The morphology of the nematode Klossinemella iheringi (Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928), the type species of the genus Klossinemella Costa, 1961, was studied using specimens collected from the serrasalmid fish, Mylesinus paraschomhurgkii légu, Santos et Ferreira, 1989 (a new host record), from the Trombetas River, Para State, Brazil, by both light and scanning electron microscopy. This species was also recorded from the Jari River (Pará State), the Uatuma, Pitinga and Capucapu Rivers (Amazonas State), and the Araguari River (Amapá State). An examination by SEM made it possible, for the first time in this genus, to study in detail the structure of the cephalic end. Characteristic features are the presence of 8 cephalic papillae arranged in two circlets, well developed lateral amphids, and especially a crown of 8 cephalic, Y-shaped sclerotized pieces (outgrowths). The male possesses 8 pairs of caudal papillae (3 preanals, 1 adanal and 4 postanals), two unequal spicules (0.156-0.294 mm and 0.069-0.099 mm long) and a gubemaculum (0.027-0.045 mm in length); previously undescribed deirids were also found. This is the first record of this parasite from the Amazon River basin. The genus Proatractis G. Caballero, 1971 is considered a synonym of Klossinemella Costa, 1961, belonging to the cosmocercoid family Atractidae, and its type species is transferred to the latter genus as Klossinemella parvicapilico-rnnala (G. Caballero, 1971) comb. n.