The paper reported vocalizations of endemic Tibetan Plateau steppe sparrow, red- necked snow finch (Pyrgilauda ruficollis) by using SAS-Lab Pro. The subject similarity contrast and multivariate contrast were used to study the complexity and stability of sounds. The results indicated that songs of P. ruficollis were highly complicated with varied song types, song phrases, song syllable and combination of them. One song syllable shared by snow finches (Montifringilla nivalis henrici, M. adamsi, P. ruficollis and P. blanfordi) was selected as indicator to compare the taxonomic relationship among them. The similarity contrast and cluster analysis through SPSS were conducted to construct the similarity tree based on this shared syllable’s acoustic parameters including the highest frequency (HF), the lowest frequency (LF), the main frequency (MPF) and duration (DUR). The results revealed that the syllable similarities are accordant with taxonomic status suggested in previous studies based on morphologic, ecological and molecular analysis methods. The syllable shared by these snow finches were presumed to be homologous and derived from a common ancestry. Further studies on songs encoding phylogenetic signal of snow finches are needed.