The main objective of this study is to develop a model procedure for predicting low flows for a large set of gauged basins located in the Rhine-Meuse area. The methodology is primarily based on the analysis of recession curves, river discharges being essentially provided by groundwater flow during drought period. Our objective is to use recession coefficients in order to calibrate base flow predictions coming out from a groundwater reservoir. Problems related to the temporal variability of recession coefficients are discussed. We come to the conclusion that lows flows prediction can be improved by implementing a new groundwater reservoir into the RR model based on our knowledge of low flow processes. and Cieľom tejto štúdie je návrh procedúry pre predpoveď minimálnych prietokov pre početnú skupinu malých povodí lokalizovaných v oblasti riek Rýn - Meuse. Metóda je založená predovšetkým na analýze výtokových kriviek počas suchého obdobia, keď sú prietoky dotované hlavne podzemnými vodami. Naším cieľom je použitie výtokových koeficientov na kalibráciu predpovede základného prietoku z podzemných zdrojov. Sú tu diskutované problémy súvisiace s časovou zmenou výtokových koeficientov. Prišli sme k záveru, že prognóza nízkych prietokov môže byť zlepšená implementáciou nového rezervoáru podzemných vôd do zrážkoodtokového modelu, založeného na našich poznatkoch o procesoch tvorby nízkych prietokov.
The article looks at how emotion is represented in Bohemian folk chronicles, i.e. texts of a historiographic character, written by autodidacts - mostly peasants and artisans. At the core of our analysis is the most famous work of this kind, Paměti Františka Jana Vaváka z let 1770-1816 (Memoirs of František Jan Vavák 1770-1816). Other writings from the turn of the 19th century (e.g. those of Václav Jan Mašek, Jan Petr, Ondřej Lukavský) are also considered. Our initial question is: How, and in which contexts, did Czech-speaking authors of the late 18th and early 19th century, having no opportunity to get acquainted with contemporary philosophical theories, express affects? The study shows that the emotions, especially joy and grief, are expressed in a way recommended by early modern rhetoricians (e.g. Cypriano de Soarez or Bernard Lamy): particular figures are associated with particular affects. Though the principle is the same, the figures used by autodidacts differ from those recommended by the rhetoric manuals. Being unable to read Latin, German or French rhetorics, the authors had probably grasped the principles of how to represent affect from their reading, but adapted them according to their own talent and vision. As might be expected given the rural origin and values of the authors, joy is expressed mostly in the context of weather favourable for the harvest, while grief is realised in the context of rising prices and natural disasters., Dmitrij Timofejev., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy