The article attempts to define five phases in Hroch's studies on national movements since the 1960s till today as well as the dominant empirical, interpretational and methodical features of his contributions - as they are the internationally reflected. However, in some cases (the "phases A - B - C" of the national movement), this reflection is connected with decontextualization or misunderstandings of Hroch's concepts interpretations (e.g. the above mentioned phases A - B - C were not a result, but an introductory methodical tool of Hroch's comparative study, and they are often interpreted only "by touch"), but that changes nothing on their inspiring impact. On this background, the article poses the question of "productive desinterpretations" of concepts, which are in the historography (or generally cultural and social science) perhaps not an extraordinary phenomenon, and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou