Small rainfall events (≤ 5 mm) have short intervals, but account for a large proportion of the annual rainfall frequency in arid lands. To explore possible strategies used by desert plants to utilize the small rainfall events, we investigated the photosynthetic responses of 28 species to 1 mm and 6 mm of simulated rainfall in the Junggar Basin, northwest China. The species were grouped into four plant functional types: short-life-cycle herbs, long-life-cycle herbs, non-phreatophyte shrubs, and phreatophyte shrubs. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate increased in most of the herbs, but they responded differently to the rainfall treatments. However, the water-use efficiency did not significantly differ after 1 and 6 mm rainfall treatments in most of the shrubs. The maximum water absorption by leaves and the percentage increase of a leaf water content (LWC) were higher in the herbs than those in the shrubs. Plants with dense trichomes had the highest LWC. The results suggested that the desert plants benefited from the
micro-environment humidity provided by the small rainfall events., Y. Wu, X. J. Zheng , Y. Li., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The pullout response of a short fiber embedded in matrix depends on both the bond between the two materials and on the inclination angle and embedded length of the fiber. Fibers placed and oriented randomly in 3D space bridge matrix cracks with certain inclination angles and embedded lengths. With a pullout law available in analytical form, a statistical description of the force per fiber depending on crack opening can be evaluated for a uniformly loaded crack bridge in a short fiber reinforced composite by integrating the powers of all possible fiber responses multiplied by their probabilities of occurrence. This information is utilized to probabilistically evaluate the crack bridging force by computing the sum of a random number of random contributions; the random number of contributions to be summed is the number of bridging fibers, and the independent random contributions are the single fiber responses. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Are social movements responsible for their unfinished agendas? Feminist successes in opening the professions to women paved the way for the emergence of the upper middle-class two-career household. These households sometimes hire domestic servants to accomplish their child care work. If, as I shall argue, this practice is unjust and furthers social inequality, then it poses a moral problem for any feminist commitment to social justice., Joan Tronto., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper aims to integrate the results of several studies on the representation of masculine generics in German into a theoretical framework. Although the results are consistent in showing the male bias of masculine generics, they are based on different experimental procedures and stimulus variations, and that makes the cognitive processes involved hard to compare. Assuming that reading results in the construction of situation models and that gender ‑related memory content is activated through a fast, undirected resonance process it is possible to determine a common cognitive basis. Possible causes of gender ‑related resonance are identified and their influence on situation models is discussed. The theoretical base allows the formulation of general statements on how gender ‑related information influences language processing. Furthermore, it has practical implications for how to implement a gender ‑fair language., Lisa Irmen, Ute Linner ; přeložila Barbora Schnelle., Přeloženo z němčiny, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
Large synchronic textual corpora of the Czech National Corpus are built as representative: they contain a balanced quantity of texts of various styles, divided into three genre subcorpora: fiction, technical/scientific literature and journalism. Comparisons of these genres have been performed on phonological and morphological level; in this paper, I deal with differences between genres on the surface-syntactic level. I use an automatic syntactic annotation of the SYN2005 corpus in the formalism of the analytical layer of the Prague Dependency Treebank. I compare the frequencies of syntactic functions of nouns in the three genres represented by the corresponding subcorpora of SYN2005. I also present a more detailed analysis of four syntactic phenomena: subtypes of the function of attribute in non-prepositional genitive; frequencies of groups of the type pan Novák (Mr. Novák); frequencies of the function of agent in passive constructions expressed by nouns in non-prepositional instrumental and the ratio of the expression of the nominal part of a verbal-nominal predicate by nominative and instrumental. Significant differences found between genres in all the syntactic phenomena analyzed show that in comparing corpora one should carefully monitor their genre composition.