After a brief discussion of Creative reasoning modelling significance
for transportation reliability modelling this páper continues by a discussion of-the known applicable techniques of creativity modelling. Because tlie most significant one seems to be analogical and associative reasoning, a unified model of analogical and associative reasoning is presented. Dne to its real-time capabilities, the model enables to model reasoning under the condition of a processing capacity limitation (and concluding the increase of producing mistaking reactions).
The paper presented deals with a met,hod of calculation of Qualitative Behaviours Sirnilarity Measure. At the beginning, the measure of the qualitative distance of qualitative States in a given time-point is defined. Then the páper solves practical problems of landmark sets unification. Cornpared qualitative behaviours are each described by a different set of landmarks and distinguished time-points. All work is surnmarised in a rneasure of the similarity definition and the algorithm of similarity calculation.