The sovereignty of contemporary state is a key question in the international relationships. The sovereigntyis exceptional right of every state without any external coercion to deciding of problems of internaland external policy. Many states have their own concept of the sovereignty. It has a big influence on the nationaljudicial systems and judicial community’s. In this article author considers the some issues of problemsof implementation of ECHR decisions in the Russian Federation.
The article defines the republic type in the Russian Federation, as the Constitution does not mention a specific kind of the republic, and identifies the features of the Russian Federation as a state with a republican form of government.
Legal responsibility is important element of legal development of every state. Authors consider theprinciple of subsidiarity in the aspects of the legal development. There are many problems in this field. Authorsuppose that main problem in this case is a providing of obey law. Legal responsibility is basic legal instrumentfor providing of obey law.