Field-grown plants of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Akcent) in the growth phase 30 DC (beginning of stem extension) were exposed to a one-shot application of a commercial product containing cyanazine (Bladex 50 SC) in two doses, C30 and C60 (30 and 60 mg m-2). The reaction of the plant photosynthetic system was followed non-destructively using chlorophyll fluorescence induction (the O-J-I-P transient) within three weeks after the application in the fifth developed leaf and three further gradually appearing leaves. An immediate response of plants to the application of cyanazine and a regeneration of plants from cyanazine action were detected. The biological (plant dry mass) and crop yield production (the number and mass of grains in a spike) were analyzed in time of full ripeness. The crop yield was lowered by the herbicide effect to the same level for the two doses used. and M. Matoušková, J. Nauš, M. Flašarová.
a1_Photosynthesis is one of the most important processes in plant biology and in the development of new methodologies that allow a better understanding and characterization of the photosynthetic status of organisms, which is invaluable. Flow cytometry (FCM) is an excellent tool for measuring fluorescence and physical proprieties of particles but it has seldom been used in photosynthetic studies and thus the full extent of its potentialities, in this field of research, remains unknown. To determine the suitability of FCM in photosynthesis studies, pea plants were exposed to Paraquat and their status was analyzed during 24 h. FCM was used to evaluate the integrity (volume and internal complexity) and the relative fluorescence intensity (FL) of chloroplasts extracted from those plants. To elucidate which type of information the FL conveys, FL values were correlated with the minimum fluorescence level (F0), maximum fluorescence level (Fm) and maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), obtained by using Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (PAM) fluorometry. Results indicate that: (1) the biomarkers used to evaluate the structural integrity of the chloroplasts were more sensitive to Paraquat exposure than the ones related to fluorescence; (2) the variation of the chloroplast’s structure, as time progressed, pointed to a swelling and subsequent burst of the chloroplast which, in turn, compromised fluorescence emission; (3) FL presented a high and significant correlation with the Fv/Fm and to a lesser degree with Fm but not with F0; (4) pigment content did not reveal significant changes in response to Paraquat exposure and is in agreement with the proposed model, suggesting that the cause for fluorescence decrease is due to chloroplast disruption., a2_In sum, FCM proved to be an outstanding technique to evaluate chloroplastidal functional and structural status and therefore it should be regarded as a valuable asset in the field of photosynthetic research., E. Rodriguez ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We investigated the sorption-desorption behaviour of acid herbicide MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy acetic acid) in five soils (denoted as A1-5), three bottom sediments (S1-3) and in two river sediments (L1-2) at two initial concentrations in aqueous solution - C0 = 0.5 and 10 mg L-1. Sorption and desorption of MCPA was measured by a batch equilibrium technique using analytical pure MCPA. There was no significant influence of the initial concentration of MCPA on its equilibrium distribution between soil/sediment and aqueous solution. The difference between distribution coefficient KD at C0 = 0.5 mg L-1 and KD at C0 = 10 mg L-1 was found only in the case of one bottom sediment (S2). Simple regression analysis between KD at C0 = 0.5 and 10 mg L-1 and soil/sediment properties indicated that the most important property which determined the variation in MCPA sorption is organic carbon (r = 0.885** and r = 0.921***, respectively). Similarly, the desorption of MCPA was inversely proportional to organic carbon content of the soils and sediments used (r = -0.821* and r = -0.888**). These observations showed that sorption-desorption behaviour of MCPA in soils and sediments was primarily controlled by organic components of the geosorbents used. Overall, the sorption extent of MCPA in soils and sediments was low (Psorp ≈ 5 - 53 %; KD = 0.131 - 2.827 L kg-1) and desorption extent was relatively high (Pdes ≈ 11 - 52 %), especially in soils and sediments with the lower organic carbon content. The experimental results and calculated values of groundwater ubiquity score GUS and relative leaching potential index RLPI imply that MCPA is very mobile in all soils and has high potential to contaminate groundwater. and Laboratórnymi metódami sme skúmali sorpčno-desorpčné správanie herbicídu MCPA (kyselina 4-chlór2-metyl fenoxyoctová) s kyslým charakterom (pKa = 3,07) v 5 vzorkách pôd (A1-5), v 3 vzorkách dnových sedimentov (S1-3) a v 2 vzorkách riečnych sedimentov (L1-2) pri dvoch koncentráciách vo vodnom roztoku - 0,5 a 10 mg l-1. Počiatočná koncentrácia MCPA vo vodnom roztoku nemala vplyv na jeho rozdelenie medzi pôdu/sediment a vodný roztok, iba v prípade 1 vzorky dnového sedimentu (S2) bol zistený rozdiel v rozdeľovacích koeficientoch KD. Sorbované množstvo MCPA v sledovaných pôdach a sedimentoch priamo úmerne záviselo od celkového obsahu organického uhlíka. Podobne, vodou desorbované (extrahované) množstvo MCPA z pôd a sedimentov vyjadrené v % (Pdes) nepriamo úmerne záviselo od celkového obsahu organického uhlíka. Tieto pozorovania dokumentujú, že sorpčno-desorpčné správanie MCPA v pôdach a sedimentoch je primárne kontrolované organickými zložkami sledovaných geosorbentov. Celkovo bol sorbovaný podiel MCPA v pôdach a sedimentoch nízky (Psorp ≈ 5-53 %; KD = 0,131-2,827 l kg-1) a desorbované množstvo relatívne vysoké (Pdes ≈ 11-52 %), zvlášť v pôdach a sedimentoch s nižším obsahom organického uhlíka. Experimentálne výsledky a vypočítané hodnoty GUS (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) a RLPI (Relative Leaching Potential Index) poukazujú na výraznú pohyblivosť MCPA v pôdach a vysokú tendenciu MCPA preniknúť do podzemných vôd.
Five soils from Slovakia (denoted ŽH, ŽHV, CH, CHN and PD) which differed with respect to organic matter and clay content, were selected for kinetic and equilibrium studies of chlorotoluron sorption. First- and second-order kinetic equations were used for description of differences in chlorotoluron sorption rates in studied soils. Chlorotoluron sorption rate could be better expressed by second-order kinetic equation. Comparing rate constant values of first-order sorption k1 and initial sorption rate values v0 of second-order, the same order in decrease of sorption rate was obtained: v(ŽHV) > v(CHN) > v(ŽH) > v(CH) > v(PD). The experimental sorption isotherms fitted very well with the Freundlich and the Henry?s (linear) isotherm. Freundlich coefficients KF for ŽH, ŽHV, PD, CHN and CH soils were 10.96, 8.21, 6.36, 6.58 and 6.63 ?g g-1 (cm3 ?g-1)N, respectively. KD values for chlorotoluron sorption by ŽH, ŽHV, PD, CHN and CH soils were 16.62, 14.91, 10.39, 9.6 and 7.36 cm3 g-1, respectively. Sorption increased with increasing clay content (?0.002 mm (%), R2 = 0.855) and organic carbon content (Cox [%], R2 = 0.703). Results of laboratory trials suggested that studied agricultural soils served as a relatively efficient purifying filters through the sorption in soils. Therefore, extensive penetration of chlorotoluron into the groundwater shouldn't be very high. and Pri laboratórnom štúdiu rýchlosti sorpcie a sorpčných izoteriem chlortoluronu sme použili päť vzoriek pôd (s označením ŽH, ŽHV, CH, CHN a PD) s rozdielnym obsahom organického uhlíka a ílových častíc. Rýchlosť sorpcie chlortoluronu v pôdach sme opísali rýchlostnou rovnicou reakcie prvého a druhého poriadku. Experimentálne získané časové závislosti sorbovaného množstva chlortoluronu vyhovovali rýchlostnej rovnici reakcie druhého poriadku. Na základe hodnoty rýchlostnej konštanty k1 reakcie prvého poriadku a hodnoty počiatočnej rýchlosti sorpcie v0 podľa reakcie druhého poriadku sme zistili takéto poradie v poklese rýchlosti sorpcie chlortoluronu pre všetky vzorky pôd: v(ŽHV) >v(CHN) >v(ŽH) >v(CH) > >v(PD). Experimentálne určené adsorpčné izotermy chlortoluronu sme vyhodnotili Freundlichovou a Henryho adsorpčnou izotermou. Zistili sme nasledujúce hodnoty koeficienta KF sorpcie chlortoluronu pôdami ŽH, ŽHV, PD, CHN a CH: 10,96; 8,21; 6,36; 6,58 a 6,63 µg g-1 (cm3 µg-1) N . Distribučné koeficienty KD sa pohybovali v rozmedzí od 16,62; 14,91; 10,39; 9,71 až do 7,36 cm3 g-1. Koeficient KF koreloval s obsahom ílovej frakcie (R2 = 0,855) a obsahom organického uhlíka (R2 = 0,703). Laboratórny výskum ukázal, že uvedené poľnohospodárske pôdy môžu v dôsledku silnej sorpcie relatívne účinne zabraňovať prenikaniu chlortoluronu pôdnym profilom.
Sorption of herbicides (acetochlor, atrazine, 2,4-D-DMA, chlorotoluron, MCPA and trifluralin) in six soils was evaluated. Among herbicides studied, dissociable herbicides (MCPA and 2,4-D-DMA) were the least sorbed, whereas nonionic herbicides were the most sorbed (acetochlor < chlorotoluron < trifluralin). The distribution coefficient values KD and equilibrium sorbed amounts positively correlated with soil organic carbon content for all herbicides except MCPA. Moreover, all herbicides except MCPA were the most sorbed in the Vertisoil (SA) with relatively high content of expanding clay minerals in proportion to organic carbon content. Organic carbon - water distribution coefficient values KOC for each herbicide showed a smaller variation among soils used except the SA soil than distribution coefficients KD. To estimate potential risk of groundwater contamination by herbicides investigated, measured KOC and treshold GUS values (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) were used to calculate half-lives t1/2 that would rank herbicides as potentially hazardous and non-hazardous. Comparison of calculated t1/2 values to published was found that atrazine and MCPA could be considered hazardous herbicides, trifluralin non-hazardous herbicide and acetochlor, 2,4-D and chlorotoluron could be hazardous or non-hazardous, depending on soil type. Presented analysis was also in line with risk assessment of groundwater contamination according to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) criterion. and Referát prináša výsledky výskumu sorpcie herbicídov (acetochlór, atrazín, 2,4-D-DMA, chlórtoluron, MCPA a trifluralín) v šiestich poľnohospodárskych pôdach. V rámci sledovaných herbicídov najnižšie rovnovážne sorbované množstvá v pôdach boli zistené pre disociovateľné herbicídy (MCPA a 2,4-D-DMA) a najvyššie pre nepolárne herbicídy (acetochlór < chlórtoluron < trifluralín). Ukázalo sa, že s rastúcim podielom organického uhlíka v použitých pôdach sa priamo úmerne zvyšuje rovnovážne sorbované množstvo sledovaných herbicídov s výnimkou MCPA. Navyše, všetky herbicídy okrem MCPA sa najlepšie sorbovali v pôde smonica (SA) s relatívne vysokým podielom expandujúcich ílových minerálov v pomere k obsahu organického uhlíka. V rámci použitých pôd s výnimkou pôdy smonica (SA) boli rozdiely medzi zistenými hodnotami rozdeľovacích koeficientov normalizovaných na podiel organického uhlíka KOC pre daný herbicíd výrazne nižšie ako rozdiely medzi rozdeľovacími koeficientami KD. Na posúdenie potenciálneho rizika kontaminácie podzemných vôd skúmanými herbicídmi boli využité stanovené KOC a hraničné hodnoty ukazovateľa GUS (riziko výskytu organickej látky v podzemných vodách), z ktorých sa vypočítali žiadané polčasy rozkladu t1/2. Porovnaním vypočítaných t1/2 s publikovanými v literatúre sa dospelo k záveru, že atrazín a MCPA možno považovať za rizikové herbicídy vo všetkých pôdach, trifluralín za herbicíd bez rizika a acetochlór, 2,4-D a chlórtoluron za rizikové alebo bez rizika v závislosti od pôdneho typu. Uvedená analýza sa zhodovala aj s analýzou možného rizika kontaminácie podľa kritérií EPA.