The paper aims to demonstrate how the techniques of disciplinary power in prenatal care affect pregnant women. I will illustrate my argument using the results of ethnographic research conducted at the Division of Risk Pregnancy at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in a hospital in Central Slovakia. The analysis of ethnographic material indicates that although pregnant women are objectified and disciplined in prenatal care, they consider and evaluate the practices of the medical staff. Prenatal care interferes with other social roles which pregnant women play in their life. I interpret the ethnographic material in terms of the concept of disciplinary power developed by Michel Foucault, and in the terms of the theory of moral emotions by Jonathan Haidt. I argue that risk assessment is a part of the techniques of disciplinary power, and that the explicit ascription of feelings of the uncertainty, fear, guilt, and shame to a certain kind of behaviour in pregnancy helps to identify norms that regulate biological reproduction.
Text offers variety of anthropological perspectives which can be used to gain insight into the culture of motorcycling and motorcyclers (particular sport touring bikes). Asking if motorcycling can be explained as a sport, art or ritual, the complexity of motorcycling phenomena is being shown. Motorcycling as a preferred leisure activity is here regarded through the body experience (embodied capital), risk taking experience (edgework), naturalness seeking (civilization escape), traveling (the road) and finally through bike´s qualities such as flexibility, mobility and spontaneity. The historical context of motorcycling beginnings is briefly described (antihero, rebel without reason). Such a theorizing about motorcycling serves us for proving that sport touring biking is not subculture in common meaning but rather a praxeology- performance based on shared embodied experiencing.
Construction and Engineering industry is a high risk industry. Management of the risks has overridingimportance and every risk must be allocated to one or other party. Practice over many years has shownthat sensible and balanced risk allocation results in the lowest overall total cost for completed projects.Common delivery methods such as General Contracting or Design-Bid-Build (often abbreviated as D/B/B),Design-Build (often abbreviated as D/B) including EPC (Engineer-Procure-Construct), and ConstructionManagement (often abbreviated as CM), including CM At-Risk and EPCM (Engineer-Procure-ConstructionManagement) and their key aspects such as Contract Price, Design Responsibility and Contract Administrationcreate a basis of Risk Allocation.
Claim Management is a system for early solution of problems, obstructions and complications that helpsreflect realized risk in Contract price and in Time for Completion.
The Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (International Federation of Consulting Engineers)was founded in 1913 and the number of FIDIC associations worldwide is nearing to almost 100. FIDIC publishdifferent best practise documents including sample forms of contracts for works that are known for balancedrisk allocation and efficient Claim management system.
For Niklas Luhmann modern society is a functionally differentiated society, i. e. it is composed of heterogeneous but equal parts which are relatively independent and are defined as social subsystems. Luhmann’s analysis presents contemporary society as a whole differentiated into functionally dependent yet autonomous sub-systems that constitute neighbouring worlds for each other. This raises the question of the existence or non-existence of potential unifying forces or integration mechanisms. In Luhmann’s view the main problem is the non-existence of means of “metacommunication”. The development of specialised media and codes in the individual sub-systems increases the overall complexity of the social system, but does not entail the metacom¬munication that would make possible the self-observation and self-reference of the social system as a whole. and Jiří Šubrt.
Jednou z ústredných etických obáv, ktoré vyvoláva vyhliadka na použitie vojenských autonómnych smrtiacich robotov, je otázka morálnej zodpovednosti za ich konanie. Robert Sparrow tvrdí, že vojenské roboty vybavené schopnosťou učiť sa by boli natoľko nezávislé a samostatné, že by umožnili ľudským aktérom odmietnuť zodpovednosť za ich konanie, čím by vznikla situácia, ktorú Andreas Matthias označil ako „medzeru v zodpovednosti“. Medzera v zodpovednosti je stav, keď nie je nikto zodpovedný za konanie učiacich sa autonómnych robotov. Tento stav je dôsledkom neschopnosti ľudí plne kontrolovať a predpovedať konanie takýchto technológií. V článku argumentujem, že uvedený záver je nesprávny, pretože autonómne technológie nezbavujú ľudí zodpovednosti za dôsledky ich použitia. Kontrola a predvídateľnosť nie sú nevyhnutnou podmienkou pripísania zodpovednosti. Vzhľadom na riziká, ktoré použitie takýchto zbraní predstavuje, sú tí, ktorí ich vytvárajú alebo používajú, morálne zodpovední za ich konanie. Hoci nasadenie autonómnych smrtiacich zbraní nemusí byť dobrý nápad, „medzera v zodpovednosti“ ich ešte nerobí nemorálnymi., One of the primary ethical concerns raised by the prospect of using military autonomous killer robots is the question of the moral responsibility for their use. Robert Sparrow argues that military robots fitted up with the ability to learn would be so independent and self-contained that they would allow human actors to deny responsibility for their use, creating a situation that Andreas Matthias called a “responsibility gap.” A responsibility gap occurs in situations where no one is responsible for the actions of autonomous learning robots. This situation results from the inability of people to fully control and predict the actions of these technologies. In the article, I argue that this conclusion is not a correct one because autonomous technologies do not mitigate people of responsibility for the consequences of using them. Control and predictability are not inevitable prerequisites for attributing responsibility. Given the risks that the use of such weapons presents, those who create or use these weapons are morally responsible for the weapons’ actions. Even though the deployment of autonomous lethal weapons might not be a good idea, the “responsibility gap” does not by itself make them immoral., and Eine der zentralen ethischen Befürchtungen, hervorgerufen durch die reale Aussicht auf die Anwendung tödlicher autonomer Waffensysteme, ist die Frage nach der moralischen Verantwortung für deren Wirken. Robert Sparrow behauptet, dass lernfähige Militärroboter in einem Maße unabhängig und selbstständig seien, dass sie es den beteiligten Human-Akteuren ermöglichten, die Verantwortung für das Tun dieser Roboter abzulehnen. Dadurch entstünde eine Situation, die Andreas Matthias als „Verantwortungslücke“ bezeichnet. Eine Verantwortungslücke ist ein Zustand, in dem niemand für das Wirken lernfähiger autonomer Roboter verantwortlich ist. Dieser Zustand ist die Folge der Unfähigkeit des Menschen, die Handlungen dieser Technologien vollständig zu kontrollieren und vorherzusehen. Die Argumentation im Artikel zielt auf eine Ablehnung dieser These, da autonome Technologien den Menschen nicht von der Verantwortung für die Folgen ihrer Anwendung entbinden. Kontrolle und Vorhersehbarkeit sind keine unabdingbaren Voraussetzungen für die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung. In Anbetracht der Risiken, die sich aus der Anwendung derartiger Waffensysteme ergeben, sind diejenigen, die diese Systeme entwickeln oder einsetzen, moralisch für das Wirken dieser Waffen verantwortlich. Obwohl der Einsatz tödlicher autonomer Waffensysteme nicht unbedingt eine gute Idee sein muss, macht die „Verantwortungslücke“ sie nicht unbedingt unmoralisch
The article describes use of fuzzy logic in the evaluation of nonlimited values at measurement of lightning arresters in telecommunication networks. It describes the application of Γa-cut method and evaluates their electrical parametres and functional features based on the measurement of a selected sample of lightning arresters. and Článek popisuje využití fuzzy logiky v oblasti mimolimitních hodnot při měření bleskojistek nasazených v telekomunikačních sítích. Popisuje aplikaci metody αa-řezů, hodnotí elektrické parametry a funkční vlastnosti bleskojistek založené na měření vybraného vzorku.