Last changes in Poland have made that in the hi-tech industry the main role started to play the small-specialized enterprises, leaded by the people who has a good contacts in Universities. They are interested in the sophisticated technology and want to cooperate with the University. The mechatronic product - the family of computer controlled infusion pumps are the important part of the intensive care room equipment in every hospital. The designed family of pumps gives the possibility to program infusion rate in most frequently used units, allows to record in memory own dosing procedures, could automatically load and recognize the syringe etc. They are nearly the top product similar to the ones offered by the best manufactures as B. Brown, or Fresenius.
These two aspects: characteristic of the pumps family and the technology transfer are the main foals of the paper. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Gastric or intestinal luminal tonometry is a method for monitoring critically ill patients. It offers an index of the adequacy of aerobic metabolism in a tissue that is particularly sensitive to alterations in its perfusion and oxygenation: the gut mucosa. It is based on the measuring the increase in tissue CO2 production that accompanies anaerobic metabolism. The method simply consists of a balloon in the stomach, which measures intramucosal pCO2. From this measurement and from the arterial bicarbonate concentration gastric intramucosal pH (pHi) can be calculated, assuming that bicarbonate concentration in the gastric mucosal tissue is in equilibrium with systemic arterial bicarbonate. Despite possible clinical benefit from the measurement and the therapy of low pHi values in critically ill patients, the theoretical, experimental and pathophysiological implications for the monitoring of intramucosal acidosis in the gut are not yet fully understood. There are still some open methodological questions crucial for further clinical interpretation., V. Černý, K. Cvachovec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek se zabývá psychickým zpracováním a proţíváním intenzivní péče u pacientů s ohroţením vitálních funkcí. Cílem tohoto článku je informovat psychologickou veřejnost o nutnosti psychologické péče pro jedince, kteří prošli bojem a strachem o vlastní ţivot při traumatických událostech. Dle našeho výzkumu si tito jedinci zasluhují odbornou pomoc, aby jejich návrat do běţného ţivota byl optimální a mohli se po proţitém traumatu seberealizovat. and The article deals with mental processing and experiencing of the intensive care by patients with threatened vital functions. The aim of the article is to inform colleagues from the field of psychology about the necessity of psychological care for patients who fought and feared for their life during traumatizing events. According to our research, these people deserve professional psychological care in order to safely return to everyday life and to be able to self-realize themselves after the trauma.
Východiskem článku je situace viability. Ta je analyzována jako sémantický a medicínský koncept a jsou charakterizovány důsledky, které má klinický status extrémně nezralého novorozence (dítěte narozeného na hranici viability) pro etické uvažování a pro rozhodování o odpovídající lékařské péči, když není zohledněno pouze přežití extrémně nezralého novorozence ale rovněž různá úroveň poškození způsobeného lékařským zásahem. Článek se dále zabývá medicínskou nejistotou, jež je typická pro rozhodování o zdravotní péči o extrémně nezralé novorozence. Následně se zaměřuje na nejistotu etickou, která vyplývá z nejistoty medicínské. V závěru pojednání jsou navrženy způsoby, jak postupovat, rozhodovat a konat v situaci etických dilemat zachraňování dětí narozených na samé hranici viability. and The paper departs from viability, analysing viability as semantic and medical concept and characterizing consequences that clinical status of an extremely preterm newborn (neonate born at the edge of viability) has for ethical considerations and decisions about the proper medical care – when not only survival of the extremely preterm neonate but also diverse level of medical harm to the infant are at the stake. Coming from medical uncertainty, typical for the extremely premature newborns, the paper focuses on moral uncertainty caused my medical uncertainty. Finally the paper brings some modi procedendi for ethical dilemmas of saving infants born at the edge of viability.