Péče o nemocné s vrozenými srdečními vadami má v České republice nejen významnou historii, spadající do předválečného období, ale především systematickou a dlouhodobou práci s excelentními výsledky u pediatrických pacientů. Se zlepšováním péče o tyto nemocné se také zlepšuje jejich přežívání s potřebou kontinuální péče v dospělosti včetně reoperací, katetrizačních ablací incizionálních tachykardií a dalších specializovaných výkonů ve složitém morfologickém terénu. Článek je zamyšlením a apelem na všechny zodpovědné odborníky, organizátory a plátce zdravotní péče, jak postupovat dále a zajistit specializované vzdělávání, kontinuitu péče o tyto nemocné včetně návrhu organizačních změn a nastiňuje nutnost dalšího vývoje tohoto významného oboru., Care of patients with congenital heart diseases in Czech Republic does not have only important history, falling to the prewar period, but especially systematic and long-term work with excellent results in pediatric patients. With improvements in the care of these patients also improves their survival with the need for continuous care in adulthood including reoperation, catheter ablations incisional tachycardias and other specialized procedures in difficult heart morphology. The article is a reflection and an appeal to all responsible professionals, organizers and payers of health care, how to proceed and provide specialized training, continuity of care for these patients, including proposed organizational changes and outlines the need for further development in this important medical field., and Miloš Táborský, Jana Popelová, Anna Nečasová, Jan Janoušek, Štěpán Černý, Petr Němec, Jan Pirk, Milan Šamánek
A total of 7210 unfed adult Ixodes persulcatus Schulze, 1930 and I. ricinus (L., 1758) ticks were collected from the vegetation by flagging in 35 study sites located in the zone of their sympatry (mainly in Leningrad region, Russia). Borrelia infection in ticks was estimated by the dark-field microscopic analysis of gut contents in standard vital preparations at a magnification of ×600. No correlation was revealed between the series of parameters characterising the abundance of each tick species (τ = -0.13) and between the series of these parameters and the prevalence of Borrelia in each vector. It is concluded that in the broad zone of I. persulcatus and I. ricinus sympatry, the presence and proportion of one vector in the ecosystem does not have any significant effect on the extensity of infection and on the epizootic and epidemic significance of the other vector. Each tick species has its independent (of the other species) and relatively original functional role in the focal ecosystem.
Cíl: Cílem studie je stanovit prevalenci chronického selhání ledvin u 101 pacientů s monoklonální gamapatií neurčeného významu (MGUS). Typ studie: retrospektivní studie. Materiál a metody: Porovnali jsme glomerulární filtraci odhadovanou ze sérového kreatininu a cystatinu C a hodnotili jsme korelaci mezi koncentrací volných lehkých řetězců v séru a funkcí ledvin. U všech pacientů jsme provedli elektroforézu pro - teinů séra s denzitometrickou kvantifikací monoklonálního imunoglobulinu a změřili jsme koncentraci kreatininu, cystatinu C, volných lehkých řetězců kappa a lambda, β 2 mikroglobulinu. Výsledky: Chronické selhání ledvin jsme nalezli u 38,6 % pacientů na základě odhadu ze sérového cystatinu C a u 34,6 % pacientů na základě odhadu ze sérového kreatininu. B2mikroglobulin má největší počet významných korelací; cystatin C (0,90), CysC GFR (-0,69), Kreatinin (0,70), MDRD GFR (-0,60), MIg koncentrace (0,24), κ FLC (0,22) λ FLC (0,34) a věk (0,40). Tento velký počet korelací lze vysvětlit tím, že β 2mikroglobulin odráží jak zátěž organismu maligními buňkami, tak pokles glomerulární filtrace. Závěr: Chronické selhání ledvin jsme nalezli u 38,6 % pacientů při odhadu glomerulární filtrace z cystatinu C a u 34,6 % při odhadu ze sérového kreatininu. Třída monoklonálního imunoglobulinu může mít vliv na výsledky odhadu glomerulární filtrace ze sérového cystatinu C, odhad glomerulární filtrace ze sérového kreatininu není ovlivněn třídou imunoglobulinu. Diabetici neměli statisticky signifikantně nižší glomerulární filtraci než pacienti bez diabetu mellitu., Background: Renal function is more frequently decreased in patients with monoclonal gammopathy. 10 % of patients with multiple myeloma present with acute renal failure and renal function is included in CRAB criteria for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of chronic renal failure (CRF), defined as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) below 1.0 ml/s/1.73m 2 , in 101 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Design: retrospective study Material and methods: We compared GFR estimates from serum creatinine (MDRD GFR) and serum cystatin C (CysC GFR) and looked at the correlation between free light chains (FLC) concentration and renal markers. We performed serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) with quantification of monoclonal intact immunoglobulin (MIg) and measured serum creatinine, cysta - tin C, κ and λ FLC and β 2microglobulin in all patients. Results: We found CRF in 38.6% patients using estimation from serum cystatin C and 34.6 % using estimation from serum creatinine. B2microglobulin has the highest number of significant correlations; cystatin C (0.90), CysC GFR (-0.69), crea - tinine (0.70), MDRD GFR (-0.60), MIg concentration (0.24), κ FLC (0.22) λ FLC (0.34) and age (0.40). The best correlation results may be explained by the fact that β 2microglobulin reflects both malignant cells burden and renal function. Conclusions: We found CRF in 38.6 % MGUS patients using estimation from serum cystatin C and in 34.6 % using estima - tion from serum creatinine. The class of monoclonal immunoglobulin may influence results of glomerular filtration estimated from cystatin C but it does not influence GFR estimated from creatinine. Diabetic patients had not significantly lower GFR than patients without diabetes mellitus., Šálek T., Moravčíková D., Humpolíček P., Tichý M., Palička V., and Literatura
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal problems among Czech dentists and to analyze the factors that affect these disorders. Information was gathered through questionnaire completed by 581 physicians. The questionnaire ascertained general information about physicians including their work habits and the characteristics of their work environment along with the occurrence of musculoskeletal problems as well as their intensity. In the past year the occurrence of at least mild difficulties associated with the locomotive system was reported by 96.9% of dentists surveyed (n = 557), with 66.3% of respondents (n = 381) reporting difficulties ofa moderate or major nature. Most respondents of both sexes indicated neck pain. A statistically significant correlation with the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints of medium and major intensity was demonstrated for the following factors: sex, age, running a private practice, past injury or musculoskeletal diseases, and the perception of work as psychologically demanding. Musculoskeletal disorders in dentists in Czech Republic are relatively frequent and serious health problem. The causes of these diseases must be identified and appropriate preventive interventions undertaken that will contribute to a reduction in the incidence of these problems. and Z. Sustová, L. Hodacová, M. Kapitán
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in most populations. As the traditional modifiable risk factors (smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) were defined decades ago, we decided to analyze recent data in patients who survived acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The Czech part of the study included data from 999 males, and compared them with the post-MONICA study (1,259 males, representing general population). The Lithuanian study included 479 male patients and 456 age-matched controls. The Kazakhstan part included 232 patients and 413 controls. In two countries, the most robust ACS risk factor was smoking (OR 3.85 in the Czech study and 5.76 in the Lithuanian study), followed by diabetes (OR 2.26 and 2.07) and hypertension (moderate risk elevation with OR 1.43 and 1.49). These factors did not influence the ACS risk in Kazakhstan. BMI had no significant effect on ACS and plasma cholesterol was surprisingly significantly lower (P<0.001) in patients than in controls in all countries (4.80 ±1.11 vs. 5.76 ±1.06 mmol /l in Czechs; 5.32 ±1.32 vs. 5.71 ±1.08 mmol /l in Lithuanians; 4.88 ±1.05 vs. 5.38±1.13 mmol /l in Kazakhs/Russians). Results from our study indicate substantial heterogeneity regarding major CVD risk factors in different populations with the exception of plasma total cholesterol which was inversely associated with ACS risk in all involved groups. These data reflect ethnical and geographical differences as well as changing pattern of cardiovascular risk profiles., J. A. Hubacek, V. Stanek, M. Gebauerova, V. Adamkova, V. Lesauskaite, D. Zaliaduonyte-Peksiene, A. Tamosiunas, A. Supiyev, A. Kossumov, A. Zhumadilova, J. Pitha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This work presents a summary of current knowledge on the laboratory diagnosis of periodontitis. It focuses on the theoretical foundations and is supplemented with new knowledge. It subsequently describes specifically the laboratory diagnosis methods of periodontitis: the protein expression of inflammation, oral microbiology and molecular diagnostics. Periodontitis is a serious disease worldwide and its confirmed association with systemic diseases means its severity is increasing. Its laboratory diagnosis has the potential to rise to the level of clinical and diagnostic imaging. The transfer of diagnostic methods from laboratory to clinical use is increasingly used in the prevention and monitoring of the exacerbation and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as of its impact on systemic disease. and B. Bolerázska, M. Mareková, N. Markovská
V letech 1959–2008 počet zhoubných novotvarů centrální nervové soustavy (ZN CNS) z dat registru nádorů ČR dosáhl 26 548, z toho 14 263 (53,7 %) u mužů a 12 285 (46,3 %) u žen, v roce 2008 představující u mužů 412 (8,1/100 tis.), u žen 418 (7,9/100 tis.) onemocnění. Jejich prevalence v letech 1989–2005 vzrostla z 1169 na 2 565 žijících případů s očekávaným počtem 3 430 v roce 2015. Z 962 vícečetných ZN CNS, evidovaných v letech 1976–2005, bylo 150 primárních onemocnění u mužů a 162 u žen, 327 následných ZN CNS u mužů a 323 u žen tj. 5,1 % ze všech nově hlášených u mužů a 6,2 % u žen. Za toto období vzrostl v pětiletých intervalech počet primárních případů dvakrát, následných téměř třicetkrát. U primárních a následných ZN CNS převažovaly ve věku do 49 let ženy nad muži, v 50–69 letech muži nad ženami. Ze 14 krajů se vyskytlo 47 % ZN CNS ve čtyřech krajích (Moravskoslezský, Jihomoravský, Praha, Středočeský). Pouze 6,2 % multiplicit bylo evidováno v časných a 7,4 % v pokročilých klinických stadiích; 86,4 % stadií nebylo nahlášeno. Průměrný interval mezi 150 primárními ZN CNS a 170 jinými následnými novotvary u mužů byl pět let, mezi 162 primárními a 170 následnými u žen byl šest let, ze kterých byly u obou pohlaví nejpočetnější následné karcinomy trávicího ústrojí a kůže. Před 327 následnými ZN CNS bylo u mužů 390 primárních novotvarů, u žen před 323 následnými 362 primárních, ze kterých byly nejpočetnější karcinomy kůže, rodidel, prsů, prostaty a trávicího ústrojí. V říjnu 2007 žilo v době analýzy z 962 ZN CNS jen 91 a zemřelo 871 nemocných s převahou žijících žen nad muži., The number of malignant neoplasms of central nervous system (MN CNS), based in the Czech Cancer Registry, reached 26,548 diseases, of which there were 14,263 (53.7 %) of males and 12,285 (46.3 %) of females in 1959–2008, presented 412 (8.1 per 100,000 males) and 418 (7.9 per 100,000 females) diseases in 2008. Their prevalence increased from 1,169 to 2,565 survived cases between 1989–2005, with 3,430 cases expected in 2015. A total of 962 registered multiple MN CNS there were 150 primary diseases in males and 162 in females, 327 subsequent MN CNS in males and 323 in females, i. e. 5.1 % in males and 6.2 % in females of all newly registered MN CNS in period 1976–2005. In this period the number of primary cases increased twice, of subsequent ones nearly 30 times during five periods. The primary and subsequent MN CNS prevailed in the age group till 49 years in females over males, in the age group 50–69 years in males over females. A total of 14 Czech regions there were distributed 47 % of all multiple MN CNS in the four regions (Northern and Southern Moravia, Prague, Central Bohemia). Only 6.2 % multiplicities were registered in early and 7.4 % in advanced clinical stages; 86.4 % stages were unregistered. The average interval between 150 primary MN CNS and 170 other subsequent neoplasms was five years in males, between 162 primary and 170 subsequent cases six years in females, of which the most frequent were following digestive and skin carcinomas in both sex. In 327 subsequent MN CNS preceded 390 primary cancers in males, in 323 subsequent were 362 primary cases in females, of which the most frequent were carcinomas of skin, female genital and breast, prostate and digestive tract. A total of 962 multiple MN CNS there were only 91 survived and 871 death patients up to analysis in October 2007 with predominance of surviving females over males., Edvard Geryk, Jiří Kozel, Radim Štampach, Dalibor Pacík, Petr Dítě, Petr Kubíček, Milan Konečný, and Lit.: 30
During a survey of the coccidian parasites of reptiles, caryosporan oocysts were found in the faeces of wild and captive European viperid snakes Vipera berus (L.) and V. ammodytes (L.). Thirty two of 37 examined V. herus (86%) and 9 of 17 examined V. ammodytes (53%) specimens were found to be passing caryosporan oocysts. Morphological characters of all caryosporan isolates were identical and fitted well with the description of Caryospora simplex Léger, 1904. Experimental inoculation of severe combined immunodeficient (SC1D) mice with seven isolates of C. simplex from V. berus or V. ammodytes confirmed the heteroxenous life cycle pattern, for the first time for isolates of evidently European origin. Caryosporan developmental stages were observed in the connective tissues of the nose, cheeks, ear and scrotum in all inoculated SCID mice. V. berus and V. ammodytes represent new hosts for C. simplex. The present paper represents the first widely based report on coccidian parasites of the genus Caryospora Léger in European viperids. Our findings indicate a wide distribution of C. simplex throughout the range of distribution of snakes of the genus Vipera.
Omezení reklamy na tabákové výrobky je považováno za efektivní opatření pro snížení prevalence kouření v populaci. Tato reklama ovlivňuje děti a mladistvé, kteří jsou na ni citlivější než dospělí. Bez ohledu na propagovanou značku vedou marketingové aktivity výrobců ke zvyšování povědomí o kouření mezi nezletilými a ke zvýšení rizika nástupu kouření. I když v mnoha zemích, včetně České republiky, došlo k výraznému omezení reklamy na tabákové výrobky, stále dochází k propagaci v místě prodeje a také pomocí grafického zpracování obalů. Významné jsou také produkty cílené na ženy a dívky. Naopak omezování propagace tabákových výrobků, omezení míst prodeje, jednotné balení cigaret a zejména úplný plošný zákaz reklam snižují počet náctiletých, kteří začnou kouřit., Restriction of tobacco advertising is an effective strategy to decrease smoking prevalence. Marketing of tobacco products influences smoking rates among children and adolescents, and several studies have shown that youth are more sensitive to tobacco advertising than adults. Tobacco advertising of any form increases the awareness of smoking among children and increases the risk of smoking onset, regardless of the brand advertised. Many countries, including the Czech Republic, restricted tobacco advertising, however, advertising at point of sale and promotion through cigarette package design is still permitted. Important are marketing campaigns targeted at girls and women. On the other hand, restriction of tobacco advertising, especially a total ban of tobacco advertising and plain packaging, leads to a decrease in smoking prevalence among minors., Jarmila Kučerová, and Literatura
Background: The information on the prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis does not always reflect real situation regarding this disease, since the frequency of patients’ self- treatment remains high, as evidenced by the results of the studies based on anonymous surveys. The prevalence of this disease is growing steadily both in Uzbekistan and elsewhere in the world. Accumulated problems have provided grounds to conduct the research on the prevalence of Candida vulvovaginitis in the juvenile age population of Tashkent city. Method: The study included examining of 2107 adolescent aged girls of high schools, lyceums and colleges of Tashkent city. Results: Thus, in the studied region the prevalence of Candida vulvovaginitis in adolescent population is high, which in turn requires to take steps to further improve treatment and prevention., Uktam Ziyadullaev, and Literatura