Pro rok 2013 se stal evropským pavoukem roku sklípkánek hnědý (Atypus affinis). Jde o jednoho ze tří druhů sklípkanů vyskytujících se v České republice. V článku popisuji morfologii, způsob života, stanovištní nároky a rozšíření sklípkánka hnědého. Je naším nejhojnějším zástupcem rodu, vyskytuje se na suchých osluněných kamenitých stráních s řídkou stromovou vegetací. Jeho stanoviště nejsou bezprostředně ohrožena sílícím zarůstáním krajiny., The Purse-Web Spider (Atypus affinis) became the European Spider of the Year 2013. The genus Atypus comprises three species in Europe. The morphology, natural history, habitat requirements and distribution of A. affinis are described. In Central Europe, it is the most common Atypus species and it occurs on dry sunny rocky slopes with sparse woody vegetation. These habitats do not tend to be overgrown by expansive tree or grass species., and Milan Řezáč.
The article presents the characteristic features of the worldwide wolf spider family (Lycosidae) and describes how its study has affected Czech arachnology, which takes credit for resolving several issues. Among the 38 families of spiders living in the Czech Republic, wolf spiders are remarkable for their ecology. Wolf spider vital signs are so prominent that every observer inevitably notices their constant movement. In addition to history of the research into the wolf spider family, some faunistic issues are also presented. and Jan Buchar.
The second part of this article on the wolf spider family (Lycosidae) and the importance of Czech arachnologists in its study deals with various questions involving the taxonomy, zoogeography, ecology, bioindications and protection of these spiders, as well as their etology and cytogenetics. and Jan Buchar.
Studie sociálního chování vlků arktických se zaměřuje především na etologii tohoto druhu, ale také na adaptaci přirozených vzorců chování na umělé podmínky. Poskytuje stručné informace o obecné hierarchii smečky, způsobu života a umožňuje náhled na jednotlivé projevy dominance a submise. Analýza byla prováděna na základě pozorování dvou smeček chovaných v Zoo Brno a Zoo Olomouc., This study of the social behaviour of Arctic Wolves (Canis lupus arctos) focuses on the ethology of this species, and the adaptation of its natural behaviour to artificial conditions. It provides brief information about the general hierarchy of a pack and its way of life and presents photographs of the individual manifestations of dominance and submission. The analysis is based on observations of two packs kept in Brno Zoo and Olomouc Zoo., and Dobromila Malíková.
Some ethological aspects of the interrelations between ants and the larvae of Blasticotoma filiceti Klug, 1834 were investigated in the Altai Republic and Novosibirsk Region in 2006-2008. The interactions of ants with the larvae of this sawfly are determined by the concealed way of life style of B. filiceti. The majority of the ant-sawfly encounters occurred near holes in fern fronds at the moment when larvae excreted liquid or left their tunnels before descending to the soil prior to overwintering. Sawfly larvae visited by more aggressive ants, such as Formica s. str., leave the fern fronds slowly, which enables them to avoid inciting attacks by ants. The behaviour of the ants while collecting the larval excretion is similar to their behaviour at sugar troughs. The organisation of the collecting larval excreta by ants was investigated in detail in the cases of Formica polyctena Förster, 1850 and Myrmica rubra Linnaeus, 1758. The individual fern plants with sawfly larvae are attended by relatively constant groups of foragers in both cases. However, the highly social red wood ants interact with sawfly larvae in a more complex way. While the working groups of M. rubra tending sawfly larvae consist only of non-aggressive "unspecialized" foragers, those of F. polyctena include also a few "on duty" ants that protect the trophobionts, at least from the other ants. and Tatiana A. NOVGORODOVA, Olga B. BIRYUKOVA.
Korbikula asijská (Corbicula fluminea) je jedním z nepůvodních a zároveň invazních druhů mlžů, které postupně dobývají území Evropy včetně České republiky. Korbikula pochází z jihovýchodní Asie, odkud byla introdukována zřejmě asijskými přistěhovalci do Severní Ameriky a z té po několika desítkách let (kolem r. 1980) doputovala lodní dopravou (pravděpodobně s balastní vodou) do Evropy. Na naše území pronikla Labem z Německa a byla zde poprvé zjištěna v r. 1999. V současnosti je známa z Labe, prozatím po Týnec nad Labem. Byla však již zaznamenána také v dolním toku Vltavy (po Nelahozeves, včetně plavebního kanálu Vraňany – Hořín) a Ohře (po Terezín) a překvapivě pozorována v některých menších přítocích Labe, jakým je např. potok Vlkava u Kostomlat nad Labem. Od r. 2009 je sledována neobvyklá lokalita na rozhraní středních a severních Čech, kde korbikula dosahuje zatím největší známé koncentrace na našem území. Jde o betonový kanál vedoucí vodu z odkališť Elektrárny Mělník do Labe jižně od obce Horní Počaply. Byla měřena koncentrace korbikuly na této lokalitě na několika plochách o rozměrech 50 × 50 cm a v přepočtu na 1 m2 kolísala hustota v rozmezí 1 045–4 224 živých jedinců, tedy výrazně vyšší než na jiných místech České republiky a srovnatelná s nejvyššími hustotami tohoto mlže nalezenými v Evropě., The Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) is native to the south-eastern part of Asia and has been introduced to other continents including Europe. In the Czech Republic it was found in 1999 and is currently known from the Elbe River and lower parts of several tributaries (Ohře, Vltava). An unusual site with the occurrence of this invasive bivalve was found in 2009. A concrete canal conducting water from the sedimentation basin of the Mělník coal power station is inhabited by a large population. The density of its population was estimated to 1 045 – 4 224 living specimens/1 m2., and Luboš Beran.
The factors that affect oviposition and consequently spatial distribution of the galls of many gall makers are poorly understood. Knowledge of these factors could result in a better understanding of the mechanisms that initiate and regulate the development of galls. We tested the hypotheses that, regardless of tree height, galls of Cynips quercusfolii L. produced agamically are distributed randomly in the crowns and on the veins of leaves of oak trees. This study was done in Poland on 15 pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) trees of various heights. We measured the areas of 1659 leaves, including 192 leaves with galls, and the distances along a vein from a gall to the petiole and from gall to leaf edge. The number of galls did not depend on tree height but depended on the position of the leaf within the crown (upper or lower). Regardless of the position in the crown, leaves with galls were significantly larger than those without galls. We conclude that galls were located at a fixed distance from the edge of leaves irrespective of leaf size, but the distance from the gall to the leaf petiole depended significantly on leaf size. We conclude that agamic females of C. quercusfolii prefer large leaves and choose the site on a leaf on which to deposit their eggs. This probably ensures that the developing gall obtains the required amount of nutrients and assimilates., Marian J. Giertych, Andrzej M. Jagodzinski, Piotr Karolevski., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Although the sizes of the geographical ranges of plant and animal species are of major interest to macroecologists, the spatial distributions and environmental correlates of only a small group of animals and plants are well studied. Here data on the spatial distributions of 116 European clearwing moths (Sesiidae) was used to determine the patterns in spatial distribution, postglacial colonization and endemism. The spatial distributions of sesiids are significantly more coherent and there are fewer isolated occurrences and unexpected absences than predicted by a random sample null model. After correcting for environmental correlates, islands and mainland countries did not differ significantly in the number of species with small ranges. Polyphagous wood attending species were more widespread than those with other life histories. Species of Siberian origin had wider ranges than those of Mediterranean origin. Nestedness and species co-occurrence analysis did not support a unidirectional postglacial colonization from a Southern European refuge but colonization from both Southern and Eastern Europe. and Werner Ulrich, Marek Bąkowski, Zdeněk Laštůvka.