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2. Jak se vybírají dětská jména
- Creator:
- Štěpán, Pavel
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
3. Národopisná společnost na prahu třetího tisíciletí
- Creator:
- Veselská, Jiřina and Štěpán, Pavel
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- historiography, the Ethnographic Society, and ethnographers
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The Ethnographic Society has been working for more that one hundred years - since 1893. Its original name - Czechoslavonic Ethnographic Society - reflected the tendency of the period towards the Slavonic nations. The society played an important role in the successful presentation of ethnographic materials in the great Czechoslavonic Ethnographic Exhibition in 1895. These materials were aftewards stored in the Ethnographic Museum, opened in 1896 in Prague under the administration of L. Niederle. Since 1922 the collections have been in charge of the National Museum. - The Czechoslavonic Ethnographic Society has been publishing the (Czechoslavonic) Ethnographic Bulletin since 1897 and has been operating its own library. - Till the early 1960 the Czechoslavonic Ethnographic Society was the only voluntary organization in the field of ethnography and folklore studies. In 1956 its name was changed to Czechoslovak Ethnographic Society., Moreover, the other society, which associated especially professional ethnographers, was founded in 1958 under the name Society of Czechoslovak Ethnographers of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In 1962 both societies merged into the Czechoslovac Ethnographic Society of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The subjectivity of the Society and its financial resources were reduced, but both its members and correspondents continued in their work and the Buleltin was published regularly. - Since 1993 (after the split of Czechoslovakia) the Society is called Ethnographic Society. New statutes of the organization were accepted in 1999. The supreme executive body of the Society is formed by the general assembly, the central committee has nine members. The society publishes the Ethnographic Bulletin and Newsletter of the Ethnographic Socety. It also organizes scientific conferences and it evaluates the most outstanding events in the field. It financially supports research activities (even of students). The society has 242 members and 185 correspondents., and Anglický abstrakt s šifrrou (št) uveden na str. 192-13.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
4. Ochrana památek lidového stavitelství a vesnických sídel
- Creator:
- Bureš, Pavel and Štěpán, Pavel
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- folk architecture, preservation of architecture, and open-air museums
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The interest in folk architecture dates back to the second half of 19th century. The Czechoslavonic Ethnographic Exhibition played an important role, but most projects of preservation of architecture were not carried out. The law from 1958 codified the preservation of settlement wholes; many individual folk buildings were to be preserved as well. Ony after 1989 a positive approach of state authorities towards folk architecture became visible. As early as in 1990, 20 preservation zones were declared in southern Bohemia; in 1995 60 new zones in the whole area of the republic were declared. Besides the approach reffering preservation of individual outstanding objects in their original localities, the method of conservation of some monuments by their transfer to the specialized open-air museums was implemented as well. The largest and the oldest one is the open-air museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm.opened in 1925. Other smaller museums of this kind came into being as late as in 1960s and 1970s (in Přerov nad Labem, Vysočina near Hlinsko, Třebíz near Slaný, Kouřim, Strážnice (south-eastern Moravia), Zubrnice (northern Bohemia), Rymice near Kroměříž, and others. Several similar museums are in the state of preparation (Chanovice and Velhartice near Klatovy, Vysoký Chlumec near Příbram). The present legislature gives several possibilities of preservation of folk architecture. The implementation of preservation plans is supported by state subsidies, various local as well as international programmes. and Anglický abstrakt s šifrou (št) je uveden na str. 199-200.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
5. Označení černé a bílé barvy v zeměpisných jménech v Čechách
- Creator:
- Štěpán, Pavel
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
6. Summary
- Creator:
- Štěpán, Pavel and Válka, Lukáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Článek tvoří anglické překlady zkrácených textů prvních 7 kapitol ročenky. U jednotlivých hesel jsou uvedeny šifry překladatelů (št) = Pavel Štěpán a (lv) = Lukáš Válka. Abstrakta jsou pak uvedena konkrétně u příslušných kapitol.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
7. Vědecká a specializovaná pracoviště
- Creator:
- Vařeka, Josef, Pospíšilová, Jana, Krist, Jan, Štěpán, Pavel, and Válka, Lukáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- institutes of ethnology, folk culture, and folklore activities
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The Institute of Ethnology, the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague The activities of the institute started in 1954; the new name The Institute of Ethnology has been used since 1994. The activities of the institute consist of both basic and applied research in the field of ethnology in a broad interdisciplinary context. Several periodicals are published by the institute, for example Český lid ("Czech Folk" - the oldest one, founded in 1891), and an ethnographic bibliography. Several volumes of the publication Czechoslovak national history and geography were prepared here as well. The members of the institute publish in our country as well abroad, some of them work as external teachers at universities. At present, an extremely important work is being prepared - an Ethnographic Encyklopaedia. The institute has its own centre of scienific information which gathers and documents the archives collections, written and graphical materials, sound and audiovisual records. The instiute has also important contacts with foreign institutions based on study visits and teaching programmes especially in Passau (Germany), Oxford, Bonn, Basel etc. The institute cooperates also with CEFRES, EASA, ISEF, IEEWG, ICTM and many European institutions. Director: doc. PhDr. Lubomír Tyllner, CSc., The Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno Within the collecting action "Das Volkslied in Österreich/The Folk Song in Austria came into being Pracovní výbor. po českou národní píseň na Moravě a ve Slezsku/The Working Committee for the Czech Folk Song in Moravia and Silesia. It was in 1905, in Brno, and the composer L. Janáček was appointed as a chairman. In 1919, the activities of the committee were followed by Státní stav pro lidovou píseň/The State Institute for Folk Songs. When Ústav pro etnografii a folkloristiku ČSAV/The Institute of Ethnography and Folklor Studies was founded in Brno, 1954, the song archives were transferrred to Brno. The current research of the institute (since 2000 it is called Etnologický ústav AVČR/The Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) is concentrated on the traditional music, its bearers and interpreters, folklore studies, social culture, chldren´s culture, youth culture, ethnic stereotypes, the Czech minorities (Vienna, Bosnia). The scholars of the institute give lectures at the Masaryk University, and cooperate with the Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice. The institute is in charge of the largest collection of folk songs in the Czech Republic which is published according to the regions. Of top of its own library it owns the library of O. Sirovátka that is focused on folk literature. The institute is in close touch with ethnographic institutions in Slovakia, Germany or Austria. The proceedings of conference held by the institute, songs collections and works from the hereditaments of O. Sirovátka (head of the institute from 1990 till 1992) are published in a special edition. The institute took part in the Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska/The Etnographical Encyclopaedia of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia and Vlastivěda Moravská/The History and Geography of Moravia, volume 10 Lidová kultura na Moravě/The Folk Culture in Moravia (2000)., The Institute of Folk Culture, Strážnice A new specialized ethnographic institute came into being in Strážnice (southeastern Moravia) by the profesionalisation of an folklore festival office in 1956. Its workers arranged the festivals, collections, and library. In 1964 they started to publish the magazine Národopisné aktuality/The Ethnographical News (editor J. Tomeš). According to the new regulations (1968) there was created The Institute of Folk Arts in Strážnice. The institute studies and documents the folk culture and every year arranges The International Folklore Festival, and since 1973 it has been creating The Museum of Southeastern Moravia Village. The institute arranges conferences and seminars with international participation. The outcomes are published in an edition called Folk Culture and Present. The institute keeps records of all folklore events in the former Czechoslovakia. Since 1991 Ústav lidové kultury/The Institute of Folk Culture is directed by MInistry of Culture. The institute continues in the research and documentation of folk culture, and organizes folklore and educative activities. Not only the institute publishes Journal of Ethnography (since 1990), it also realized the project of videodocument The Folk Dances of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (1994-97), since 1996 it is in charge of UNESCO grant for documentation and selected trades and folk art production. The institute is the seat of the Czech section of CIOFF, an organization of UNESCO for folklore festivals and folk art., and Anglické abstrakty s šifrou (št) - abstrakt 1 a šifrou (lv) - abstrakt 2 a 3 jsou uvedeny na str, 196-198.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
8. Výuka oboru na vysokých školách
- Creator:
- Vrhel, František, Válka, Miroslav, Gabrielová, Kateřina, Nosková, Jana, Štěpán, Pavel, and Válka, Lukáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- ethnology, teaching, and universities
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The Institute of Ethnology of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague The institute responded to the political and social changes in 1990s. It follows the modern European and world directions in research activities. Several foreign lecturers (Yale, the Northern Arizona University, the University o Basel) as well as the prominent specialists from the Academy of Sciences and the Náprstek Museum started to participate in the teaching programme. - The aim of the new curriculum is the theoretical and practical preparation for the master´s (in future also bachelor´s). The students gain knowledge of the cultural areas and the ability to work and act in various ethnic and cultural environments. The study consists of two cycles, the second of which is specialized. - The institute is devided into three seminars (general ethnology, European and Czech ethnology, and folklore studies). - Talented students can take part in research felowships abroad. The graduates gain ground as scienific and specialized researchers, in cultural facilities, museums, state bureaucracy, media and in humanity organizations. In present, the institute has for about 150 students, 20 new students are accepted every year. Besides the internal study, combined study is organized in some years.The post-graduate study includes several special courses, the final examination and the viva voce. Post-graduates are methodically tead by supervisors. - The research activities are aimed mainly at the ethnic and athno-cultural problems in Czech lands and in Europe. The institute cooperates with several European institutions. It is also specialized in the Hispanic and American studies, as well theoretical and trans-cultural studies. - The institute publishes the collections of papers Studia Ethnographica. - The director of the institute is doc. František Vrhel, CSc., The Institute of European Ethnography and Ethnology, the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University, Brno Seminář pro etnologii a etnografii/Seminar of Ethnography and Ethnology at the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University was founded by Professor A. Václavík (1891-1951) in 1946. The formerly independent department changed as well as its name. Since 1964 it was Katedra etnografie a folkloristiky/The Department of Ethnography and Folklore Studies. After 1968 it was a part of historical departments and on 1.1.1991 it regained independence. Now it is called Ústav evropské etnologie/The Institute of European Ethnology. The institute provides five-year MA stude programme with combination of a second subject. There is also a three-year internal and five-year external Ph.D. study programme. The lectures and seminars are complemented by other educative activities. Every year since 1992 has been arranging visits to the regions of the Czech Republic or countries mostly of southern or western Europe. Some of these travels were thematic, e.g. Rhetoromans´ foosteps, Semana santa in Spain, Almatrieb in Alps. All these travels are documented on the videotape and slides, so that this material can be used for teaching purposes later. The departmental library serves for studens as well for teachers. It contains more than 13,000 volumes of the basic ethnographical literature. The outcomes of the student and teacher research can be found in the departmental archives. The scholars of he department took part in the Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska/ Ethnographic Encyclopaedia of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The second important work is Vlastivěda moravská/The History and Geography of Moravia, volume 10 Lidová kultura na Moravě/The Folk Culture in Moravia.(2000). The head of the department is Professor PhDr. Richard Jeřábek, DrSc., The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities, Plzeň The department belongs to the newest university departments in the Czech Republic. It originally worked as a part of the Centre of Humanities of the Faculty of Law of the West-Bohemian University. Since 1997 it is a part of the Faculty of Humanities. - This pedagogical and research institution organizes a three-years bachelor course and a continuing two-year master course. The curriculum is based on the credit system and it is complementary with the offer of other university programmes. A part of the department is formed by the seminar of physical anthropology and of the anthropology of the Near East. Social anthropology is understood as a bio-social discipline, inspired especially by the Anglo-American approach. The department cooperates with several scientific institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The research activities are aimed at the problems of rural and urban communities, multiculturalism, applied social anthropology, museum studies, and some topics of religious studies and symbolical anthropology. - The department director is RNDr. Ivo Budil, Ph.D., and Anglické abstrakty s šiframi (št) - abstrakt 1 a 3 a (lv) - abstrakt 2 jsou uvedeny na str. 193-195.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public