Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning has characteristics of simple operation, high efficiency and high precision technique for landslide surface monitoring. In recent years, finalization of modern GNSS systems Galileo and BeiDou has brought a possibility of multi-GNSS positioning. The paper focuses on evaluation of possible benefits of multi-GNSS constellations in landslide monitoring. While simulating observational conditions of selected Recica landslide in the Czech Republic, one-month data from well-established permanent GNSS reference stations were processed. Besides various constellation combinations, differential and Precise Point Positioning techniques, observation data lengths and observation sampling intervals were evaluated. Based on the results, using a combination of GPS and GLONASS, or GPS, GLONASS and Galileo systems can be recommended, together with a static differential technique and observation periods for data collection exceeding eight hours. In the last step, data from GNSS repetitive campaigns realized at the Recica landslide during two years were processed with optimal setup and obtained displacement results were compared to standard geotechnical measurements.
Ultraslabá emise fotonů se vyskytuje prakticky u všech metabolicky aktivních biologických systémů. Jejím zdrojem jsou elektronově excitované stavy molekul vznikající v průběhu oxidativních reakcí biomolekul. Ultraslabá emise fotonů detekovatelná citlivými a nízkošumovými fotonásobiči a CCD kamerami může najít uplatnění v neinvazivních diagnostických metodách v zemědělství a biomedicíně., Ultra-weak photon emission is present in virtually all metabolically active biological systems. Its source is electronically excited states of molecules produced during the oxidation reactions of biomolecules. Ultra-weak photon emission detected with sensititive and low noise photomultipliers and CCD cameras can be exploited in non-invasive diagnostics in biomedicine and agriculture., Michal Cifra, Pavel Pospíšil., and Obsahuje seznam literatury