Syndróm polycystických ovárií (PCOS) je najčastejšou endokrinopatiou u žien fertilného veku a najčastejšou príčinou porúch menštruačného cyklu. Je charakterizovaný hyperandrogénnym stavom (klinickým alebo biochemickým) a ovariálnou dysfunkciou (anovuláciou alebo ultrasonografickým nálezom polycystických ovárií), čo sú zároveň kritériá pre jeho diagnózu podľa Androgen Excess and PCOS Society. Syndróm má mnohopočetné fenotypové prejavy, medzi ktoré patrí okrem uvedených charakteristík aj metabolický syndróm, predovšetkým obezita a inzulínová rezistencia. Diagnóza PCOS je v klinickej praxi pomerne náročná a stále platí, že je diagnózou per exclusionem, po vylúčení iných príčin hyperandrogénneho stavu a chronickej oligo-anovulácie. Vyžaduje si úzku spoluprácu gynekológa, endokrinológa a z hľadiska častých metabolických komplikácií aj internistu, diabetológa a prípadne aj kardiológa. Kľúčové slová: AES kritériá – diagnóza – diferenciálna diagnóza – syndróm polycystických ovárií, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequent endocrinopathy among women of reproductive age and the most frequent cause of menstruation cycle disorders. It is marked by a hyperandrogenic state (clinical and/or biochemical) and ovulatory dysfunction (anovulation and/or ultrasonographic finding of polycystic ovaries), which are also criteria for its diagnosis according to Androgen Excess and PCOS Society. The syndrome has multiple phenotypic expressions, among them besides the above characteristics also a metabolic syndrome, primarily obesity and insulin resistance. Diagnosing of PCOS may be rather exacting in clinical practice and it remains to be a diagnosis per exclusionem, following elimination of other causes of hyperandrogenic state and chronic oligo-anovulation. It requires a close cooperation between a gynecologist and endocrinologist and with regard to frequent metabolic complications also with an internist, diabetologist and possibly cardiologist. Key words: AES criteria – diagnosis – differential diagnosis – polycystic ovary syndrome, and Ivica Lazúrová, Jana Figurová, Zora Lazúrová
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with multiple risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, including insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia. Many studies have assessed the role of adipokines in the etiopathogenesis of PCOS, however, no single biomarker has been recognized to be in causal relation to the syndrome. Apelin has been identified as a new adipokine linked to obesity and insulin resistance. Some studies demonstrated that the apelin / apelin receptor could play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome, however the other yielded controversial results. Underlying mechanisms of possible involvement of apelin/apelin receptor complex are discussed.