Tromboembolická nemoc (TEN) je významný společensko-zdravotní problém. Je zřejmé, že východiskem je profylaxe TEN v klinických oborech, nikoli léčba sama. Lze usuzovat, že efektivní profylaxe ve svém důsledku snižuje náklady na následnou léčbu. Smrtící plicní embolie (PE) může představovat první a konečnou klinickou prezentaci u nemocných s asymptomatickou hlubokou žilní trombózou. Z těchto důvodů je nutná systematická prevence žilní tromboembolie u nemocných se zvýšeným rizikem. Bohužel farmakologická prevence se užívá méně, než by bylo třeba. Nedílnou součástí profylaxe TEN jsou fyzikální metody. Farmakologické možnosti profylaxe tromboembolické nemoci se v posledních 10 letech výrazně rozšířily. Pro profylaxi TEN po totální náhradě (TEP) kyčelního a kolenního kloubu je třeba dodržovat tyto zásady: profylaxe TEN by měla být prováděna LMWH, fondaparinuxem, dabigatranem, rivaroxabanem nebo apixabanem po dobu 28–35 dnů u kyčelního kloubu a nejméně po dobu 14 dní od operace kolenního kloubu. Použití ASA, dextranu a UFH jako tromboprofylaxe po TEP kyčelního kloubu a kolenního kloubu nemá v rámci ČR opodstatnění. Fyzikální prostředky (kompresní punčochy s graduovaným tlakem nebo IPC) je možno použít jako doplněk doporučené farmakologické léčby, neměly by být používány samostatně kromě případů, kdy je farmakologická tromboprofylaxe kontraindikována., Thromboembolic disease (TED) is a considerable social and health problem. The solution evidently consists in the prevention of TED in clinical fields, not in the treatment itself. We can assume that effective prevention consequently reduces the cost of the following treatment. A lethal pulmonary embolism (PE) can be the first and the final clinical manifestation in patients with an asymptomatic deep venous thrombosis. This makes the systematic prevention of venous thromboembolism in higher risk patients necessary. Unfortunately, pharmacological prevention has been used less than would be needed. Inseparable from the TED prevention are physical methods. Pharmacological possibilities of the thromboembolic disease prevention were significantly extended within the past decade. To ensure the TED prevention after the total replacement (TEP) of hip and knee joints the following rules need to be observed: the TED prevention should be effected with LMWH, fondaparinux, dabigatran, rivaroxaban or apixaban for a period of 28-35 days after the hip joint replacement surgery and for 14 days after the knee joint replacement. The use of ASA, dextran and UFH as a thromboprophylaxis after the hip and knee joint TEP is not justified within the Czech Republic. Physical means (graduated compression stockings or IPC) can be used to support the recommended pharmacological treatment, they should not be used individually except in cases where pharmacological thromboprophylaxis is contraindicated., and Jaroslav Malý
Artrózy nosných kloubů a vertebrogenní obtíže jsou typickými onemocněními obézních. Extrémní riziko však přináší zejména kombinace s metabolickým syndromem. Artrózy nosných klubů tak nejsou čistě mechanickou komplikací obezity, ale i komplikací metabolickou. Podobně riziko venózního tromboembolizmu, které se týká všech ortopedických výkonů, souvisí jak se stoupajícím BMI, tak i s hormonálním stavem (užívání hormonů apod). Operace s implantací endoprotézy je obvykle schopen nemocný s hmotností do 90 kg či BMI pod 30. Přípravou s poklesem BMI k těmto hodnotám se výrazně snižuje riziko operačních komplikací. Je však také nutné, aby nemocný získanou hmotnost udržel., Arthroses of weight-bearing joints and vertebrogenic problems are characteristic diseases of the obese. However the extreme risk is associated in particular with the combination with metabolic syndrome. Arthroses of bearing joints thus do not only present a mechanical complication of obesity, but also a metabolic complication. Similarly, the risk of venous thromboembolism which involves all orthopedic surgeries, is associated with both a rising BMI and hormonal condition (use of hormones and the like.). A joint replacement surgery can be typically performed on patients with a weight of up to 90 kg or BMI below 30. A preparation aimed at decreasing BMI to reach these values significantly reduces the risk of postoperative complications. However it is also necessary for the patient to maintain the reduced weight., and Štěpán Svačina
Periprosthetic fractures are the third most common reason for revision total hip arthroplasty. Surgical treatment of periprosthetic fractures belongs to the most difficult procedures due to the extensive surgery, elderly polymorbid patients and the high frequency of other complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of operatively treated periprosthetic femoral fractures after total hip arthroplasty. We evaluated 47 periprosthetic fractures in 40 patients (18 men and 22 women) operated on between January 2004 and December 2010. The mean follow-up period was 27 months (within a range of 12-45 months). For the clinical evaluation, we used modified Merle d'Aubigné scoring system. In group of Vancouver A fractures, 3 patients were treated with a mean score of 15.7 points (good result). We recorded a mean score of 14.2 points (fair result) in 6 patients with Vancouver B1 fractures, 12.4 points (fair result) in 24 patients with Vancouver B2 fractures and 12.7 points (fair result) in 7 patients with Vancouver B3 fractures. In group of Vancouver C fractures, we found a mean score of 16.2 points (good result) in 7 patients. Therapeutic algorithm based on the Vancouver classification system is, in our opinion, satisfactory. Accurate differentiation of B1 and B2 type of fractures is essential. Preoperative radiographic images may not be reliable. If in doubt, checking the stability of the prosthesis fixation during surgery should be performed. and M. Korbel, P. Sponer, T. Kucera, E. Procházka, T. Procek
The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of total hip arthroplasty in patients with Parkinson's disease during a period of five years, focusing on the assessment of the risks and benefits of surgery. During this period we performed total hip arthroplasty in 14 patients (15 hips) with Parkinson's disease. Patients were evaluated by subjective symptoms and objective findings, with a focus on the use of support while walking and walking distance, severity of Parkinson's disease before surgery and at the time of the last follow-up. During the postoperative period, the following parameters were assessed: length of ICU stay, mobilization, complications, the total duration of hospitalization and follow-up care after discharge. Of the 11 patients (12 hips) followed-up 1-5 years with an average of 3 years after operation 8 cases showed progression of neurological disability. 5 patients (6 hips) showed an increased dependence on the use of support when walking and reduced distance that the patient was able to walk. Subjectively, 10 hip joints were completely painless and 2 patients complained of only occasional mild pain in the operated hip. Complications that were encountered were urinary tract infection (5 patients), cognitive impairment (3 patients) and pressure ulcer (2 patients). We did not observe any infection or dislocation of the prosthesis. Three patients fell and fractured the femur and 3 patients in our cohort died during follow up. Implantation of total replacement is possible with judicious indication after careful evaluation of neurological finding in patients with minimal or mild functional impairment of the locomotor system. Prerequisite for a good result is precise surgical technique and optimal implant position with balanced tension of the muscles and other soft tissues around the hip. and PG. Mathew, P. Sponer, T. Kucera, M. Grinac, J. Knízek