Replika na kritický referát historika Karla Stloukala týkající se autorovy knihy "Národní divadlo a jeho budovatelé", v němž Stloukal zpochybňuje vědeckou hodnotu Bartošovy práce. Bartoš hodnotí Stloukalův referát, otištěný v Českém časopise historickém v r. 1934, jako zaujatý a nevědeckou metodou napsaný, nevyhýbá se ani útokům na historikovu osobu. Na Bartošovy argumenty zareagoval Stloukal další publikací, nazvanou Legenda o budovatelích Národního divadla (Český časopis historický XLI, 1935, sign. zvláštního otisku ve fondu MKP GC 6854).
Flow cytometry measurements confirmed the occurrence of Polypodium ×mantoniae (P. interjectum × P. vulgare) at three localities in the eastern part of the Czech Republic (Blansko and Rudice N of Brno and Javoříčko WNW of Olomouc). Nuclear DNA contents (± Sx) were determined for P. vulgare (2C = 29.00 ± 0.32 pg), P. ×mantoniae (2C = 37.18 ± 0.38 pg) and P. interjectum (2C = 45.24 ± 0.31 pg) using a PAS Partec GmbH flow cytometer (PI staining / standard Vicia faba, 2C = 26.9 pg). The relative DNA content ratio was measured in all pairs of taxa (± Sx range), i.e. P. ×mantoniae : P. vulgare = 1.340 ± 0.008; P. interjectum : P. vulgare = 1.681 ± 0.003; P. interjectum : P. ×mantoniae = 1.255 ± 0.008. Six new localities for Polypodium interjectum were found in the region of Moravský Kras (= Moravian Karst, N of Brno). From the PI/DAPI index it can be inferred that the AT/GC ratio (or heterochromatin occurrence) is 1.05× bigger in P. ×mantoniae than in P. vulgare and 1.08× bigger in P. interjectum than in P. vulgare. Anatomical data (number of thick- walled cells in the anulus, spore length and stomata length) of selected specimens and live samples from the Czech Republic were in good agreement with the range of variation of these features published by earlier authors from other European countries. A brief historical survey of the knowledge of P. interjectum in the Czech Republic is included.
Monografie podrobně sleduje vývoj činohry prvního stálého českého divadla, jež bylo důležitou zkušební scénou původní dramatické literatury a školou celé herecké generace.