iH026a is a formulation containing a biochemical class of plant growth regulator that modulates glycoconjugation through the plant lectin cycle. While lectins are common to vascular plants, we observed, consistent with reversible binding of sugars from lectins, enhancements of quantities and qualities of various features, including significant enrichment of Brix soluble sugars compared to controls in cherry, grape, and melon in trials conducted in Arizona and California, USA., A. M. Nonomura, A. Pedersen, D. P. Brummel, L. Loveless, A. Lauria, B. Haschemeyer, M. S. McBride, and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
a1_Non-invasive methods of determination of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS, ms/mmHg) are based on beat-to-beat systolic blood pressure and inter-beat interval recording. Sequential methods and spectral methods at spontaneous breathing include transient superposition of breathing and 0.1 Hz rhythms. Previously, a cross-spectral method of analysis was used, at constant breathing rate using a metronome set at 0.33 Hz, enabling separate determination of BRS at 0.1 Hz (BRS0.1Hz) and respiratory rhythms (BRS0.33Hz). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of breathing in the spectral method of BRS determination with respect to age and hypertension. Such information would be important in evaluation of BRS at pathological conditions associated with extremely low BRS levels. Blood pressure was recorded by Finapres (5 minutes, controlled breathing at 0.33 Hz) in 118 healthy young subjects (YS: mean age 21.0±1.3 years), 26 hypertensive patients (HT: mean age 48.6±10.3 years) with 26 age-matched controls (CHT: mean age 46.3±8.6 years). A comparison of BRS0.1Hz and BRS0.33Hz was made. Statistically significant correlations were found between BRS0.1Hz and BRS0.33Hz in all groups: YS: r=0.52, p<0.01, HT: r=0.47, p<0.05, and CHT: r=0.70, p<0.01. The regression equations indicated the existence of a breathing-dependent component unrelated to BRS (YS: BRS0.33Hz=2.63+1.14*BRS0.1Hz; HT: BRS0.33Hz=3.19+0.91*BRS0.1Hz; and CHT: BRS0.33Hz=1.88+ +1.01*BRS0.1Hz; differences between the slopes and the slope of identity line were insignificant). The ratios of BRS0.1Hz to BRS0.33Hz were significantly lower than 1 (p<0.01) in all groups (YS: 0.876±0.419, HT: 0.628±0.278, and CHT: 0.782±0.260). Thus, BRS evaluated at the breathing rate overestimates the real baroreflex sensitivity. This is more pronounced at low values of BRS, which is more important in patients with pathologic low BRS., a2_For diagnostic purposes we recommend the evaluation of BRS at the frequency of 0.1 Hz using metronome-controlled breathing at a frequency that is substantially higher than 0.1 Hz and is not a multiple of 0.1 Hz to eliminate respiratory baroreflexnon- related influence and resonance effect on heart rate fluctuations., P. Bothová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
To determine the relationship between hyperventilation and recovery of blood pH during recovery from a heavy exercise, short-term intense exercise (STIE) tests were performed after human subjects ingested 0.3 g · kg-1 body mass of either NaHCO3 (Alk) or CaCO3 (Pla). Ventilation (V.E) - CO2 output (V.co2) slopes during recovery following STIE were significantly lower in Alk than in Pla, indicating that hyperventilation is attenuated under the alkalotic condition. However, this reduction of the slope was the result of unchanged V.E and a small increase in V.co 2.A significant correlation between V.E and blood pH was found during recovery in both conditions. While there was no difference between the V.E - pH slopes in the two conditions, V.E at the same pH was higher in Alk than in Pla. Furthermore, the values of pH during recovery in both conditions increased toward the preexercise levels of each condition. Thus, although V.E - V.co 2 slope was decreased under the alkalotic condition, this could not be explained by the ventilatory depression attributed to increase in blood pH. We speculate that hy perventilation after the end of STIE is determined by the V.E - pH relationship that was set before STIE or the intensity of the exercise performed., T. Yunoki ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
U 117 dětí s chorobami dýchacích cest byly sledovány hodnoty výdechového kysličníku dusnatého (eNO) v závislosti na expozici složkám výfukových plynů automobilové dopravy před nástupem léčebného pobytu v léčebně plicních onemocnění a po léčebném pobytu. U exponovaných dětí jsme zjistili významné zvýšení hodnot eNO. Po léčebném pobytu došlo ke statisticky významnému snížení těchto nálezů. Považujeme námi použitou neinvazivní metodu měření hodnot eNO za velmi prospěšnou pro hodnocení expozice škodlivinám životního prostředí., Exhalation values of nitric oxide (eNO) were recorded in a cohort of 117 children with diagnosed respiratory diseases, as defined by the exposure components of traffic emissions prior to, and after, in-patient therapy. A significant increase of eNO values was recorded in exposed children. Following in-patient therapy there was a statistically significant reduction associated findings. We consider this non-invasive method of measuring eNO values to be very beneficial for the evaluation of exposure to environmental pollutants., Josef Richter, Vladimír Svozil, Josef Mašláň, Rudolf Odehnal, Ludovít Filo, Miloš Verner, Vlastimil Král, and Literatura
The intertidal collembolan Anurida maritima can endure periods of twice-daily submergence by seawater. The air-breathing terrestrial apterygote insect has developed specific adaptations to prevent respiratory failure during hypoxic stress. When submerged, the animal is initially enclosed by an air-bubble. This bubble lasts three times longer than the small amount of stored oxygen would allow. The air bubble acts not only as an oxygen store but also as a compressible gas gill. This was demonstrated by an O2-needle electrode technique which allowed recordings of pO2 changes in the watery medium close to the animal. Oxygen uptake in A. maritima follows an aerial mode of respiration during the first three hours of submergence. Oxygen consumption rate at decreasing ambient O2 partial pressures showed oxyregulating behaviour during severe hypoxia., Dietmar Zinkler, Raimund Rüssbeck, Marc Biefang, Horst Baumgärtl, and Lit
Global climate change may act as a potent agent of natural selection within species with Mediterranean mountain ecosystems being particularly vulnerable. The aim of this research was to analyze whether the phenotypic plasticity of Sesleria nitida Ten. could be indicative of its future adaptive capability to global warming. Morphological, anatomical, and physiological leaf traits of two populations of S. nitida growing at different altitudes on Mount Terminillo (Italy) were analyzed. The results showed that leaf mass per unit leaf area, leaf tissue density, and total leaf thickness were 19, 3, and 31% higher in leaves from the population growing at 1,895 m a.s.l. (B site) than in leaves from the population growing at 1,100 m a.s.l. (A site), respectively. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) and respiration rate (RD) peaked in June in both A and B leaves [9.4 +- 1.3 μmol(CO2) m-2 s-1 and 2.9 +- 0.9 μmol(CO2) m-2 s-1, respectively] when mean air temperature was 16 +- 2°C. R D/P N was higher in B than in A leaves (0.35 +- 0.07 and 0.21 +- 0.03, respectively, mean of the study period). The mean plasticity index (PI = 0.24, mean of morphological, anatomical, and physiological leaf traits) reflected S. nitida adaptability to the environmental stress conditions at different altitudes on Mount Terminillo. Moreover, the leaf key traits of the two populations can be used to monitor wild populations over a long term in response to global change., L. Gratani, M. F. Crescente, V. D’Amato, C. Ricotta, A. R. Frattaroli, G. Puglielli., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Inactive forearm muscle oxygenation has been reported to begin decreasing from the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during ramp leg cycling. From the RCP, hyperventilation occurs with a decrease in arterial CO2 pressure (PaCO2). The aim of this study was to determine which of these two factors, hyperventilation or decrease in PaCO2, is related to a decrease in inactive biceps brachii muscle oxygenation during leg cycling. Each subject (n = 7) performed a 6-min two-step leg cycling. The exercise intensity in the first step (3 min) was halfway between the ventilatory threshold and RCP (170±21 watts), while that in the second step (3 min) was halfway between the RCP and peak oxygen uptake (240±28 watts). The amount of hyperventilation and PaCO2 were calculated from gas parameters. The average cross correlation function in seven subjects between inactive muscle oxygenation and amount of hyperventilation showed a negative peak at the time shift of zero (r = -0.72, p<0.001), while that between inactive muscle oxygenation and calculated PaCO2 showed no peak near the time shift of zero. Thus, we concluded that decrease in oxygenation in inactive arm muscle is closely coupled with increase in the amount of hyperventilation., H. Ogata, T. Arimitsu, R. Matsuura, T. Yunoki, M. Horiuchi, T. Yano., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The cardiovascular system is described by parameters including blood flow, blood distribution, blood pressure, heart rate and pulse wave velocity. Dynamic changes and mutual interactions of these parameters are important for understanding the physiological mechanisms in the cardiovascular system. The main objective of this study is to introduce a new technique based on parallel continuous bioimpedance measurements on different parts of the body along with continuous blood pressure, ECG and heart sound measurement during deep and spontaneous breathing to describe interactions of cardiovascular parameters. Our analysis of 30 healthy young adults shows surprisingly strong deep-breathing linkage of blood distribution in the legs, arms, neck and thorax. We also show that pulse wave velocity is affected by deep breathing differently in the abdominal aorta and extremities. Spontaneous breathing does not induce significant changes in cardiovascular parameters., P. Langer, P. Jurák, V. Vondra, J. Halámek, M. Mešťaník, I. Tonhajzerová, I. Viščor, L. Soukup, M. Matejkova, E. Závodná, P. Leinveber., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Myrmica rubra is a northern, temperate Palaearctic ant species with a geographical range that extends from the Atlantic coast of Europe to central Asia. In Europe, its range covers > 25° of latitude where it lives under a variety of climates that vary from extreme oceanic in the west, to continental in the east. Colonies nest in the soil and their life cycles are known to be highly dependent on ambient temperature and soil moisture. We hypothesised that the brood-rearing behaviour of populations might be focally adapted to climate and that we might detect differences when the ants were reared under \"common-garden\" conditions. Brood-rearing behaviour was compared for 38 colonies of M. rubra drawn from 13 populations representing a range of 6 latitudes: all 6 were represented in eastern Europe and 2 in western Europe. A sample of ants from each colony was used to estimate respiration rate, body mass and fat content at the start of the experiment in spring (immediately post hibernation) and at the end of the experiment (mid summer). Respiration had a linear relationship with latitude, with northern populations having greater respiration rate in spring compared to southern populations. It is suggested that this is an adaptation to different seasonality over the species' range that results in the \"more active\" northern workers rearing fewer brood to maturity more quickly than southern workers. Fat content, a measure of worker \"quality\", had a parabolic relationship with latitude with mid latitude colonies having the fattest workers. Fatter workers appeared to rear heavier brood. This probably represented a functional response to environment with populations living at \"edge of range\" sites being physiologically more stressed and performing brood-rearing tasks less well than centre of range populations. We believe that this is the first demonstration of a consistent, intra-specific trend for Variation in the social physiology of an ant species over its geographic range., Graham W. Elmes, Judith C. Wardlaw, Mogens G. Nielsen, Vladilen E. Kipyatko, Elena B. Lopatina, Alexander G. Radchenko, Boyd Barr, and Lit
Pozitivní vliv pohybové aktivity na psychiku je věcí obecně známou. Příspěvek přináší informaci o možnosti využití cílené pohybové aktivity v terapii psychiatrických a psychosomatických pacientů neboli kinezioterapie. Její indikace vychází ze znalosti psychosomatických vztahů v rámci pohybového systému a z poznatků o specifickém vlivu jednotlivých druhů/typů pohybové aktivity na psychiku. Vliv pohybu na psychiku lze obecně popsat jako anxiolytický, antidepresivní a abreaktivní (ve smyslu odreagování od stresu). Kromě těchto účinků pohybu můžeme v cílené terapii využít i specifických psychosomatických vazeb, např. balanční schopnosti a stabilita se zhoršují při vyšší hladině úzkosti a naopak – balanční cvičení úzkostné prožívání snižují. K pochopení vlivu pohybové aktivity na psychiku významně přispěl také Csickszentmihalyiho koncept prožitku flow. Jde o prožitek pohroužení do prováděné aktivity, při kterém prožíváme vnitřní harmonii a uspořádanost, uspokojení pouze z provádění dané činnosti bez vazby na její výsledek, přestáváme vnímat čas a pociťujeme schopnost dokonalého soustředění a vnitřního klidu. Prožitek flow při pohybové aktivitě může být velmi intenzivní s meditačním nábojem a může být významným faktorem zvyšujícím kvalitu života. Většina vědeckých studií se shoduje v tom, že právě u psychiatrických a psychosomatických pacientů vykazuje pohybová aktivita větší efekt než u osob zdravých. U těch se preventivní vliv pohybové aktivity na psychiku nazývá kinezioprotekce. Bylo jí věnováno mnoho pozornosti ve sportovní psychologii. U výkonnostních sportovců bývá vlivem provádění dané sportovní aktivity popisováno lepší psychické zdraví. Zásadní studie zabývající se touto problematikou byla provedena s použitím testu POMS pro diagnostiku psychického stavu. Zjistilo se, že sportovci vykazují nižší hodnoty v položkách T, D, A, F a C a vyšší hodnoty v položce V. Tento jen se nazývá „iceberg profile“. Psychologické benefity pohybové aktivity jsou často hlavním motivačním faktorem u řady jedinců, kteří se různým druhům cvičení a kondičnímu sportování věnují. Pohybová aktivita kromě zmíněných účinků také významně ovlivňuje vnímání těla, které se stává „reálnější“ (vyšší aferencí z proprioreceptorů), a může se měnit i vztah k tělu, které přináší nové prožitky pohybu v prostoru, zprostředkuje změnu psychického stavu a to vše může sehrát důležitou roli v prevenci vzniku i v terapii psychosomatických onemocnění. V neposlední řadě může být pohyb i prostředkem, jak měnit tělesnou hmotnost a vzhled těla, které se pak stává „produktem“ naší vůle a to významně mění náš vztah k němu. Na druhou stranu tento aspekt pohybové aktivity může být i zdrojem potencionální patologie u disponovaných jedinců, např. u pacientek s psychogenními poruchami příjmu potravy., Psychological benefits of physical activity are popularly known. This article offers information about application of physical activity in psychiatric and psychosomatic patients’ therapy – so called kinesiotherapy. Its indication is based on psychosomatic relations of movement apparatus knowledge and knowledge of specific psychological effect of different types of physical activity. Psychological benefits of physical activity are in general anxiolytic, antidepressive and abreactive effect (i.e. stress abreaction). Besides that we can use specific psychosomatic relations in applied therapy, f.e. balance abilities and stability get worse as a result of higher anxiety and the other way around – balance exercises can reduce anxiety. Concept „flow experience“ by Csickszentmihalyi was very useful in understanding psychological effect of physical activity. Flow is experience of becoming absorbed, harmony and orderliness, satisfaction with only doing the activity independently on its result. This is experience when we don´t perceive time, we feel perfect concentration and inner peace. Flow experience can be very intensive, near meditation experience, and it can be important factor of quality of life improving. The most of research studies found out that physical activity has higher effect in psychiatric and psychosomatic patients than in healthy persons. In these it is called kinesioprotection and it is one of the main research subjects of sport and exercise psychology. Performance athletes have better psychical health than non-athletes. The POMS test for actual psychical state diagnostic was used in essential research study focused on this problem. Its result was that performance athletes have lower values in T, D, A and F items a higher value in V item – this is called “iceberg profile”. Psychological benefits of physical activity are often the main motivation factors in persons who do sports and fitness exercises regularly. Except the above mentioned benefits of physical activity it improves Physical Self – it is more “realistic” (thanks to more intensive proprioception), and it can change the relationship to the own body too. The body brings new experience of movement in space, causes actual psychical state´s change and that can play important role in psychosomatic diseases prevention and therapy. Last but not least the physical activity can be the way how to reduce body weight and to change body shape. In this case our body becomes product of our strong will and it can change our relationship to the own body. On the other hand it can be reason of potential pathology in persons with predisposition to this, as f.e. in patients suffering from eating disorders., Stackeová D., and Literatura