Samples of bottom ash and fly ash coming from the combustion of lignite with the addition of limestone, from the cocombustion of lignite and wood residue with limestone and from co-combustion of lignite, wood residue, biological sludges from the waste water treatment plant and municipal waste as well with the addition of limestone were examined. Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalyser were used for study of morphology and chemical composition of ash particles. The results were compared with average composition of bottom ashes, fly ashes and input materials found by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and with phase composition found by X-ray diffraction method. There were proved no significant differences in the character and the structure of individual samples coming from various regimes of combustion., Vladimír Tomášek, Ondřej Šustai, Jana Seidlerová, Zdeněk Klika, Martin Stach, Zdeněk Weiss and Václav Roubíček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Během našeho intenzivního výzkumu diverzity bezobratlých živočichů na složištích a odkalištích popílku (pro zjednodušení používáme termín popílkoviště) v České republice jsme na těchto narušených stanovištích zaznamenali množství ohrožených druhů hmyzu a pavouků. Zde představujeme nejvýznamnější nálezy, včetně druhů do té doby považovaných za vyhynulé na našem území. Proto v textu diskutujeme popílkoviště jako důležitá druhotná refugia pro biodiverzity bezobratlých ve střední Evropě., During our intensive research of arthropod diversity at fly ash deposits in the Czech Republic we found numerous threatened species of insects and spiders. A review is made of the most significant records, including species previously considered as extinct nationwide. Consequently, the deposits are discussed as important secondary refuges for Central European biodiversity., and Robert Tropek, Jiří Řehounek.