Čtyři štukové reliéfy. Léto: sedící žena, v levé ruce drží srp, pravou rukou si přidržuje šaty, na zemi před ní dva obilné snopy. Podzim: sedící žena, na krku má zavěšený křížek, v pravé ruce drží roh hojnosti plný ovocných plodů, levou rukou roh přidržuje v klíně. Zima: sedící žena vztahuje obě ruce nad nádobu s plameny. Jaro: sedící žena, v levé ruce drží v klíně kytici květů, pravou rukou drží velký květináč s rozkvetlými květinami. Všechny ženy mají antikizující oděvy., Lejsková-Matyášová 1970#., and Bohyněmi ročních dob byly v řecké mytologii pouze tři dcery Jupitera a Themidy - Hóry, které však měly i etické hodnoty (Auxó, Thalló, Karpó). Od pozdního starověku až do 18. století je pak ustálena ikonografie čtyř postav s typickými atributy. Jaro jako mladá žena držící květiny, Léto jako žena se srpem a klasy či snopy obilí, Podzim s hroznem vína a listy vinné révy či rohem hojnosti, Zima je v teplém oděvu nebo se ohřívá u ohniště.
A. Rapcsák obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the projective Finsler metrizability in terms of a second order partial differential system. In this paper we investigate the integrability of the Rapcsák system and the extended Rapcsák system, by using the Spencer version of the Cartan-Kähler theorem. We also consider the extended Rapcsák system completed with the curvature condition. We prove that in the non-isotropic case there is a nontrivial Spencer cohomology group in the sequences determining the 2-acyclicity of the symbol of the corresponding differential operator. Therefore the system is not integrable and higher order obstruction exists., Tamás Milkovszki, Zoltán Muzsnay., and Seznam literatury
Pressure-swirl atomizers are widely used in various combustion applications including aircraft jet engines. Spray characteristics, such as drop-size and velocity distribution have a principal influence on the combustion process. A number of studies have dealt with single-point laser diagnostic techniques, such as Phase-Doppler Anemometry, for spray measurements. An alternative approach is the use of a whole-field method - Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). This contribution deals with investigation of spray characteristics of a spill-return pressure-swirl atomizer for a small-sized jet engine by means of PIV. The nozzle was operated on a cold test bench at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Measurements were carried out in an axial section of the spray cone with various single-camera and stereoscopic PIV configurations. Results of out measurements provide a quantitative visualization of the spray flow fields in regimes based on the engine operating conditions. Comparison of velocity profiles obtained from the individual PIV configurations is presented and discussed. The pressure-swirl spray is recognised as an optically harsh environment for PIV due to large particle size range, high diameter-velocity correlations, strong velocity gradients and large velocity differences within an image, large variations in ‘seeding‘ concentration and out-of-plane particle movement. The PIV results comprise new findings to the complex 3D character of velocity field in the pressure-swirl sprays. and Obsahuje seznam literatury