Acute lung injury (ALI) is characterized by diffuse alveolar damage, inflammation, and transmigration and activation of inflammatory cells. This study evaluated if intravenous dexamethasone can influence lung inflammation and apoptosis in lavage-induced ALI. ALI was induced in rabbits by repetitive saline lung lavage (30ml/kg, 9±3-times). Animals were divided into 3 groups: ALI without therapy (ALI), ALI treated with
dexamethasone i.v. (0.5mg/kg, Dexamed; ALI+DEX), and healthy non-ventilated controls (Control). After following 5 h of ventilation, ALI animals were overdosed by anesthetics. Total and differential counts of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) were estimated. Lung edema was expressed as wet/dry weight ratio. Concentrations of IL-1ß, IL
-8, esRAGE, S1PR3 in the lung were analyzed by ELISA methods. In right lung, apoptotic cells were evaluated by TUNEL assay and caspase
-3 immunohistochemically. Dexamethasone showed a trend to improve lung functions and histopathological changes, reduced leak of neutrophils (P<0.001) into the lung, decreased concentrations of pro-inflammatory IL
-1β (P<0.05) and marker of lung injury esRAGE (P<0.05), lung edema formation (P<0.05), and lung apoptotic index (P<0.01), but increased
immunoreactivity of caspase-3 in the lung (P<0.001). Considering the action of dexamethasone on respiratory parameters and lung injury, the results indicate potential of this therapy in ALI.
Damage of alveolar-capillary barrier, inflammation, oxidative
injury, and lung cell apoptosis represent the key features of acute
lung injury (ALI). This study evaluated if selective
phosphodiesterase (PDE)-4 inhibitor roflumilast can reduce the
mentioned changes in lavage-induced model of ALI. Rabbits with
ALI were divided into 2 groups: ALI without therapy (A group)
and ALI treated with roflumilast i.v. (1 mg/kg; A+R group). One
group of healthy animals without ALI served as ventilated
controls (C group). All animals were oxygen-ventilated for further
4 h. At the end of experiment, total and differential counts of
cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and total and
differential counts of white blood cells were estimated. Lung
edema formation was assessed from determination of protein
content in BALF. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-6 and
IL-8) and markers of oxidation (3-nitrotyrosine, thiobarbituricacid reactive substances) were detected in the lung tissue and
plasma. Apoptosis of lung cells was investigated
immunohistochemically. Treatment with roflumilast reduced leak
of cells, particularly of neutrophils, into the lung, decreased
concentrations of cytokines and oxidative products in the lung
and plasma, and reduced lung cell apoptosis and edema
formation. Concluding, PDE4 inhibitor roflumilast showed potent
anti-inflammatory actions in this model of ALI.
Ciel štúdie: Alzheimerova choroba (AD) je progresívna a ireverzibilná neurodegeneratívna porucha, ktorá vedie k demencii a smrti. Dochádza k masívnej strate neurónov, najmä v hipokampe a asociačných oblastiach neokortexu. Vysoká koncentrácia cirkulujúceho homocysteínu (Hcy) je považovaná za nezávislý rizikový faktor vzniku cievnej mozgovej príhody. Alzheimerova choroba (AD) sa bežne vyskytuje ako dôsledok mozgovej ischémie. Nedávne prospektívne štúdie ukázali, že hyperhomocysteinémia (hHcy) je silný, nezávislý rizikový faktor pre rozvoj demencie a AD. Molekulárne mechanizmy, ktoré zodpovedajú za rozvoj týchto patológii nie sú úplne objasnené. V práci sme skúmali účinok hHcy na zmeny MAPKs (mitogénom aktivované proteínkinázy) dráhy v neurónových bunkách v korelácii s neurodegeneratívnymi zmenami v mozgu zvierat. Typ štúdie: Experimentálna. Názov a sídlo pracoviska: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine, Ústav histológie a embryológie, Malá Hora 4, 036 01 Martin, Slovensko Materiál a metódy: Pre naše experimenty sme použili dospelé laboratórne potkany (samce) kmeňa Wistar. Zvieratá boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín. V prvej skupine bol počas 14 dní subkutánne podávaný Hcy v dávke 0,45 μmol/g/zviera dvakrát denne. Druhá skupina bola bez ošetrenia Hcy. Po uplynutí tejto doby bola prvej aj druhej skupine navodená globálna ischémia štvorcievnym podväzom, a to 15minútová ischémia s reperfúziou 72 hodín. Výsledky: Výsledky ukázali, že ischemický inzult v kombinácii s indukovanou hHcy vedie k zvýšeniu smrti nervových buniek v mozgovej kôre. Analýza proteínov MAPKs Western blotom naznačuje, že IR aj hHcy ovplyvňujú hladinu MAPK/EKR a MAPK/p38 proteínov, ktoré sú spojené s prežívaním/smrťou nervových buniek. Záver: Tieto zistenia naznačujú, že ischemické poškodenie v kombinácii s indukovanou hHcy má u potkanov neurodegeneratívny účinok. Naše výsledky tiež poukazujú na to, že tento kombinovaný model poškodenia by mohol viesť k progresii AD-podobným patologickým črtám u laboratórnych zvierat., Objective: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disorder combined with massive neuronal loss, mainly in the hippocampus and association regions of the neocortex that results in dementia and death. A high circulating concentration of homocysteine (Hcy) is an independent risk factor for stroke. Commonly, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is frequently occurring as a result of stroke. A recent prospective study showed hyperhomocysteinemia to be a strong, independent risk factor for dementia and AD. The molecular mechanisms underlying these mechanisms are not fully understood yet. We investigated the effect of hHcy (hyperhomocysteinemia) on associated changes in MAPK/ERK (Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinases) pathways in neuronal cells correlated with neurodegeneration. Design: Experimental. Settings: Commenius University, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, Mala Hora 4, 036 01 Martin, Slovakia Material and methods: For our experiments we used adult rats (male) Wistar. Animals were divided into two groups. The first group was treated by subcutaneous injection 0,45 μmol/g of Hcy in duration of 14 days before experiment. After this period both groups underwent global forebrain ischemia by 4-vessels occlusion. Thus, 15 minutes of ischemia was followed by reperfusion period of 72 hours. Results: The results showed that IR after induced hHcy may attenuate the neural cell death in forebrain cortex. Further Western blot study of MAPKs suggested that IR as well as hHcy affect number and level of MAPK/ERK and MAPK/p38 proteins, which are associated with survival/death of neural cells. 182 Klinická biochemie a metabolismus 4/2015 nútovej ischémie ihneď nasledovala 72 hodinová reperfúzia. Zvieratá s indukovanou hHcy Zvieratá v tejto skupine dostávali počas 14 dní pred experimentom subkutánne Hcy v množstve 0,45 μmol/g/zviera dvakrát denne podľa Mattého a kol. [13]. Zvieratá boli rozdelené do rovnakých dvoch podskupín A a B ako bolo uvedeno (Hcy-C a Hcy-IR-72h rep skupiny), pričom množstvo zvierat v skupinách, všetky podmienky počas operácie, celého trvania ischémie i reperfúzie, ako aj odobratie tkanív boli totožné s predchádzajúcou skupinou zvierat. Po ischémii, resp. po reperfúzii boli zvieratá usmrtené dekapitáciou a odobraté mozgové tkanivo bolo použité na prípravu homogenátov na izoláciu bielkovín, resp. na histologickú analýzu. Príprava homogenátu proteínov Tkanivá mozgov sa ponorili do 3 ml homogenizačného roztoku [0.32 mol.m-3 sacharóza + HEPES (4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid); pH = 7.4 v pomer 1 : 10]. Na homogenizáciu sa po- Conclusion: These findings suggest that IR injury after induced hHcy have a neurodegenerative role on global brain ischemia in rats. Our results also indicate that this model of combined insults could lead to the progression of AD-like pathological features., Kovalská M., Kovalská L., Zeliesková M., Koprda O., Mešťanová V., Adamkov M., Lehotský J., and Literatura