A quantitatively new analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module has been developed during 2010, in co-operation with Tedia Ltd. The module has a 28-bit final resolution and uses 32-bit arithmetic. There are two versions, with four and twelve analog inputs. The 4-input module replaces the original 21-bit version, produced until 2009. The 12-input module is intended to be deployed in small-aperture seismic arrays. The whole set consists of four 3-channel detached modules that can be interconnected with the main module using a cable of up to 100 m in length. This design increases signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by placing the A/D part as close to the seismograph as possible in order to transmit digital data for storage. All channels are sampled coherently so that all four sensors are automatically synchronised. It allows the detection of local events even though the sync-signal is absent. In other words, the 12-input module is suitable for ad-hoc field measurements even in places where there is no GPS signal. All arrays operated by the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics (IRSM) are going to be upgraded to use these modules and some new sites will also be set-up with this innovative equipment (e.g. Lazy in Western Bohemia and Dobrá Voda in Slovakia)., Milan Brož and Jaroslav Štrunc., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The goal of this work was to create a learning model to demonstrate the facilities and capabilities of the National Instruments USB-6008 card. The hardware solution of this teaching model includes drilling, cutting, gripping parts and their interconnection by soldering. The LabVIEW graphical programming language was used for programming the educational model. The measurement card works as an analog-to-digital converter that we can control analog or digital outputs via a USB interface. In this work, a demonstration model was developed to support teaching in the instrumentation and measurement laboratory. and Cieľom tejto práce bolo vytvorenie výukového modelu pre demonštráciu možností a schopností karty National Instruments USB-6008. Hardvérové riešenie tohto výukového modelu zahrňovalo vŕtanie, rezanie, uchytávanie súčiastok a ich vzájomné prepojenie spájkovaním. K programovaniu výukového modelu bol použitý grafický programovací jazyk LabVIEW. Meracia karta slúži ako analógovo-číslicový prevodník, ktorým sme schopní riadiť analógové alebo digitálne výstupy cez USB rozhranie. V tejto práci vznikol demonštračný model, ktorý bude slúžiť k podpore vyučovania v laboratóriu meracích prístrojov a technického merania.