Autor reaguje na publikaci archeologického výzkumu na tabulové hoře Úhošť z pera Zdeňka Smrže. Diskusí procházejí přírodní parametry, otázka opevnění a umělého pahorku. Příspěvek zařazuje Úhošť do kontextu dalších tabulových hor ve střední Evropě, které vydaly doklady svého využití od doby bronzové do středověku. and The author responds to the publication of an archaeological excavation conducted at the Úhošť mesa by Zdeněk Smrž. The article addresses the site’s natural parameters, the issue of fortifications and the man-made hilltop, and also places Úhošť in the context of other mesas in Central Europe that have produced evidence of their use from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages.
The municipal elections of 1919 and the parliamentary/senate elections of 1920 gave women their first opportunity to exercise their new right to vote, and as such were important milestones in the forming of women’s new status as equal citizens. The paper analyses election campaigns aimed at female voters in selected periodicals published by the Czech Catholic People’s Party in 1919 and 1920: the newspaper Lid (The People) and the newly established magazine Žena (Woman). It explores the main topics and strategies of the campaign and identifies the underlying concepts of women’s political interests and motivations. The main focus is on the magazine Žena and its attempts to reconcile traditional Catholic femininity and the ‘separate spheres’ model with women’s newfound status as political actors and to create a picture of a new, politically active Catholic woman for its readership.
The Academies of St John presented by the Society of Bohemian Journalists in the form of a series of orchestral concerts held in Prague took place as a part of celebrations in honour of St John of Nepomuk held each May from 1878 until 1885. The Society of Bohemian Journalists held the events for the purpose of raising money, and on an ideological level, the events were intended to create room for the presentation of orchestral works by Bohemian composers. The organizer of the Academy was the writer, poet, and journalist Jan Neruda, whose feuilletons and reviews in the newspaper Národní listy reflect on the academies that they produced, but on a broader level, they also reveal his attitude towards the saint and the traditional veneration of John of Nepomuk. As a source, this period correspondence of the direct or indirect participants in the Academies of St John or in another project with similar aims (the Slavonic Concerts of the Academic Readers Association) has not previously been exhaustively studied, and it offers insight into Prague’s concert life at the time., Petra Kolátorová., Rubrika: Studie, Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Anglické resumé na s. 296-298.
Studie se zaměřuje na kontext, který umožňuje porozumění Jungově Červené knize (Liber Novus). Tato kniha je chápána jako dokument o Jungově vlastní aktivní imaginaci. Aktivní imaginace je proces zprostředkovávající mezi vědomou, záměrnou snahou já na jedné straně, a spontánní, autonomní aktivitou nevědomí na straně druhé. Studie se zaměřuje na několik základních aspektů aktivní imaginace a jejich realizaci v Červené knize. and The study focuses on context, which enables the understanding of Jung´s Red book (Liber Novus). This book is understood as a document about Jung´s own active imagination. The active imagination is process mediating between conscious, intentional activity of ego on the one side and spontaneous, autonomous activity of unconsciousness on the other. The study focuses on some basic aspects of active imagination and their realization in the Red Book.
Studie Marie Škarpové se zabývá literárními prameny a okruhy duchovních písní, které byly inspirací pro repertoár kancionálu "Jesličky, staré a nové písničky", jehož autorem byl přední český barokní básník a duchovní Fridrich Bridelius., This study deals with that portion of the repertoire of the Czech Advent and Christmas songbook Jesličky (Prague, 1658) by Fridrich Bridelius, which newly appeared in Czech hymnography thanks to this song book, and it summarizes the various results of the search for textual sources from other languages for these “new” songs in Jesličky. It points out their ties to contemporary German written hymnography (of both German and Bohemian provenience) and to Latin hymnography, i.e. to contemporary Latin songs. The text is thus not only a contribution towards discovering the ways that Czech hymnographers of the 17th century became familiar with the new, i.e. baroque, poetic language, but also, above all, an attempt to stimulate further hymnological research on baroque hymnographic works in the early modern history of Central Europe and the interconnections and relationships between them., Marie Škarpová., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 397, anglický abstrakt na s. 377.