The effects of lyotropic (swelling) anions (Cl-, Br-, NO3- and I-) on contractile properties of fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and slow-twitch soleus (SOL) muscles were investigated in vitro at 20 °C and 35 °C. Isolated muscles bathed in anionic Tyrode solution were stimulated directly and isometric single twitches and fused tetanic contractions were recorded. In a Cl- Tyrode solution a decrease of the bathing temperature led to a cold potentiation of the twitch tension (Pt) in EDL muscles, however, to a cold depression in SOL muscles, in both muscles combined with a prolongation of contraction (CT) and half relaxation (HRT) times. The extent and order of the potentiating effect of lyotropic anions on the Pt, CT and HRT in EDL and SOL were quite similar and increased in the order: Cl-< Br- < NO3- < I-. Since the lyotropic anions did not influence tetanic tensions, the twitch-tetanus ratio (TTR) was increased in NO3- and I- solutions. All effects of the anions were rapidly and completely reversed in both muscles when the test solution was replaced by the normal one. The temperature decrease caused no significant alteration in the potentiation capacity of the anions or in the kinetics of their action and reversibility., Y. Wondmikun, T. Soukup, G. Asmussen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Growth and development rates in many insects are affected by photoperiod, which enables insects to synchronize their life histories with seasonal events, but this aspect of insect photoperiodism remains understudied. Here we use several experimental combinations of constant day length and temperature to determine whether there are quantitative developmental responses to photoperiod in the bug Scantius aegyptius and leaf beetle Timarcha tenebricosa. The thermal ecology of these two species is strikingly different: the former is thermophilic and active throughout summer and the latter is spring-active and avoids the hottest time of the year. In accordance with their contrasting natural thermal environments, S. aegyptius survives better and achieves a larger final body mass at the high experimental temperatures, while T. tenebricosa survives better and is heavier at the low experimental temperatures. Despite this polarity, long-day conditions accelerate larval development relative to a short-day photoperiod in both species, and this developmental response is stronger at low temperatures. Our re-visitation of previous literature in light of the new findings indicates that this similarity in photoperiodic response is superficial and that relatively faster development in midsummer is likely to have a different ecological role in summer- and spring-active species. In the former, it may allow completion of an additional generation during the favourable season, whereas in the latter, this acceleration likely ensures that the larval stage, which is vulnerable to heat, is completed before the onset of hot weather., Dmitry Kutcherov, Elena B. Lopatina, Sergei Balashov., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yields are impacted by overall photosynthetic production. Factors that influence crop photosynthesis are the plants genetic makeup and the environmental conditions. This study investigated cultivar variation in photosynthesis in the field conditions under both ambient and higher temperature. Six diverse cotton cultivars were grown in the field at Stoneville, MS under both an ambient and a high temperature regime during the 2006-2008 growing seasons. Mid-season leaf net photosynthetic rates (PN) and dark-adapted chlorophyll fluorescence variable to maximal ratios (Fv/Fm) were determined on two leaves per plot. Temperature regimes did not have a significant effect on either PN or Fv/Fm. In 2006, however, there was a significant cultivar × temperature interaction for PN caused by PeeDee 3 having a lower PN under the high temperature regime. Other cultivars' PN were not affected by temperature. FM 800BR cultivar consistently had a higher PN across the years of the study. Despite demonstrating a higher leaf Fv/Fm, ST 5599BR exhibited a lower PN than the other cultivars. Although genetic variability was detected in photosynthesis and heat tolerance, the differences found were probably too small and inconsistent to be useful for a breeding program., W. T. Pettigrew., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper contains short description of a special device developed for study of electrical after-effect in vegetable cellular tissues after short electric pulses applied to the tissue. The device contains generator of the pulses and the microprocessor controlling circuits for time arrangement of the pulse amplification and collection of data for further evaluation. The pulses are based on AC signal with frequency 10-100 kHz with the amplified voltage up to ±240V and duration 1-10 ms. After finishing the individual pulse, the AC source signal continues, but amplitude on the tissue is 21. 5times lower. The data about AC voltage and current intensity are continuously collected with frequency 800 kHz and then fed to PC USB input that was used to calculate time chart of electric properties of the tissue, its complex permittivity and specific complex conductivity. An example of the obtained results on potato tissue is given. and Práce obsahuje krátký popis speciálního zařízení vyvinutého pro studium elektrických jevů v zeleninové buněčné tkáni po krátkých elektrických pulsech. Zařízení se skládá z generátoru nosného signálu, mikroprocesorem řízené jednotky pro amplitudovou modulaci uvedeného nosného signálu, zesilovače pro výkonové zesílení a jednotky pro sběr dat pro další vyhodnocení. Užívá se nosný signál frekvence 10-100 kHz, modulovaný do pulsů strváním 1-10 ms a amplitudě do ±240 V. Po skončení individuálního pulsu střídavý signál pokračuje, ale jeho amplituda se snižuje 21,5krát; měření na tkáni pokračuje jako nedestruktivní. Data okamžitých hodnot napětí a proudu na zkoumané tkáni jsou snímána sfrekvencí 800 kHz. Tato data jsou přivedena na USB vstup PC a zde použita k výpočtu časového průběhu elektrických vlastností tkáně, její komplexní permitivity a měrné komplexní vodivosti. Analýza je demonstrována na příkladu (pletivo bramboru).
The effects of the diurnal variations in ambient temperature on some C3 and C4 enzymes in the Salsola dendroides and Suaeda altissima species of Chenopodiaceae family were studied during the intensive vegetation period. Activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT) were shown to decrease in both species in the afternoon and evening. The activity of the mitochondrial AsAT decreased in S. altissima, remained relatively constant in S. dendroides during the day. The activity of alanine aminotransferase was high in the S. dendroides species in the morning and evening and decreased in the S. altissima species by the evening. Glucose-6-phosphate activated PEPC in both species throughout the day. The study of the redox status-regulated C3 enzymes showed temperature-related increases in NADP-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in both plants, in fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase activity in the S. altissima species, and in NADP-MDH activity in the S. dendroides species in the afternoon., T. Y. Orujova, S. M. Bayramov, U. A. Gurbanova, H. G. Babayev, M. N. Aliyeva, N. M. Guliyev, Y. M. Feyziyev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Chrococcoid cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus are the important component of marine and freshwater ecosystems. Picocyanobacteria comprise even 80% of total cyanobacterial biomass and contribute to 50% of total primary cyanobacterial bloom production. Chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and photosynthetic light response (P-I) curves are commonly used to characterize photoacclimation of Synechococcus strains. Three brackish, picocyanobacterial strains of Synechococcus (BA-132, BA-124, BA-120) were studied. They were grown under 4 irradiances [10, 55, 100, and 145 μmol(photon) m-2 s-1] and at 3 temperatures (15, 22.5, and 30°C). Photosynthetic rate was measured by Clark oxygen electrode, whereas the Chl fluorescence was measured using Pulse Amplitude Modulation fluorometer. Based on P-I, two mechanisms of photoacclimation were recognized in Synechococcus. The maximum value of maximum rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) expressed per biomass unit at 10 μmol(photon) m-2 s-1 indicated a change in the number of photosynthetic units (PSU). The constant values of initial slope of photosynthetic light response curve (α) and the maximum value of Pmax expressed per Chl unit at 145 μmol(photon) m-2 s-1 indicated another mechanism, i.e. a change in PSU size. These two mechanisms caused changes in photosynthetic rate and its parameters (compensation point, α, saturation irradiance, dark respiration, Pmax) upon the influence of different irradiance and temperature. High irradiance had a negative effect on fluorescence parameters, such as the maximum quantum yield and effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (φPSII), but it was higher in case of φPSII., S. Jodłowska, S. Śliwińska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Earth’s climate has experienced notable changes during the past 50-70 years when global surface temperature has risen by 0.8°C during the 20th century. This was a consequence of the rise in the concentration of biogenic gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and ozone) in the atmosphere that contribute, along with water vapor, to the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’. Most of the emissions of greenhouse gases have been, and still are, the product of human activities, namely, the excessive use of fossil energy, deforestations in the humid tropics with associated poor land use-management, and wide-scale degradation of soils under crop cultivation and animal/pasture ecosystems. General Circulation Models predict that atmospheric CO2 concentration will probably reach 700 μmol(CO2) mol-1. This can result in rise of Earth’s temperature from 1.5 to over 5°C by the end of this century. This may instigate 0.60-1.0 m rise in sea level, with impacts on coastal lowlands across continents. Crop modeling predicts significant changes in agricultural ecosystems. The mid- and
high-latitude regions might reap the benefits of warming and CO2 fertilization effects via increasing total production and yield of C3 plants coupled with greater water-use efficiencies. The tropical/subtropical regions will probably suffer the worst impacts of global climate changes. These impacts include wide-scale socioeconomic changes, such as degradation and losses of natural resources, low agricultural production, and lower crop yields, increased risks of hunger, and above all waves of human migration and dislocation. Due to inherent cassava tolerance to heat, water stress, and poor soils, this crop is highly adaptable to warming climate. Such a trait should enhance its role in food security in the tropics and subtropics., M. A. El-Sharkawy., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Excess solar radiation under hot climate can lead to decline in photosynthetic activity with detrimental effects on growth and yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a transparent plastic roof as shading for diurnal changes in photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, fruit set and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. 'Nam Dok Mai' growth in the field conditions. Fully expanded leaves were examined either shaded by the plastic roof or sunlit under natural conditions. Leaf temperature and leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit of the shaded leaves measured on the clear day were lowered compared to those of the sunlit leaves. It resulted in increased stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates of the shaded leaves compared to those of the sunlit leaves, especially from the morning to midday. Furthermore, the reversible decrease of the maximal quantum yield of PSII was more pronounced in the sunlit leaves than that in the shaded ones. Shading increased the total fruit number; the shaded fruits developed better external color than that of the sun-exposed fruits. Our results indicated that shading could maintain the high photosynthetic activity by reducing stomatal limitations for carbon supply and was effective in alleviating the photoinhibitory damage to PSII during bright and clear days with excessive radiation. Finally, shading could increase the number of fruits and improve mango peel color., K. Jutamanee, S. Onnom., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The vault in Vladislav Hall is a structural masterpiece of great historical value. Its structural analysis revealed that the permanent load exerted by its self weight is uniformly transmitted into the vaults and ribs without any potential crack appearance. The topical issue, however, is its response to temperature changes with respect to actual effects. Computations show that temperature changes may cause problems., Petr Fajman, Jiří Máca and Pavel Beran., and Obsahuje bibliografii