Its high oxidant capacity and ability to generate reactive oxygen species cause ozone toxicity. We studied the effect of ambient ozone on chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence, antioxidant enzymes, ascorbate contents, and lipid peroxidation in potatoes grown in open-top chambers in the field. In plants grown in non-filtered air (NFA), the development of non-photochemical quenching brought about a decrease in photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemical efficiency. Also the ability of PS2 to reduce the primary acceptor QA was lower than in charcoal-filtered, ozone-free air (CFA). Changes in Chl fluorescence yield were associated with changes in the thylakoid membrane. Ozone altered chloroplast membrane properties, as indicated by an increase in membrane lipid peroxidation in FNA-leaves compared to CFA plants. The ascorbate pool and activities of antioxidant enzymes were used for an indication of the detoxification system state in NFA and CFA leaves, whereby ozone affects the ascorbate concentration and decreases the antioxidant enzymes activities. The capacity of both detoxifying systems together was not high enough to protect potato plants against ambient ozone concentrations which reduced the photosynthetic yield in this potato cultivar. and A. Calatayud, J. W. Alvarado, E. Barreno.
Field experiments were conducted in Sicily (south Italy) during two seasons to characterize by chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence four genotypes (Spunta, Sieglinde, Daytona, and Ninfa) of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) for off-season production during plant aging and to analyse the possible relation between Chl parameters and tuber yield. Chl fluorescence parameters [initial fluorescence (F0), maximum fluorescence (Fm), Fv/Fm, time in which maximal fluorescence occurs (Tmax)] gained from Kautsky kinetics and Chl content were measured weekly, from 5th to 6th leaf appearance to beginning of plant senescence in the first season and to full plant senescence in the second season. F0 and Fv/Fm were the most reliable Chl fluorescence parameters for the definition of genotypic differences while Chl content and Tmax were the most reliable Chl parameters to predict plant aging. Tuber yield was highly correlated with Chl content, Tmax, F0, and Fm.
Field experiments were conducted in Sicily (south Italy) to assess chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters in response of potato crop to nitrogen dose, to variation in genotype and in plant age, and to detect relationships between Chl content, fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm, and tuber yield. The experiment included five nitrogen doses (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 g m-2) and four genotypes (Spunta, Sieglinde, Daytona, and Igea). Chl fluorescence parameters (initial fluorescence, F0, maximum fluorescence, Fm, variable fluorescence, Fv, Fv/Fm, Tmax (the time required to reach Fm), and Chl content were measured weekly between the appearance of the fifth and sixth leaves and the onset of plant senescence. A positive linear relationship was established between nitrogen supply and Chl content, F0, and Tmax. Nitrogen supply up to 10 g m-2 also had a positive effect on Fm and Fv, but above this rate it reduced Fv/Fm. Spunta had the highest Chl content, Fm, Fv, and Fv/Fm, but the lowest F0, whereas Sieglinde had the lowest Chl content, Fv, Fv/Fm, and Tmax and the highest F0. The cvs. Igea and Daytona exhibited intermediate Chl fluorescence parameters. Chl content and Tmax decreased with increasing plant age, whereas F0, Fm, and Fv increased until complete canopy development and thereafter declined until crop maturity. Tuber and plant dry matter yield were significantly correlated with Chl content, F0, and Tmax. Thus Chl fluorescence and content detect differences in the response of potato to N supply, can discriminate between genotypes, predict plant age, and yield performance under field conditions. and G. Mauromicale, A. Ierna, M. Marchese.
Plants of Solanum curtilobum (from high altitude) and Solanum tuberosum (from low altitude) were grown in open-top chambers in a greenhouse at either ambient (AC, 360 µmol mol-1) or ca. twice ambient (EC, 720 µmol mol-1) CO2 concentrations for 30 d. CO2 treatments started at the reproductive stage of the plants. There were similar patterns in the physiological response to CO2 enrichment in the two species. Stomatal conductance was reduced by 59 % in S. tuberosum and by 55 % in S. curtilobum, but such a reduction did not limit the net photosynthetic rate (PN), which was increased by approximately 56 % in S. curtilobum and 53 % in S. tuberosum. The transpiration rate was reduced by 16 % in both potato species while instantaneous transpiration efficiency increased by 80 % in S. tuberosum and 90 % in S. curtilobum. Plants grown under EC showed 36 and 66 % increment in total dry biomass, whereas yields (dry mass of tubers) were increased by 40 and 85 % in S. tuberosum and S. curtilobum, respectively. EC promoted productivity by increasing PN. Thus S. tuberosum, cultivated around the world at low altitudes, and S. curtilobum, endemic of the highland Andes, respond positively to EC during the tuberisation stage. and N. Olivo, C. A. Martinez, M. A. Oliva.