Tromboembolická nemoc (TEN) je významný společensko-zdravotní problém. Je zřejmé, že východiskem je profylaxe TEN v klinických oborech, nikoli léčba sama. Lze usuzovat, že efektivní profylaxe ve svém důsledku snižuje náklady na následnou léčbu. Smrtící plicní embolie (PE) může představovat první a konečnou klinickou prezentaci u nemocných s asymptomatickou hlubokou žilní trombózou. Z těchto důvodů je nutná systematická prevence žilní tromboembolie u nemocných se zvýšeným rizikem. Bohužel farmakologická prevence se užívá méně, než by bylo třeba. Nedílnou součástí profylaxe TEN jsou fyzikální metody. Farmakologické možnosti profylaxe tromboembolické nemoci se v posledních 10 letech výrazně rozšířily. Pro profylaxi TEN po totální náhradě (TEP) kyčelního a kolenního kloubu je třeba dodržovat tyto zásady: profylaxe TEN by měla být prováděna LMWH, fondaparinuxem, dabigatranem, rivaroxabanem nebo apixabanem po dobu 28–35 dnů u kyčelního kloubu a nejméně po dobu 14 dní od operace kolenního kloubu. Použití ASA, dextranu a UFH jako tromboprofylaxe po TEP kyčelního kloubu a kolenního kloubu nemá v rámci ČR opodstatnění. Fyzikální prostředky (kompresní punčochy s graduovaným tlakem nebo IPC) je možno použít jako doplněk doporučené farmakologické léčby, neměly by být používány samostatně kromě případů, kdy je farmakologická tromboprofylaxe kontraindikována., Thromboembolic disease (TED) is a considerable social and health problem. The solution evidently consists in the prevention of TED in clinical fields, not in the treatment itself. We can assume that effective prevention consequently reduces the cost of the following treatment. A lethal pulmonary embolism (PE) can be the first and the final clinical manifestation in patients with an asymptomatic deep venous thrombosis. This makes the systematic prevention of venous thromboembolism in higher risk patients necessary. Unfortunately, pharmacological prevention has been used less than would be needed. Inseparable from the TED prevention are physical methods. Pharmacological possibilities of the thromboembolic disease prevention were significantly extended within the past decade. To ensure the TED prevention after the total replacement (TEP) of hip and knee joints the following rules need to be observed: the TED prevention should be effected with LMWH, fondaparinux, dabigatran, rivaroxaban or apixaban for a period of 28-35 days after the hip joint replacement surgery and for 14 days after the knee joint replacement. The use of ASA, dextran and UFH as a thromboprophylaxis after the hip and knee joint TEP is not justified within the Czech Republic. Physical means (graduated compression stockings or IPC) can be used to support the recommended pharmacological treatment, they should not be used individually except in cases where pharmacological thromboprophylaxis is contraindicated., and Jaroslav Malý
Žilní tromboembolická nemoc (TEN), zahrnující žilní trombózu stejně jako plicní embolii, je časté a potencionálně fatální onemocnění. S uvedením nízkomolekulárních heparinů (LMWH) do praxe bylo prokázáno, že ambulantní léčba žilní trombózy je efektivní a bezpečná pro velkou část nemocných s TEN. Vzrůstající data o ambulantní léčbě LMWH v posledních letech ukazují, že až 50 % pacientů s klinicky stabilní plicní embolií může být léčeno doma. I přes tato fakta dosud neměla domácí léčba plicní embolie pevnou pozici v běžné praxi. Pokud bychom měli sumarizovat podmínky pro domácí léčbu, potom by bylo možné uvažovat o ambulantní léčbě u nemocných s nízkým rizikem dle pomocných kritérií, bez hemodynamické nestability (především bez šokového stavu), bez selhávání pravé komory, bez předchozího chronického srdečního či plicního onemocnění, bez závažných komorbidit (onemocnění gastrointestinálního traktu, onemocnění ledvin, krevní choroby, pokročilá nádorová onemocnění), s nízkým rizikem časné rekurence tromboembolické nemoci, bez jiných indikací pro hospitalizaci (bolest vyžadující parenterální analgetika, infekce apod), s nízkým rizikem krvácení a s garantovanou spoluprací nemocného a dobře organizovanou domácí péčí., Venous thromboembolic disease which includes both venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, is a frequent and potentially fatal disease. Based on the introduction of low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) into practice it has been proved that outpatient treatment of venous thrombosis is effective and safe for a large number of patients with VTE. The growing volume of data on LMWH outpatient treatment in recent years shows that up to 50 % of patients with clinically stable pulmonary embolism can be treated at home. In spite of these facts home treatment of pulmonary embolism has not been established as part of common practice as yet. If we were to summarize the conditions for home treatment, we would consider outpatient care for patients at low risk based on auxiliary criteria, free from hemodynamic instability (primarily without a shock state), free from right ventricular failure, prior chronic heart or lung disease, serious comorbidities (gastrointestinal tract disease, kidney disease, blood diseases, advanced cancers), at low risk of early thromboembolism recurrence, free from other indications for hospitalization (pain requiring parenteral analgesics, infections etc.), at low risk of bleeding and with guaranteed patient‘s cooperation and well-organized home care., and Radovan Malý, Jaroslav Malý
INTRODUCTION: The issue of resistance to antiplatelet therapy has raised many questions in the area of neurovascular diseases. The first objective of this work was to determine the prevalence of aspirin resistance in neurovascular patients with clinical non-responsiveness to aspirin treatment and a high-risk of atherothrombotic complications using two interpretable and independent methods (aggregation and PFA 100). The second objective was to find the correlation between both assays and to evaluate the results in groups at risk for various cerebrovascular diseases. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Laboratory tests of aspirin resistance were performed in 79 patients with clinical non-responsiveness to aspirin treatment suffering from neurovascular diseases. Patients were divided into the two groups: expected low risk for aspirin resistance due to the first manifestation of a neurovascular disease (n = 34) and expected high risk due to the second clinical manifestation of a neurovascular disease (n = 45). RESULTS: The prevalence of aspirin resistance in both groups combined as determined by the PFA-100 and CPG techniques were 50.6% and 17.7%, respectively. No correlation was found between the two techniques. CONCLUSIONS: No significant prevalence of aspirin resistance was demonstrated by either method despite the heterogeneous pathophysiological mechanisms. However, we are presently unable to provide an accurate opinion on the value of laboratory test result or routine monitoring in clinical neurology. and M. Vališ, D. Krajíčková, J. Malý, R. Malý, I. Fátorová, O. Vyšata, R. Herzig
INTRODUCTION: Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) became standard of care for patients with multiple myeloma (MM) under the age of 65 years. We routinely perform ASCT for newly diagnosed MM since 1996 in our department. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed all 285 transplants in 185 patients done for MM from January 1996 till December 2010. We analyzed overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) regarding conditioning, stage, complete or very good partial remission (CR, VGPR) achievement, renal impairment, single vs. double transplant. RESULTS: Estimated 10-years survival of the whole set of patients is 39% (median survival 95 months). Patients with renal impairment show same OS as those without (p = 0.22). Patients show similar overall survival and event free survival regardless of type of transplant. We observed better outcome in terms of overall survival in patients treated with new drugs (p = 0.0014). Reaching CR or VGPR was not translated into better OS (p = 0.30) and EFS (p = 0.10). Also stage of the disease and whether single or double transplant was used did not make any significant difference in the outcome. CONCLUSION: Stem cell transplantation greatly improved outcome of patients with MM. Poor outcome of allogeneic transplantation in our group of patients is related to high transplant related mortality (20% vs. 0%) and unexpected high relapse rate. There is a trend towards better survival, when new drugs are incorporated at any time in the course of the disease. This fact supports hypothesis that use of these drugs with ASCT should translate into better long-term outcome. and J. Radocha, V. Maisnar, A. Zavrelová, M. Cermanová, M. Lánská, M. Kmonícek, L. Jebavý, M. Bláha, J. Malý, P. Zák