The article describes technology of measurement of size and size-distribution of aggregates formed during agitation using the digital camera. This method may be used in laboratory batch reactors, pilot plants as well as in full-scale water treatment plants. and Článek popisuje technologii digitálního záznamu a následného měření velikostních charakteristik vločkovitých agregátů tvořených při úpravě vody. Použitá metoda je vhodná ke studiu agregace jak v laboratorních podmínkách při použití vsádkového reaktoru, tak i v provozních podmínkách úpraven vody.
Gloiopeltis furcata (Postels & Ruprecht) J. Agardh, a macroalga, which grows in an upper, intertidal zone, can withstand drastic environmental changes caused by the periodic tides. In this study, the photosynthetic and morphological characteristics of G. furcata were investigated. The photosynthetic performance and electron flows of the thalli showed significant variations in response to desiccation and salinity compared with the control group. Both PSII and PSI activities declined gradually when the thalli were under stress. However, the electron transport rate of PSI showed still a low value during severe conditions, while the rate of PSII approached zero. Furthermore, PSI activity of the treated thalli recovered faster than PSII after being submerged in seawater. Even though the linear electron flow was inhibited by DCMU [3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea], the cyclic electron flow could still be restored. The rate of cyclic electron flow recovery declined with the increasing time of dark treatment, which suggested that stromal reductants from starch degradation played an important role in the donation of electrons to PSI. This study demonstrated that PSII was more sensitive than PSI to desiccation and salinity in G. furcata and that the cyclic electron flow around PSI played a significant physiological role. In addition, G. furcata had branches, which were hollow inside and contained considerable quantities of funoran. These might be the most important factors in allowing G. furcata to adapt to adverse intertidal environments., L. Huan, S. Gao, X. J. Xie, W. R. Tao, G. H. Pan, B. Y. Zhang, J. F. Niu, A. P. Lin, L. W. He, G. C. Wang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The operating mode of a gas turbine depends not only upon the intake air parameters but also upon a degree of regeneration. The paper analyses the effect of a regeneration degree on the operation of a considered GT 750-6 gas turbine using a special software developed for this purpose. Based on case calculations, the effect of a degree of regeneration on the specific power and thernal efficiency of the actual GT 750-6 gas turbine is quantified. and Obsahuje seznam literatury