Performance of 24h static Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solutions based on multi-GNSS precise satellite orbit and clock products from four analysis centers and seven various constellation combinations was studied to evaluate their quality and characteristics. Data from ten European and four Chinese GNSS stations and 152 days long period from year 2020 were processed. Obtained coordinates were firstly compared with those provided by IGS final weekly combined solution. In Europe, the best agreement with this reference product was reached by solutions including Galileo signals, namely by a combination of GPS+GLONASS+Galileo systems with a mean RMS of 11 mm. This situation was different in China where inclusion of Galileo always led to worse results and the best agreement was achieved by a combination of GPS+GLONASS systems. Although product provided by German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) could be selected as the best performing over Europe and product by Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) over China, differences between individual precise products were mostly at a minimal level. Secondly, coordinates repeatability over the processed period was computed in order to assess the positioning stability. In this regard, the lowest values in both horizontal and vertical direction were reached by GPS+GLONASS solutions. From the perspective of precise products, the repeatability results were dependent on the selected constellation where mainly a specific behavior of product from Wuhan University (WUM) for Galileo system was observed., Weiguo Li and Michal Kačmařík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Autor představuje slovenského obrozenského básníka a překladatele Bohuslava Tablica (1769 – 1832) v česko-slovenských literárnych souvislostech, poukazuje na jeho publikování v Puchmajerových al-manaších a v Jungmannově Slovesnosti. Upozorňuje, že z rámca Tablicovy tvorby zůstává dodnes čtenářsky opomíjená básníkova pžíležitostná poezie. Jednotlivé typologické skupiny Tablicovy príležitostné poezie od-vozuje z motivace jej vzniku, identifikuje básnikovy epicédia, svatebná, jubilejní a propemptické básně, básně oslavující nástup do úřadu, básně napsané k události významné pro národ, církev či školství. Studie představuje Tablice jako básnika, jehož příležitostná poezie se vyrovnává s relikty baroka, s lascívnosťou rokoka, podnety osvícenského klasicismu.