The moirè method is an optical technique suitable for measuring lengths, rotational angle and also the non-contact evaluation of shape deviations. This means that moirè method is non-destructive and can therefore be used to examine deviations of the human body shape and in the restoration of the sculptures and reliefs damages. and Moirè metóda je jednou z optických metód vhodných na meranie dĺžok, uhla natočenia a tiež aj na bezkontaktné hodnotenie odchýlok tvaru. To znamená, že moirè metóda je nedeštruktívna, a preto môže byť použitá pri vyšetrení deformácii tvaru ľudského tela a pri reštaurátorskom prieskume poškodenia sôch a reliéfov.
The survival of Encephalitozoon cuniculi Lcvaditi, Nicolau et Schoen, 1923 spores suspended in distilled water and exposed at defined temperatures was investigated. Infectivity of E. cuniculi spores was tested by inoculation of SCID mice. There was no marked loss of infectivity of spores stored at 4°C for two years or frozen at -12°C and -24°C for 1, 8, and 24 h. Although there was a remarkable loss of infectivity, spores remained infective after freezing at -70°C for 1 and 8 h. Heating at 60°C and 70°C for 5 min and 1 min, respectively, rendered the microsporidia non-infective. These findings demonstrate that E. cuniculi spores suspended in water can survive freezing temperatures but lost infectivity in water that reached a temperature of 60°C at 5 min.
This project deals with calibration of experimental texturemetre at tensile and compressive loading. We have used the samples of European walnuts for the etalon calibration. We tested compressive loading and on the walnut. Measurements was realised on Stentor Andilog 1000 and on the developed texturemetre. These equipment recorded force and displacement. We could use those data, which were gathered to create dependencies of every device. We created correlations for each measurement. Also we could determine the accuracy of the equipments with apply of the coefficient of correlation. We could determine the linearity of the equipment with the help of the regression method. and Táto práca sa zaoberá kalibráciou vývojového textúrometra pri zaťažení materiálu tlakom. Pre dosiahnutie kalibrácie boli merané vzorky orecha vlašského zaťažené na tlak. Merania boli realizované na zariadení Stentor Andilog 1000 a na vývojovej trhačke. Prístroje zaznamenávali silu a premiestnenie. Z týchto údajov potom boli zostrojené grafické závislosti. Boli vytvorené korelačné tabuľky pre jednotlivé merania. Pomocou koeficientu korelácie sme zistili, že meracie zariadenia sú s vysokou pravdepodobnosťou zhodné. Pomocou regresnej metódy bolo dokázané, že existuje nelinearita pri vyššom zaťažení.
The creation of cracks in non-conducting matter under mechanical stress is accompanied by electromagnetic field. Four ways of the crack behaviour are proposed implementing the dipole model. Supposing the use of capacitance sensors we derive the differential equation describing the transformation of primary crack parameters to the measured electrical signal and we solve it for these four conceptions of the crack development. The theoretical and experimental results were compared from which we can determine some primary crack parameters. and Tvorba trhlin v mechanicky zatěžovaných nevodivých látkách je doprovázena vznikem elektromagnetického pole. Na základě dipólového modelu trhliny byly navrženy čtyři základní průběhy jejího růstu. Pro případ použití kapacitního snímače byla odvozena a řešena pro každý ze čtyř případů diferenciální rovnice popisující transformaci primárních parametrů trhliny na měřený elektrický signál. Teoreticky odvozené průběhy byly porovnány s experimentálně získanými a odtud byly určeny některé primární parametry trhlin.
We consider the general problem of linear Alfvèn waves propagating in a dissipative atmosphere Cl], and obtain an exact solution of the wave equation with double diffusion, i.e., by fluid viscosity and electrical resistance. This solution includes, as particular cases, nondissipative Alfvèn waves in an isothermal atmosphere, with a vertical [2,3] or oblique [4] magnetic field, and the case when resistive dissipation alone is present C5,6]. This solution may be relevant to a variety of solar atmospheric problems in which dissipation is an essential element, e.g., atmospheric heating C7] or resonances [81, which have been modelled using the undamped solutions of the Alfvèn wave equation. The present, exact solution, can be used to assess the domain of validity of the RLC-analogy C9],and of the phase mixing approximation [10-11]. An exhamination of the effects, on wave amplitude and phase, of changing wave frequency, horizontal wavenumber, magnetic field inclination and viscous and resistive damping scales (Figures 2 to 6), shows that intense, localized dissipation can occur generally at an intermediate altitude; this mechanism of atmospheric heating by propagation-diffuse coupling is a spatial analogue of some properties [12] unsteady magnetic fields.