The production of three cytokines, interferon gamma (IFN-y), interleukin 10 (1L-10) and interleukin 12 (IL-12), was measured after intraperitoneal infection of immunocompetent Balb/c mice and immunodeficient SCID mice with the microsporidian, Encephalitozoon cuniculi Levaditi, Nicolau ct Schoen, 1923. High levels of IFN-y were detected in ex vivo cultures of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) of Balb/c mice, a lower, but earlier IFN-y response was observed in PEC from SCID mice. The early 1L-10 response was detected in ex vivo cultures of splenocytes from Balb/c but not from SCID mice, explaining a delay in the IFN-y response in Balb/c mice. IL-12 was detected in PEC cultures from SCID mice, indicating an alternative pathway of IFN-y production by NK. cells stimulated by IL-12 derived from macrophages.
This paper presents an experimental experience with manufacturing of functional parts of the mechanical system using rapid prototyping. We have designed two different functional parts of experimental instrument for manufacturing by two kinds of rapid Prototyping technology. We summarize a review of dimensional and geometrical differences between CaD data and manufactured parts. We determined that dimensions of the smallest details successfully manufactured using rapid prototyping technology are limited with surface tension of rapid prototyping material in its liquid state. We performed few functional and geometrical tests on fabricated parts, which show full functionality of manufactured parts in designed optomechanical measurement instrument. and Článek prezentuje výrobu dvou geometricky komplikovaných součástí určených pro navrhované laboratorní optickomechanické zařízení. Pro výrobu součástí byly testovány celkem dvě různé technologie Rapid Prototypingu a tři různé typy materiálů. Byly provedeny testy geometrických odchylek mezi daty CAD modelů a vyrobených součástí a také funkční testy vytvořených součástí přímo v realizovaném zařízení. Oba typy součástí se ukázaly po nezbytných úpravách jako plně funkční a výrazně zjednodušující konstrukční řešení realizovaného zařízení.
The new effective regular packing PN-3D for heat and mass exchange processes perfornance with quasi-isotropic properties of structure was offered. The test results of new packing are shown in comparison with other well-known regular and irregular industrial packing. and Obsahuje seznam literatury