This dataset contains automatic paraphrases of Czech official reference translations for the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation shared task. The data covers the years 2011, 2013 and 2014.
For each sentence, at most 10000 paraphrases were included (randomly selected from the full set).
The goal of using this dataset is to improve automatic evaluation of machine translation outputs.
If you use this work, please cite the following paper:
Tamchyna Aleš, Barančíková Petra: Automatic and Manual Paraphrases for MT Evaluation. In proceedings of LREC, 2016.
COSTRA 1.0 is a dataset of Czech complex sentence transformations. The dataset is intended for the study of sentence-level embeddings beyond simple word alternations or standard paraphrasing.
The dataset consist of 4,262 unique sentences with average length of 10 words, illustrating 15 types of modifications such as simplification, generalization, or formal and informal language variation.
The hope is that with this dataset, we should be able to test semantic properties of sentence embeddings and perhaps even to find some topologically interesting “skeleton” in the sentence embedding space.
Costra 1.1 is a new dataset for testing geometric properties of sentence embeddings spaces. In particular, it concentrates on examining how well sentence embeddings capture complex phenomena such paraphrases, tense or generalization. The dataset is a direct expansion of Costra 1.0, which was extended with more sentences and sentence comparisons.
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.
ParaDi 2.0. is a dictionary of single verb paraphrases of Czech verbal multiword expressions - light verb constructions and idiomatic verb constructions. Moreover, it provides an elaborated set of morphological, syntactic and semantic features, including information on aspectual counterparts of verbs or paraphrasability conditions of given verbs.
The format of ParaDi has been designed with respect to both human and machine readability - the dictionary is represented as a plain table in TSV format, as it is a flexible and language-independent data format.