The effects of condensed tannins (CT) extracted from seven forages on the motility of the economically important nematode, Trichostrongylus colubriformis (Giles, 1892), were evaluated by using a larval migration inhibition (I.MI) assay. The assay involved incubation of third stage (L3) exsheathed T. colubriformis larvae with CT extracted from Lotus pedunculatus, Lotus corniculatus, sulla (Hedysarum coronorium), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), Dorycnium rectum, Dorycnium pentaphyllum and dock (Rumex abtusifolius) and measurement of larval migration through nylon mesh with a 20pm pore size. At 100 pg ml'1, CT from L. pedunculatus, L. corniculatus, sulla, sainfoin, D. rectum, D. pentaphyllum and dock inhibited 20%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 32% and 27% of the larvae, respectively from passing through the sieves compared to controls (no CT added). At 1000 pg CT ml'1, CT purified from D. pentaphyllum had the highest inhibitory activity (63%) against 1-month old larvae followed by sainfoin (59%), L. pedunculatus (57%), D. rectum (53%), dock (50%), sulla (40%) and L. corniculatus (37%). Seven-month old larvae were more sensitive to the action of CT than 1-month old larvae (P < 0.001). Addition of 2 pg polyethylene glycol ([PHG] per pg CT; to remove the effect of'CT) eliminated 81-93% of the CT activity (P < 0.001) compared to incubations without PEG. The impact of CT on larval migration suggests a possible role for these plants in ruminant diets as a means to reduce dependence upon proprietary anthelmintics.
DPC played an important role in regulating the production, translocation and partítioning of i‘*C-assimilates in cotton {Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants. Seed soaking with DPC increased the partítioning of cotton assimilates into roots aitd main stem, and decreased the partítioning into seedling tip which was beneficial for the seedling. After the appearance of a square, spraying with DPC decreased the partítioning of assimilates into the main stem, branches and their growing points, and increased the partítioning into reproductíve organs and roots. This helped to avoid or reduce spindling, ensured a steady growth, coordination of the relatíon between vegetatíve and reproductíve organs, and improved the development of floral buds. From bloom to boll-setting,. sprayings with DPC greatly increased the partítioning of assimilates into reproductíve organs and decreased the partítioning into vegetatíve organs, which was usefiil for the growth and development of squares and bolls.