Studie zasazuje Vodseďálkovu prozaickou tvorbu z let padesátých do kontextu literární historie. Autor dále odkrývá křesťanské motivy v próze Kalvárie, pojmenovává jednotlivé náboženské momenty v textu, zjišťuje, že vlastně celý text je možno ve své gradaci připodobnit k „zastavením na křížové cestě“, současně však též upozorňuje na celkově neodekadentní náladu textu, stylizaci hlavní postavy do podoby karikatury hrdiny textů dekadentní literatury přelomu 19. a 20. století, a z toho vyplývající ironii a tragikomičnost. Studie též poukazuje na souvislost takto koncipované prózy s Vodseďálkovou koncepcí tzv. trapnosti v poesii.
e study strives to represent a connected system of semantic constructionproposed by Prague structuralism, and mainly by Felix Vodička. issystem was never presented in a form of a single study, but its suggestionsare scattered in various studies that deal with the questions of semanticconstruction and questions of the literary work‘s identity. Prague structuralismin the form of Vodička‘s or Mukařovský‘s suggestions did not strive forthe presentation of an integral system (such as that proposed by RomanIngarden), because the need was not felt to make such statements, nor didthe contemporary literary theory aim yet to similar designating projects.Still this complex system of structural semantic construction of the workwas an enduring part of the studies that were arising in the `‘s and q‘s,it had recognizable, rather solid and stable outlines and rules, and defacto it represents a methodological resource for the structural analysis ofa literary work. In this form, it is possible to consider it one of the essentialcontributions of the Prague school not only to the Czech literary theory. is study attempts at proving incorrect the traditional apprehension thatthe Prague structuralism did not present a sustained system of semanticconstruction, and obversely, to prove that such a system did exist and wasa conscious part of the Czech structuralists’ works, and it only was notproclaimed.