Cuculisyringophilus crotophaginus gen. n. et sp. n. is described from the guira cuckoo Guira guira (Gmelin) from Paraguay and also was collected from the groove-billed ani Crotophaga sulcirostris Swainson from Colombia and Mexico. This new genus is closely related to Neoaulobia Fain, Bochkov et Mironov, 2000 but is distinguished by the following characters: propodosomal setae sce are situated distinctly anterior to level of setae d1, leg setae vs'II are absent, apodemes I are divergent.
The CO2 exchange in relation to inadiance was measured in amphibious plant Polygonům amphibium growing over the environmental gradient. Large differences in apparent CO2 flux at low inadiances put under question the regularity of net photosynthetic rate measurements by means of CO2 detection in plants containing abundant gas spaces.
An important and necessary role of the Spectrometric and laser laboratory Meopta - optika, s.r.o. is the ability to flexibly and effectively respond to the increasing demands for quality and accuracy of the measurement. Usually, this is done in a limited period of time when it is necessary to design a solution, which takes into account not only the result of the measurement, but also the principles of 3E (ie. economy, efficiency and effectiveness). This article discusses one of the partial solutions of the requirements of optical production introduced in the Spectrometric and laser laboratory of Meopta - optika, s.r.o., namely the method of optical measurement of spectral parameters of non-plane-parallel optical components in the short and mid-infrared region. and Důležitou a nezbytnou součást povinností spektrometrické a laserové laboratoře společnosti Meopta - optika, s.r.o. tvoří schopnost pružné a efektivní reakce na neustále se zvyšující požadavky na kvalitu a přesnost měření. Zpravidla se tak děje v omezeném časovém úseku, kdy je potřeba navrhnout a uvést do provozu takové řešení daného požadavku, které zohledňuje nejen samotný výsledek měření, ale také principy 3E (tj. hospodárnost, efektivnost a účelnost). Tento článek pojednává o jednom z dílčích řešení požadavků optické výroby řešených spektrometrickou a laserovou laboratoří společnosti Meopta - optika, s.r.o., a to metodě optického měření spektrálních parametrů neplaparalelních optických komponent v krátké a střední infračervené oblasti.
Sodium chloride (NaCl) concentratíons 200 to 900 mM enhanced the photosynthetic rate (Pn) both in whole leaves and in mechanically isolated, intact mesophyll cells of a salt marsh halophyte Sesuvium portulacastrum wilh a maximum at 600 mM NaCl. These changes were in agreement with changes in chlorophyll concentration in leaves. Though the increasing salt concentratíons resulted in leaf succulence, no change in the photosynthetic carbon pathway was observed.
Field studies with segregating populations under short days showed a significant positive correlation between tuber yield and the light-saturated net photosynthetic rate (Fn) in the 4th leaf from the top, at the tuber formation stage, in two seasons. The leaf area per plant {A) at this stage and also at the tuber bulking stage had a significant positive correlation with tuber yield. The product of PN and A also showed a significant positive correlation with tuber yield at both of these stages, a stronger one than that between tuber yield and A at the tuber formation stage.
The stimulating effect of 1-alkyl-1-ethyl piperidinium bromides on the oxygen evolution rate in spinách chloroplasts was caused by rearrangement of thylakoid membrane.