BACKGROUND: Occurrence of gastric metastasis as the first symptom of breast carcinoma with a long period of latency before presentation of the primary breast carcinoma is rare. CASE REPORT: A patient with gastric metastasis as the first symptom of lobular breast carcinoma, treated by neoadjuvant preoperative chemoradiotherapy and total gastrectomy, with complete local control. Fourteen months after presentation of the gastric metastasis a primary lobular breast carcinoma was discovered, treated by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal treatment with complete local response. Twenty-three months after diagnosis of breast cancer multiple colorectal metastases from the breast cancer occurred, which were treated by chemotherapy and hormonal treatment. Eighty-six months after diagnosis of gastric metastasis the patient died due to progression of cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Metastases to gastrointestinal or gynaecological tracts are more likely in invasive lobular carcinoma than invasive ductal cancer. The pathologist should determine whether or not they check estrogen and progesterone receptor status not simply by signet ring cell morphology but also by consideration of clinic-pathological correlation of the patient, such as the presence of a past history of breast cancer, or the colorectal localization of poorly differentiated carcinoma, which may occur less frequently than in the stomach. and D. Buka, J. Dvořák, I. Richter, N. D. Hadzi, J. Cyrany
Waldenströmova makroglobulinemie (WM) je vzácné lymfoproliferativní onemocnění ze skupiny monoklonálních gamapatií, s incidencí 3 případy na 1 milion obyvatel. Toto onemocnění je charakterizováno infiltrací kostní dřeně klonálními B-lymfocyty a přítomností monoklonálního imunoglobulinu třídy IgM v séru. Nejčastěji se jedná o indolentní onemocnění s mediánem přežití 6 let. Molekulární podstata není zcela objasněná, ale delece, trizomie chromozomů 4 a 8 a delece 13q se zdají být typické pro WM. Mutace MYD88L265P a CXCR4WHIM se u WM vyskytují velice často a mají vliv na růst a přežití nádorových buněk. Tato práce se zaměřuje na současné poznatky o chromozomových aberacích a genových mutacích spojených s patofyziologií WM. Klíčová slova: chromozomové aberace – somatické mutace – Waldenströmova makroglobulinemie, Waldenstöm macroglobulinemia (WM) is a rare lymphoproliferative disorder, currently classified as a monoclonal gammopathy, with incidence rate of 3 per million. The disease is characterized by presence of clonal B lymphocytes in the bone marrow and by presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin IgM in serum. It is mostly an indolent disorder, with median overall survival 6 years. Molecular pathogenesis of WM remains unclear, but deletion of 6q and 13q, trisomy of chromosomes 4 and 8 seem to be typical. Mutations of MYD88L265P and CXCR4WHIM are very common for WM and affect growth and survival of malignant cells. This work is aimed at the current knowledge of chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations connected to the pathophysiology of WM. Key words: chromosomal aberrations – somatic mutations – Waldenström macroglobulinemia, and Kateřina Kutálková, Lenka Sedlaříková, Zdeněk Adam, Sabina Ševčíková