Morphology of the nematode Viguiera dicrurusi Gupta, 1960 harboured by Dicrurus macrocercus albirictus (Hodgson) (Passseriformes: Dicruridae) from Baruipara in 24-Pargonas (South) district, West Bengal, India was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This represents the first study of V. dicrurusi using SEM. Scanning electron micrographs provided detailed information about the nature of pseudolabial plates, number and shape of teeth, dentate nature of striae, and the relative position of vulva, anus and phasmid opening in female. A detailed morphometrical comparison of this species with Viguiera viduae Chabaud, 1960 described from Dicrurus forficatus from Madagascar indicates that V. viduae is a junior synonym of V. dicrurusi. Two other species, Viguiera bhujangai Jehan, 1972 and Viguiera adsimilisai Sood et Kalia, 1978 are considered species inquirendae.