The effect of spraying triacontanol (Tria) solution (1 g m'^) on •'*C02 fíxation, ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC), nitráte reductase (NR) and photosystem (PS) activities in waterlogged Erythrina variegata Lam. was investigated under field conditions. Seedlings exposed to flooding for 10 d showed a significant reduction in •‘♦CO2 fíxation, and in NR, RuBPC and PS2 activities. Electrophoretic analysis of thylakoid polypeptides indicated a significant loss of 47, 43, 33, 25, 23, 17 and 15 kDa polypeptides in flooded seedlings. However, the application of Tria partially ameliorated the effect of flooding and promoted the above activities. The site of flooding injury was at the oxidation site of PS2 prior to the hydroxylamine donating site and perhaps close or after the diphenylcarbazide donating site. The increase in the RuBPC activity in Tria-treated seedlings under flooding correlated well with the changes in CO2 fíxation rate.
Analýza se soustřeďuje na jazykovou stránku rozmanitého Giintherova díla. Zabývá se jazykovými specifiky básníka, který našel své pole působnosti na rozhraní Cech a Saska. Rozbor začíná uvedením jednotlivých výrazů typických pro tento region, a ústi v proměňující se obraz "Sprache der Heimat". Konečně jsou zmíněny aspekty jazykové identity Antona Günthera, krušnohorského sběratele a zpěváka lidových písní.
Spectral absoiptance of greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Milí.) canopy (sunny day, LAI = 2.54) varied between 87-89 %. Absoiptance of smáli tomato fruits was 77 % of PAR energy (spectral reflectance was 22 % and transmittance 1 %). The difíusion resistance to COj of the parenchyma extemal layer with epidermis in smáli fruits reached 25 s cm‘i and in large green fruits 75 s cm-i. At the atmospheric CO2 concentration (330 cm^ m*^) and the quantum flux density of PAR 800 pmol m'2 s'* the steady statě CO2 evolution rate was found to be slightly below its compensation value [-0.06 mg(C02) kg-i(d.m.) s-i]. The net photosynthetic rate in smail tomato fruits was 0.3 mg(C02) kg-i(d.m.) s'*, whereas in a large green tomato it reached 0.16 mg(C02) kg-i(d.m.) s’T Intemal CO2 concentration in smáli tomato frnits by the light was 2 300 cm3(C02) m-3 and in the dark 2 900 cm3(C02) m*3. Even under the optimal irradiance CO2 difíusion proceeded always from fruits to the environment.