ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) je zbudována na plošině Chajnantor v severním Chile ve výšce 5040 m n. m. Svými velice přesnými dvanáctimetrovými anténami ve tvaru parabolických zrcadel otevřela nové okno do vesmíru v oblasti mikrovln o délkách 0,3-9 mm. Jejich prostřednictvím nabízí neočekávaný pohled na mnoho astrofyzikálních jevů od objektů Sluneční soustavy až po nejvzdálenější oblasti kosmu. and Jana Žďárská, Miroslav Bárta.
Sunlight is the source of energy for most of the processes on the Earth‘s surface and it represents also the ulitmate renewable energy source for human civilisation. The invention of photovoltaic solar cells and their development to the present highly sophisticated forms represent a story worth telling. The history of photovoltaics contains surprising and dramatic moments as well as steady progress, on a par with the rise of microelectronics. Further, there may still be some surprising new paths, similar to the recent development of hybrid perovskite solar cells., Antonín Fejfar, Martin Ledinský., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Pigments absorbing 350-1,050 nm radiation have had an important role on the Earth for at least 3.5 billion years. The ion pumping rhodopsins absorb blue and green photons using retinal and pump ions across cell membranes. Bacteriochlorophylls (BChl), absorbing in the violet/blue and near infra red (NIR), power anoxygenic photosynthesis, with one photoreaction centre; and chlorophylls (Chl), absorbing in the violet/blue and red (occasionally NIR) power oxygenic photosynthesis, with two photoreaction centres. The accessory (bacterio)chlorophylls add to the spectral range (bandwidth) of photon absorption, e.g., in algae living at depth in clear oceanic water and in algae and photosynthetic (PS) bacteria in microbial mats. Organism size, via the package effect, determines the photon absorption benefit of the costs of synthesis of the pigment-protein complexes. There are unresolved issues as to the evolution of Chls vs. BChls and the role of violet/blue and NIR radiation in PS bacteria., A. W. D. Larkum, R. J. Ritchie, J. A. Raven., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Slunce je zdrojem energie pro celou sluneční soustavu a je také hlavním zdrojem světla, ze kterého těží celá pozemská biosféra. Popis cesty kvanta energie vzniklé v nitru Slunce při termojaderné reakci až do jeho atmosféry je neodmyslitelně spojen s několika průlomovými objevy ve fyzice. Jak se zpřesňoval popis fyzikálních jevů, měnily se i možnosti energetického zdroje pro Slunce. Uspokojivého souladu bylo dosaženo až v polovině 20. století., The Sun is the energy source for the whole Solar system. It is also the main source of light, essentially driving all processes in the Earth‘s biosphere. The path of the quantum of light from its origin in thermonuclear reactions all the way to the solar atmosphere is connected to a few breakthroughts in physics. In the past, new discoveries in physics were continuously changing our interpretation of the energy source for the Sun. A satisfactory agreement was not established until the second half of the 20th century., Michal Švanda., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Photosynthesis is amongst the plant cell functions that are highly sensitive to any type of changes. Sun and shade conditions are prevalent in fields as well as dense forests. Dense forests face extreme sun and shade conditions, and plants adapt themselves accordingly. Sun flecks cause changes in plant metabolic processes. In the field, plants have to face high light intensity and survive under such conditions. Sun and shade type of plants develops a respective type of chloroplasts which help plants to survive and perform photosynthesis under adverse conditions. PSII and Rubisco behave differently under different sun and shade conditions. In this review, morphological, physiological, and biochemical changes under conditions of sun (high light) and shade (low light) on the process of photosynthesis, as well as the tolerance and adaptive mechanisms involved for the same, were summarized., S. Mathur, L. Jain, A. Jajoo., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy