The history of understanding xenoparasitic complexes or xenomas provoked in the host cell by various protists and especially by microsporidia is outlined. Microsporidia have been known to produce xenomas in oligochaetes (e.g., genera Bacillidium, Burkea, Hrabyeia, Jirovecia, species of the collective group Microsporidium), crustaceans (e.g., Abelspora, Mrazekia), insects (e.g., Polydispyrenia, Thelohania) and poikilothermic vertebrates, mostly fish (Alloglugea, Amazonspora, Glugea, Ichthyosporidium, Loma, Microfilum, Microgemma, Neonosemoides, Pseudoloma, Spraguea, Tetramicra). An overview of characters of xenomas caused by species of these genera is presented. The study of microsporidia causing xenomas in fish offers an insight into cell pathology and is of interest since many of these species are important agents of diseases in commercial fish. Xenomas produced from a few types of target cell display a complete change of organisation of the host cell and differ, according to the agent, in their structure. Recent data show that proliferation of the parasite may have already started in the cells transporting the parasites to the final site of xenoma formation. However, these are preliminary revelations and most of the facets of the life cycle are still to be clarified. Curiously, xenoma-forming microsporidia do not seem to be strictly host specific. The salient features of fish microsporidian xenomas are discussed, such as role of the xenoma, whether its features are host- or microsporidium-dependent, development and demise of the xenoma in the course of time, and host reaction phenomena. The need of further research is emphasised.
A new species, Sphaeromyxa noblei sp. n., is described from Heteroclinus whiteleggii (Perciformes: Clinidae), a marine fish from the coast of New South Wales in Australia. This raises the number of Sphaeromyxa species to 38; their list is presented. The species is characterised by a layer of branched glycostyles, which is about 2.4 µm thick and is a feature rather unique in Myxosporea. Pansporoblasts form one or two spores. The study of ultrastructure of this species and of those described to date result in recognition of a combination of patterns characterising the genus: plasmodia have marked surface projections, the endoplasm is full of vacuoles larger than in any other myxosporean genus, and contains a special kind of cells, the lobocytes. Sections through polar capsule reveal different appearance of subsequent stretches of the polar filament unlike in other Myxosporea.
Four myxosporean species were found on the gills of Ictiobus bubalus from Illinois (USA). Myxobolus endovasus (Davis, 1947) Grinham et Cone, 1990 is revised. Three new species are recorded. Myxobolus enoblei sp. n. has spores ovoid in frontal view, 14.3 x 13 pm in size. Myxobolus morrisonae sp. n. has spores subcircular in frontal view, 10 x 9.5 pm in size; the surface of shell valves appears hairy when studied by SEM. Triangula illinoisensis sp. n. has spores rounded semicircular in frontal view, 10.2 x 12.8 pm in size. Triangula illinoisensis is the fourth species of its genus to be described from fishes.
A list of myxozoan genera is presented in the current taxonomical scheme. These genera are defined; their type species and most important pathogens along with their hosts are listed. Simultaneously, definitions of actinospore stages representing sexual stages of the myxosporean life cycle are given; altogether, 17 actinospore collective groups with 180 types have been described. Life cycles of the two classes of the phylum Myxozoa, Malacosporea and Myxosporea, are briefly outlined with specification of the appropriate terms. Up to now, 4 malacosporean and 2,180 myxosporean species assigned to a total of 62 genera, have been established. The surviving classification of myxosporeans, based on spore morphology, is discussed in the context of the still fragmentary data resulting from SSU rDNA sequence analyses. The main task for the future is a rigorous, detailed morphological description combined with molecular techniques in establishment of new species and in revision of the existing ones. Establishment of a classification acceptable from morphological, biological and phylogenetical viewpoints is necessary.
A myxosporean species found to develop in the liver of 10 out of 24 common shrews, Sorex araneus L., caught in South Bohemia, Czech Republic, was identified as Soricimyxum fegati Prunescu, Prunescu, Pucek et Lom, 2007, the unique representative of the genus and the first myxosporean species known to develop from plasmodia to spores in a terrestrial mammal. The original description of this species, based on fixed material, is supplemented with new data based on fresh material and with partial sequence of SSU rDNA (GenBank Acc. No. EU232760). Phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA revealed that S. fegati is closely related to myxosporeans infecting gall bladders of freshwater fish.