Astronomia nova is a book, published in 1609, which contains the results of the astronomer Johannes Kepler. The author used precise celestial measurements of Mars carried out by Tycho Brahe and calculated various models for approximation of the orbit of Mars. This article concentrates on two unsatisfactory hypothetical models for the orbit, which preceded the correct elliptical model. The first was the vicarious hypothesis, which predicted precise longitudes well within observational accuracy, but with inaccurate distances to the Sun. Secondly, Kepler proposed the oval hypothesis, which led to errors at the octants., Vladimír Štefl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Článek komentuje a rozebírá původní podobu Keplerových zákonů podle Nové astronomie [1] a Harmonie světa [2] a porovnává ji s jejich formulací v soudobé gymnaziální učebnici [3] a vysokoškolských učebnicích úvodních kurzů fyziky [4, 5]. Záměrem článku je posoudit, zda obsahová rozdílnost historického textu a moderních učebnicových je věcně zásadní. V článku je dále shromážděn materiál pro historický přístup k výkladu Keplerových zákonů ve výuce fyziky., This article analysis the original historical text of Astronomia nova and Harmonies of the World. Kepler derives, by geometrical considerations of observational data of Mars and physical magnetic hypothesis, the elliptical law and the areas law. The harmonic law, which Kepler recognized, allows the relative sizes of two orbits to be gauged from comparison of their periods. Kepler‘s laws acted as a bridge for crossing from geometry to astronomy and from kinematics to dynamics. In this contribution, we present the content of textbooks at high schools and introductory courses of physics at university level in the topic of Kepler‘s laws., Vladimír Štefl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The Moon is our nearest celestial body, small variations of its motion are easy to observe. Ptolemy described the ecliptic longitude inequality in lunar motion, now known as the evection. From Ptolemy to the time of Newton the motion of the Moon was determined using kinematic models. The first qualitative dynamic model was published in Principia, where Newton showed that evection is a periodic inequality caused by the attraction of the Sun., Vladimír Štefl., and Obsahuje seznam literatury