Ve 30. letech 20. století se Martin Heidegger pokusil vysvětlit „dějiny Bytí“ vedoucí ke stavu, jejž nazýval „zapomněním Bytí“. Zaměřil se přitom na vliv moderní vědy, jež je podle něj jistým druhem metafyziky. Základní povaha moderní vědy podle Heideggera spočívá v jejím mathématickém charakteru. Řecký výraz " to mathéma“ znamená "to, co se lze naučit“ a "co je předchůdně známo“. Heideggerovým cílem je ukázat, že mathématický charakter moderní vědy rozhoduje o obecném chápání významu "bytí“ a že moderní věda nahrazuje metafyziku, v níž tkví její původ., In the mid of 1930s Martin Heidegger attempted to explain the
“history of Being” leading to what he called “the oblivion of Being". In this he focused on the impact of modern science, which he grants to be a sort of metaphysics. According to Heidegger, the main feature of the modern science consists in what he calls the mathéma -character. Th e Greek word “to mathéma” means “that what can be learned” and “what must be know beforehand.” It is Heidegger’s intention to show that the mathéma-character of modern science is deciding about the general understanding of the meaning of “being” and that modern science is replacing the metaphysics, which is the origin of the modern science., and Aleš Novák.
The discussion study takes as its starting point the thinking, which Professor Šmajs and others presented in Filosofický časopis 6, 2013 on evolutionary ontology. The author shows an enduring aspect of evolutionary ontology: ontology as the product of human culture attains to knowledge that has the seeming character of objective truth - it thus expresses the true nature of the ontic order of nature. This is not, however, the usual nonsense of inconsistent philosophy. The author of the text identifies as lying behind the step Kantian and Hegelian strategies which make possible this shift from the order of culture to the order of nature. These strategies are (i) a sign of the grounding of Professor Šmajs´ ideas in early-modern thinking; and (ii) they are the cause of a strongly anthropocentric attitude, which unwittingly influences the system of evolutionary ontology. At the end of the study, the author points to the fact that it would be more appropriate for evolutionary ontology if its proponents were able to give up their early-modern argumentative approach, and thus rid themselves of their strong anthropocentrism. In this way they would be able to avoid the conceptual conflict which makes evolutionary ontology "frozen" from within., Radim Šíp., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii