Food dispersions are the most frequent and most important food components. Useful information was obtained in the investigations of liquid emulsions. The results obtained in their study were compared with tomato ketchups. They were chosen as an example of food dispersions with low lipid content. A set of 20 samples of tomato ketchups purchased on the native market were analyzed by several rheological procedures (RheoStress 300) and by sensory profiling both of textural and flavour characteristics. The psychorheology was used for the determination of relationships between results of instrumental and sensory measurements. The data base obtained was processed by statistical methods. The temperature affects the results differently, but it is not useful to study temperatures below room temperature. The rheological parameters agree with the Herschel-Bulkley equation. Therefore, the psychorheology was applied as a suitable complex method. About a third of plots between two variables were significantly related. Several statistically significant relationships were obtained between rheological attributes, sensory attributes, and the combinations between rheological and a sensory attributes. Great variance in all characteristics was observed in all samples variables. Similarly as in case of lipid dispersions, the sensory texture acceptability was significantly related with the overall flavour acceptability, similarly as in case of other food dispersions. It proves the importance of texture in consumption of tomato ketchups. and Potravinářské disperze patří mezi nejrozšířenější potravinářské produkty. Potřebné informace k prezentovaným výsledkům předloženého studia byly získány předchozím studiem potravinářských emulzí. Kečupy byly vybrány jako příklad potravinářských disperzí s nízkým obsahem tuku. Bylo hodnoceno celkem 20 vzorků komerčních výrobků tomatových kečupů, zakoupených v české obchodní síti. Reologické charakteristiky byly získány pomocí rotačního reometru RheoStress 300 a texturní vlastnosti pomocí senzorické analýzy. Jako nejvhodnější metoda byla zvolena psychoreologie, která zkoumá funkční vztahy mezi reologickými parametry, stanovenými instrumentální analýzou a senzorickými charakteristikami, stanovenými senzorickou analýzou. Znalost těchto vztahů je důležitá ke kvantitativní charakterizaci tokových a deformačních dějů, probíhajících při senzorické zkoušce. Reologické parametry vyhovují stavové rovnici Herschel-Bulkley. Korelací reologických a senzorických dat byly získány v třetině případů těsné funkční závislosti s vysokými hodnotami korelačních koeficientů. Analýzy prokázaly velké rozdíly mezi jednotlivými vzorky kečupů. Při nižších teplotách by se patrně projevily zřetelněji vlivy optimální textury a získaly se bližší hodnoty mezi vzorky. Stejně jako u dříve hodnocených potravinářských produktů bylo prokázáno, že textura výrazně ovlivňuje chuťové vlastnosti, což zdůrazňuje význam textury při konzumaci rajčatového protlaku.
Two hundred and forty brown trout (Salmo trutta) and 49 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), obtained from 21 locations in Central Scotland between October 1990 and August 1993, were examined for endoparasitic helminth infections. Crepidostomum farionis (Digenea) was the most widely distributed helminth species, followed by Eubothrium crassum (Cestoda), Diphyllobothrium dendriticum and D. ditremum (Cestoda), Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Acanthocephala), Echinorhyn-chus truttae (Acanthocephala), Eustrongylides sp. (Nematoda), Capillaria salvelini (Nematoda), Cyalhocephalus truncatus (Cestoda), Raphidascaris acus (Nematoda) and Cystidicola farionis (Nematoda), in that order. The prevalences and intensities of each helminth infection were recorded. No evidence was found to indicate that even fish with the highest worm burdens (e.g. 339 plerocercoids of Diphyllobothrium spp.) were experiencing any obvious morbidity. An analysis of pairs of associations between species of helminths revealed a significantly positive association between N. rutili and C. farionis (P < 0.01). The results are discussed in terms of patterns in helminth communities in freshwater fish.
Two new species of entobdelline (capsalid) monogeneans are described from the skin of Australian dasyatid stingrays, namely Neoentobdella cribbi sp. n., a small parasite from the estuarine stingray, Dasyatis fluviorum Ogilby (Elasmobranchii: Dasyatidae) and Neoentobdella baggioi sp. n., a relatively large parasite from the porcupine ray, Urogymnus asperrimus (Bloch et Schneider) (Elasmobranchii: Dasyatidae). A striking feature of both of these new parasite species is a pad, possibly located within the genital atrium, armed with rows of closely spaced, rod-shaped microsclerites. Both species also possess a muscular papilla in the genital tract and a club-shaped structure near the common genital opening on the left lateral margin of the body. In N. cribbi, the latter feature is large and located anterior to the genital pad and in N. baggioi, it is small and located in a more posterior position. Similar embellishments in the genital area occur in N. natans Kearn et Whittington, 2005 and in N. parvitesticulata Kearn et Whittington, 2005, while other species (e.g. N. garneri Whittington et Kearn, 2009 and N. taiwanensis Whittington et Kearn, 2009) lack these features and differ also in functional aspects of the male copulatory apparatus and the haptor. Separate generic status for these two groupings is indicated, but must await a comparative and comprehensive review of all Neoentobdella spp.
One of the limiting factors in decreasing the systematic error of laser ranging is the influence of the atmospheric refraction. Two colour ranging may contribute useful information for more precise refraction factor modelling and calculation. We will describe two wavelength experiment using streak camera as a high resolution detector for ground target distance measurement.