V loňském roce byli již podruhé oceněni nejlepší čeští vědci na slavnostním galavečeru projektu Česká hlava, který se konal 20. listopadu. Mezi "České hlavy 2003" se od tohoto dne řadí rovněž student Gymnázia Christiana Dopplera Jiří Hron, který obdržel Cenu Naděje společnosti Skanska, a. s. Jeho práce vznikají ve spolupráci s Fyzikálním ústavem AV ČR. and Andrea Cejnarová, Zdeněk Chvoj.
We investigate the possible occurence of chaotic motion at the secular resonances v5, v6 and v16 integrating model asteroids and known asteroids over some Myrs. At the resonances v6 and v16 we findt ransitions between libration, inner and outer circulation. Such transitions are in the case of mean motions resonances related to chaotic motion. Chaotic motion is also indicated by a temporary location in both resonances, v6 and v16, as well as in the resonances v5 and v16. Chaotic motion is also indicated by close approaches to Jupiter like in the case of the v6 resonant asteroid (2368) Beltovata. The calculation of corresponding maximum Lyapunov exponents would confirm our conjecture concerning the occurence of chaotic motion at secular resonances.