A cheap chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence imaging system was developed for measuring leaf areas of 30×45 cm. Uniform saturating irradiances were created using CuSO4 filtered radiation from stroboscopes. The system was tested using maize leaves treated with diuron. Comparison was made with a small-area-measuring pulse amplified modulation Chl fluorometer. and P. Lootens, P. Vandecasteele.
Plectanocotyle major sp. n. (Monogenea: Polyopisthocotylea: Plectanocotylidae) is described from Chelidonichthys obscurus (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) collected from the Mediterranean coasts (Tunisia and France). The new species is compared to Plectanocotyle gurnardi collected on Chelidonichthys gurnardus and the only other valid species in the genus Plectanocotyle. The new species differs from P. gurnardi by the clamp size (137 µm vs 64 µm for clamp length and 110 µm vs 60 µm for clamp width, respectively) and the length of the male copulatory organ (107 µm vs 144 µm, respectively). Species of the Plectanocotylidae seem to be characterized by an oioxenic specificity.
This work is focused on a problem of a relationship of visual functions and driving. Various factors are described from different viewpoints that may affect driving abilities. There are mentioned possibilities of testing driver abilities in response to visual functions and requirements on minimum visual functions necessary for safe driving. Moreover, a methodology and results of screening of visual functions of drivers are described, which was performed using Visiotest instrument during 2016. and V článku je stručně popsána problematika vztahu zrakových funkcí a řízení. Z různých hledisek jsou popsány základní faktory, které mohou ovlivňovat řízení. Jsou stručně zmíněny možnosti testování řidičských schopností ve vazbě na zrakové funkce a určování požadavků na minimální zrakové funkce nutné pro bezpečné řízení. Dále je popsána metodika a výsledky screeningu zrakových funkcí pro řidiče pomocí přístroje Visiotest, který byl prováděn v roce 2016.