribution of energy from PSII to PSI was inhibited in the presence of DCCD, we concluded that pH/proton concentration of the thylakoid membranes plays an important role in regulating the distribution of the absorbed excitation energy between both photosystems., T. Tongra, S. Bharti, A. Jajoo., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The importance of stream corridors and flood deposits for the spreading of molluscs is demonstrated using some examples from the Czech territory. Three types of floodplain debris, which contain shell accumulation, are distinguished: allochtonous debris accumulated by river flow on riversides, autochtonous accumulation in quiet parts of alluvium far from the main flow, and accumulation caused by strong turbulence during flooding. and Vojen Ložek, Lucie Juřičková.
The conditions for the use of snail shells from flood deposits are characterized. Snail s can spread up and/or down stream, but suitable flood deposits containing shells are usually found in the lowlands. Flood debris can contain shells of rare and subterranean species, occurring in a river environment in negligible numbers. Fossil shells in this material indicate nearby fossiliferous sediments. and Vojen Ložek, Lucie Juřičková.
Dne 9. července 2014 jsme na říčním kilometru 77,88 řeky Moravy prokázali výskyt raka bahenního (Astacus leptodactylus). Pozorováni byli celkem čtyři dospělí jedinci, dvě samice a dva samci. Celková délka těla jedinců se pohybovala v rozmezí 71-75 mm a délka hlavohrudi 34-42 mm. Raci byli nalezeni v kamenité části pravého břehu toku na úseku dlouhém přibližně 5 m. Jde o první nález tohoto druhu v řece Moravě na území České republiky., On 9th of July, 2014, we recorded for the first time the occurrence of Astacus leptodactylus in the River Morava (along 77.88 km of the river). We observed four adults, two females and two males. Total body length of these individuals ranged between 71 and 75 mm, with the carapace 34-42 mm long. Crayfish were found in the rocky part on the right bank of the stream in an area approximately 5 m long., and Lukáš Jurek, Martin Chytrý.
Varanovec bornejský (Lanthanotus borneensis) patří k nejvzácnějším a nejméně známým plazům. V článku je popsána historie jeho objevů a její průběh ve 20. století, dále jeho anatomie, osteologie, morfologie a fylogeneze. Jsou podány i vzácné informace o jeho ekologii. Je v něm popsán i první nález tohoto druhu ve Východním Kalimantanu (Borneo, Indonésie) a první poznatky z chovu a chování varanovce v podmínkách terária v japonské zoo. Kameraman Stano Slušný a etnolog Miroslav Nožina viděli v roce 2001 uloveného živého varanovce ve vsi Respen na břehu řeky Sesayap v okrese Malinau na severu indonéské provincie Východní Kalimantan. Z literatury vyplývá, že šlo o první pozorování varanovce bornejského nejen v této provincii, ale v té době dokonce o první nález tohoto druhu na území Indonésie., The Earless Monitor Lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis) is one of the rarest and least known of all reptiles. This article describes the history of discoveries throughout the 20th century, as well as its anatomy, osteology, morphology and phylogenesis. Valuable information on its ecology is also provided. The first discovery of this species in Eastern Kalimantan (Borneo, Indonesia) – Respen by Sesayap river in 2001 – by Czech travellers and the first findings from breeding and rearing of these lizards in terrarium conditions at a zoo in Japan are also reported., and Ivan Vergner.
PsbP is an extrinsic protein of PSII having a function of Ca2+ and Cl- retention in the water-oxidizing center (WOC). In order to understand the mechanism how PsbP regulates the Cl- binding in WOC, we examined the effect of PsbP depletion on the protein structures around the Cl- sites using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Light-induced FTIR difference spectra upon the S1-S2 transition were obtained using Cl--bound and NO3--substituted PSII membranes in the presence and absence of PsbP. A clear difference in the amide I band changes by PsbP depletion was observed between Cl--bound and NO3--substituted PSII samples, indicating that PsbP binding perturbed the protein conformations around the Cl-ion(s) in WOC. It is suggested that PsbP stabilizes the Cl- binding by regulating the dissociation constant of Cl- and/or an energy barrier of Cl- dissociation through protein conformational changes around the Cl- ion(s)., J. Kondo, T. Noguchi., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy