This article is focused on research of interaction and interpenetration of Christian and archaic mythologies and revealing of beliefs’ traits of another folks in the etiological legends concerning Moon spots. To solve this problem the following issues are considered to systematization and classification of the complex of etiological legends concerning Moon spots; detection of archaic origins and Christian elements presented in the Moon spots legends; comparative analysis of Belarusian Moon spots legends with such legends of other folks to show genesis and relations of some legends. We used for analysis this sources: ethnographic material from the 19th and 20th century, digital Polesie archive, “field”-materials collected by the author and another researchers in 2005–2008. As a result we show that some Moon spots legends could migrate to Belorussia region from Poland, Russia and Lithuania. Also archaic origins in the legends were revealed.
In the Newtonian theory of gravity, exact solutionsof the two-body problem are well known, while in general relativity we expect that periodic solutions cannot describe isolated systems. In the presented paper we give a rigorous proof of the non-existence of asymptotically flat periodic solutions to Einstein's equations. Moreover, we introduce several mathematical methods used in the proof., V newtonovské teorii gravitace jsou dobře známá přesná periodická řešení dvoučásticového systému, zatímco v obecné teorii relativity očekáváme, že periodická řešení Einsteinových rovnic nemohou popisovat izolované systémy. V článku podáváme rigorózní důkaz neexistence asymptoticky plochých periodických řešení Einsteinovych rovnic a vysvětlujeme matematické metody v důkazu použité., Martin Scholtz., and Obsahuje seznam literatury