Carotenoids (Car) regulate energy flow in photosynthesis by a specific Car-chlorophyll (Chl) interaction in the singlet-excited states, leading to a reduction in Chl fluorescence. We studied quenching of Chl a-fluorescence in benzene by trans-β-carotene. Non-linear analysis of the quenching process enables to explain the possible molecular mechanism leading to the de-excitation of Chl a. The fluorescence intensity was measured at 670 nm for excitation wavelengths of 380, 430, 640, and 650 nm. The β -carotene concentrations ranged from 4×10-5 M to 5×10-3 M. When the samples were excited at 640 and 650 nm, the Stern-Volmer plots showed that the quenching process has high rate constants, hence β-carotene is a very efficient quencher. Two different types of quenching process could take place. and D. M. Gazdaru, B. Iorga.