Each artery conduces blood (conduit function, CF) and smoothes out the pulsatility (buffering function, BF), while keeping its wall protected against the high oscillations of the pulse waves (damping function, ξ). These functions depend on each segment viscoelasticity and capability to store and dissipate energy. When a graft/prosthesis is implanted, the physiological gradual transition in the viscoelasticity and functionality of adjacent arterial segments is disrupted. It remains to be elucidated if the cryografts would allow keeping the physiological biomechanical transition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cryografts capability to reproduce the functional, energetic and reflection properties of patients’ arteries and fresh homografts. Common carotid’s pressure, diameter and wall-thickness were recorded in vivo (15 patients) and in vitro (15 cryografts and 15 fresh homografts from donors). Calculus: elastic (Epd) and viscous (Vpd) indexes, CF, BF, dissipated (WD) and stored (WPS) energy and ξ. The graft-patient’s artery matching was evaluated using the reflection coefficient (Γ) and reflected power (WΓ). Cryografts did not show differences in Epd, Vpd, BF, CF, WD, WPS, and ξ, in respect to fresh homografts and patients’ arteries, ensuring a reduced Γ and WΓ. Cryografts could be considered as alternatives in arterial reconstructions since they ensure the gradual transition of patients’ arteries biomechanical and functional behavior., D. Bia, J. G. Barra, R. L. Armentano, Y. Zócalo, H. Pérez, M. Saldíaz, I. Álvarez, E. I. Cabrera Fischer., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Mechanical behavior of biological structures under dynamic loading generally depends on elastic as well as viscous properties of biological materials. The significance of “viscous” parameters in real situations remains to be elucidated. Behavior of rheological models consisting of a combination of inertial body and two Voigt’s bodies were described mathematically with respect to inverse problem solution, and behavior in impulse and harmonic loadings was analyzed. Samples of walls of porcine and human aorta thoracica in transverse direction and samples of human bone (caput femoris, substantia compacta) were measured. Deformation responses of human skin in vivo were also measured. Values of elastic moduli of porcine aorta walls were in the interval from 102 kPa to 103 kPa, values of viscous coefficients were in the interval from 102 Pa.s to 103 Pa.s. The value of shear stress moduli of human caput femoris, substantia compacta range from 52.7 to 161.1 MPa, and viscous coefficients were in the interval from 27.3 to 98.9 kPa.s. The role of viscous coefficients is significant for relatively high loading frequencies - in our materials above 8 Hz in aorta walls and 5 Hz for bones. In bones, the viscosity reduced maximum deformation corresponding to short rectangular stress., M. Kuchařová, S. Ďoubal, P. Klemera, P. Rejchrt, M. Navrátil., and Obsahuje bibliografii